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    What's With The Inconsistency (Brock Lesnar/Rock/Crowd Reactions)?

    First and Foremost on the subject of why Brock came back. It isn't financial. He made a TON of money with UFC and is set. He came back b/c he loves the spotlight. I honestly believe it's easy as that. And as for why he left UFC, it wasn't because he sucked. His body let him down. Watch...
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    Cryptic "01/02/2012" Video - Chris Jericho Returns- KEEP IT IN HERE! - NO SPAMMING!

    This is what's wrong with todays wrestling crowd. The IWC has killed it and people lose interest. The vignettes are awesome if pulled off right and this started perfectly. No acknowledgement of it on the broadcast, just intrigue. This one is pure fucking genius. It's not like the...
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    If You Can Be Released/Future Endeavor'd On A Whim, What's The Point Of A Contract?

    It's called "At Will Employment." Pretty much every corporation has that in their contract. It says that an individual can be fired without just cause at any given time. This is what these guys have. It says that this is what you will earn during this contract and these are what your...
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    Awesome Truth After Survivor Series?

    The Rock wrestled for the first time in 7 years. NO WAY IN HELL that he doesn't hit the PE for the win. Anyone who thinks otherwise is either ******ed or...well the IWC. Awesome Truth have a conspiracy theory and this plays perfectly into it. In no time I see both of these men with the tag...
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    Pick A Celebrity Who Could Make It Long Term With The WWE

    Quinton "Rampage" Jackson would be AMAZING in the WWE. The guy is built like a rock, mega athletic and has TONS of personality. If I was Vince I'd throw the world at this guy and make him the mouth piece of the WWE. Dude would be GOLD!!
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    The Return of WCW Is Upon Us...

    Vince HATES World Championship Wrestling and it took how long for him to allow it to be even put on the website? Yeah, not a chance in hell this happens. Great theory, but not anywhere near possible.
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    **Merged** Walkout, No Confidence & All Conspiracy Discussion (KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!!)

    Well...this is weird because the C.O.O. is in charge of the WWE, not just Raw. So that being said, what happens on SmackDown? Are we business as usual and the WWE just pretends that HHH is the Raw GM? I think everyone will be there but someone will address the situation (Johnny Ace) and then...
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    **Merged** Walkout, No Confidence & All Conspiracy Discussion (KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!!)

    Holy shit someone said something intelligent! Don't be a smark. It's a storyline. Ignorant? No. Learn what ignorant means. Did it kill it's momentum tonight? Yes, yes it did. The show should have ended with Vincent Kennedy McMahons music hitting and him strutting out onto the stage. The...
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    Could Ric Flair Come Back To WWE Due To Problems Within Impact Wrestling?

    He's a wreck. Period. He's not being a diva, he genuinely believes he's worth MUCH more than he is. He was a great character in his time but now he looks a mess, he talks a mess and he "wrestles" a mess. There's no reason to bring him in at this point. He made you look stupid with the whole...
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    Should The Undertaker Win The IC Belt?

    Being a "grand slam" champion in this day in age isn't that big of an accomplishment. How many titles do they have in the E at this point in time? If there was still a WCW and a WWE then maybe we think about it but unfortunately in this day in age when there are SO many titles and SO many...
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    How Would You Solve The Problem?

    I believe it's a wrestler cut from a certain mold i.e. Batista, Cena, Ryan, etc. Big dudes who spend more time in the gym than most. I semi agree with people throwing around that stigma since most established guys (CM Punk, Rey Mysterio,Bryan) are guys who have come along and have either been...
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    Which WWE Superstars Do You See Potential In, But Need Time Off To Improve Ring Work?

    This may be the most intelligent thing I've ever read on this site. Sending him down to work with other non great in ring technicians is stupid. And to the individual that says his in ring style is on par with Barrett and such, that is a fair point. But here's the thing. This dude could be...
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    WCW Site

    WWE dropped all references to "War" in 2001. Raw Zone has nothing to do with "War Zone." It's the area that Raw is happening hence the Raw Zone. That's what a zone is. If I'm wrong I'll own up to it but Vince made a pretty big deal after 9/11 and the whole Afghan/Iraq war saying that these...
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    The Devils Playground aka HIAC

    At the EARLIEST we will see Taker at the Rumble. They want him to have that Mania push and in order to do the best they can to guarantee his well being for the big show they can't have him anywhere NEAR the WWE for the moment. Besides, it was what, 2 months ago the deadman had no hair. So in...
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    Better Moment: Punk's Promo or The Rock's Return?

    I somewhat agree with Fish but for the moment when your hair stands on end, it was the Rock coming back. A lot of us live on the IWC but I make it a point to only check it from time to time so I didn't expect the Rock to show up at all. When the lights went out and the lightning was flashing I...
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    MITB Pattern/Formula?

    Anyone who thinks that Daniel Bryan will EVER be able to cash in that brief case is very delusional. Daniel(son) will end up losing that briefcase ala Mr. Kennedy before Mania and my guess is he's going to lose it to....Wade Barrett. Barrett showed that he can play in the Main Event playground...
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    Conspiracy Storyline - KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!

    Vince sent the text to Kevin Nash. It will be Vince coming back and "undermining" Mr. H's and Mr. H's will side with Punk. Kevin will end up wrestling Punk at Royal Rumble or something about there.
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    Jerry Lawler Making Fat Jokes

    You people do know that isn't Jerry Lawler doing that because he wants to right? You do understand that Vincent Kennedy McMahon tells them what to say essentially? He wants them to harp on her weight/annoyingness/life. Don't hate Lawler for completely ignoring the whole Anti Bullying...
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    Are they burying The Miz?

    So when you say the Miz was phenomenally over are you talking about the time that he spoke or his music hit and no one in the arena did anything? I'm pretty sure that's not over. I'm pretty sure when he was the title no one really cared. The end of EVERY Raw in which himself and Cena went...
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    Are they burying The Miz?

    They did it to Jack Swagger to see if he could carry the big one. Now they're doing it with Miz. Swagger sucked with the title and was boring. The only good part was people making fun of him. The Miz is getting better yes but he's not THE guy at this point. I think he'll be a high mid...