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    Rousey to WWE?

    Well Ronda Rousey got her clock cleaned in under a minute in her big UFC comeback fight last night and that looks to be it for her. She reminded me a lot of Chris Eubank, the British boxer from the 80s and 90s who had a fantastic undefeated streak going until he got annihilated in Ireland by...
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    Brock's next opponent? You decide.

    It might be at the Royal Rumble, it might be before that, but who do you think is next in line to face the Beast and why?
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    What company resets do you want to see happen after Wrestlemania?

    The night after Wrestlemania is often hyped, sometimes overhyped in my opinion, as the night WWE resets its calendar and starts from scratch creatively. Sure Wrestlemania feuds often carry on until the next PPV but you do often gets things like big debuts (Paige, Goldberg, Umaga, Brock, Mankind...
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    How is Tommy Dreamer cleared to wrestle and Bryan isn't?

    Tommy was on Austin's podcast a while back and talked about having something like 16 concussions during his career. He said he has suffered terrible memory loss as a result, has blackouts and so on as a result of unprotected chair shots and the extreme style he worked throughout his career. I...
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    Repackage a current WWE wrestler

    We all like to complain about character directions for some of the roster from time to time (well, almost always) so how about taking a stab at creating a gimmick for a NXT wrestler or in repackaging someone from the main roster. I have a gimmick in mind that would be a mix of Orton's legend...
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    Brock at Wrestlemania - who is he going to face?

    and who do you want him to face? I think this is one of Vince's biggest issues heading in to Wrestlemania season. Brock is one of his biggest draws, arguably his top draw, and I don't see a natural opponent for him that people would buy as being credible. I don't see them going back to Brock v...
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    Your worst ever face or heel turn

    The thread on the Austin Wrestlemania 17 turn got me wondering what everyone would put forward as their choice for the worst ever babyface/heel turn? Would you go with Austin at Wrestlemania 17 or something else? Personally, I thought the time was right for Austin to turn so I'm okay with that...
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    Would you watch a one hour WWE Network women's wrestling show?

    Here's the problem I have with the Divas Revolution on the main roster. Vince will not give the currently loaded women's roster enough time to really progress storylines. I know this is probably a bad week for it, coming off Paige and Charlotte ending Raw (though I'd argue the middle hour of Raw...
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    The problem with Get Everyone On The Card matches

    I was sitting back yesterday and wondering about the women's match for next year's Wrestlemania and what would be the ideal scenario. For me I'd go with one of three matches, each of them would be for the women's title as well. Sascha Banks vs Bayley Sascha Banks vs Charlotte Sascha Banks...
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    Recommend a specific episode of a podcast

    I have dipped in and out of podcasts from Austin, JR and Cobana from time to time but I was wondering if there are any specific episodes people would recommend? A good interview JR did, Austin and Flair's one, some of Tazz's stuff or anything at all really?
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    Undertaker collapses after match, is it time to say enough is enough?

    Footage of Undertaker collapsing after his match last night on Twitter has emerged. Basically, you see him walking towards the back after the match, he seems unsteady on his feet and leans against the Summerslam hoardings before falling to one knee. Here it is...
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    Is the length of a superstar's run a problem in today's WWE?

    Amidst all the teeth gnashing about WWE becoming stale, about creative dropping the ball on certain guys or about the dead zone that is Summerslam to Royal Rumble, you rarely see this topic discussed. So today I'm asking, is the longevity of modern WWE wrestlers actually a big problem for...
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    Pull the trigger on The New Day as this year's Money In The Bank winner

    I know the obvious prediction here is for Roman Reigns to grab the suitcase to set up a cash in at some later point but I honestly think that is a terrible idea. Reigns is still a potential big deal and having his first title win be a cash in, or having him turn heel with a cash in on a face...
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    What if....Bryan had kept the belt after Summerslam 2013?

    I was explaining the Yes Movement (well really why Batista's last run flopped) to someone yesterday who isn't much of a wrestling fan any more and how it was the fans backlash against the WWE's mishandling of Daniel Bryan that caused it all. That fans were up in arms about Bryan's mistreatment...
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    Could a Bray Wyatt face turn work right now?

    Rumour has it that the person who Wyatt has been talking about as his next target will be revealed tonight. Reports I've read said it is a toss up between Ryback, Ziggler, Reigns or, and this is where it gets interesting, Triple H. It sounds implausible but if you look at what Wyatt said last...
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    Casual observation about Triple H

    Ever notice he doesn't show up on the night after Raw to face the smark crowd? Nothing much to it but it's something I've noticed from him throughout the years, he will rarely get in front of a crowd that you'd assume would be openly hostile to him. I say assume because I don't think the...
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    What has Vince's booking of Reigns done to his confidence?

    Anyone who has caught the end of last night's Raw must have noted how odd it was that Roman Reigns, the guy whose chase of the title is supposed to be headlining Wrestlemania, was only on screen for the last two minutes and that in that time he didn't say one word or throw one punch. You can...
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    Are WWE fighting a losing battle with Reigns as a face champion

    First off this isn't an anti-Reigns post, I feel that WWE Creative have really mismanaged the guy's career at a time when he needed them most and that they are the ones that have done damage to his career. Everything that has happened to Roman since he has returned could have been easily masked...
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    What do you consider to be the biggest wrestling match of your lifetime?

    Was reading a good article on Sting today and how his Starrcade 97 match with Hollywood Hogan drew the same buyrate as Macho Man v Hulk Hogan from Wrestlemania V, which was then the highest grossing PPV of all time. Got me thinking as to what was the biggest match in my lifetime and what even...
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    Does Tweener booking work?

    I remember months back, could even be over a year now, where backstage reports said that the WWE were going with a more tweener style of booking, guys who aren't quite heels and aren't quite faces. I know lots of people think the nWo or the Attitude Era ushered in that style of wrestler but it...