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  1. W

    David Otunga: I Smell A Conspiracy

    I totally fail to see the conspiracy with how Otunga is being used. Nor do I find it racist or stereotypical in anyway. Comparing him to Virgil, or calling his gimmick a house boy is stretching by far. They simply incorporated his real life law degree from Harvard into his character. I see...
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    What will close the show?

    Putting Rock VS Cena on last seems like a no brainer to me, for many reasons. After all it has been promoted as the man event, since the day after last years Wrestlemania. The build up to Wrestlemania the last few week. Has been primarily focused on Rock and Cena going back and forth. This is by...
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    TMZ: Kharma Did NOT Have Her Baby

    My heart goes out to her and her fiance. My wife and have gone through losing a pregnancy. It was by far the worst thing, I've been through in my life. As hard as it was on me, it was even harder on my wife. Like Jack Hammer said, there's an even stronger bond between mother and child. Kia...
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    Who would you like to see induct Edge intothe WWE Hall Of Fame?

    There's no doubt Christian is the obvious choice to induct Edge. There's other people like Lita, Vickie Guerrero, Orton, and Cena. That have played a big part in the later part of his career. However Christian has been there from the beginning of his career. They've been best friends since they...
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    Unpredictability or Sense?

    Sometimes in wrestling it makes more sense in the grand scheme of things to go the predictable route. This is one of those cases in my opinion. Even the most die hard loyal TNA fans were questioning their logic. When they chose to not go the predictable route at Bound for Glory by having Roode...
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    Time to get rid of the EC PPV?

    I definitely don't think they should get rid of the Elimination Chamber. It has become an important staple on the road to Wrestlemania. The whole purpose of having the Chamber match on the PPV before. Is to add to the build of Wrestlemania, and makes headlining it. Look that much more important...
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    **MERGED** John Cena & The Rock: Match fallout, etc.*KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!*

    I think many fans feel The Rock was never as passionate about wrestling as he has said he is. He got into wrestling after his football career ended due to injuries and left to become an actor as soon as he got the opportunity. Not coming back for seven years and distancing himself from the Rock...
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    TV Shows You Don't Care About Anymore

    There's been quite a few shows I've given up on over the years. The main one I'll go with here is House. I was a huge fan of the show for the first several seasons, never missing an episode. It was a refreshing take on the medical drama. The main characters had great depth, and the writing was...
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    *Merged* All Tag Team Division Discussion

    It definitely wouldn't hurt to bring Harry Smith back, to reform the Hart Dynasty and Haas and Benjamin. Or even just Benjamin to form a team with someone else. They have many guys that are very talented, but barely get any TV time. In my opinion they would be better off in the long run forming...
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    World Heavyweight Championship match discussion

    I could definitely see Christian walking out of the Elimination Chamber with the title. Thus being the one Sheamus challenges at Wrestlemania. They were in a feud when Christian got injured in a match against him. So they have a storyline with more history to work with right away going into...
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    "The End of The World as You Know it"

    Just like Davi323 said Jericho is a heel, heels say things all the time that don't happen. I don't see how the angle needs saving yet. It really just started last night when he attacked Punk. It's simple his next promo will be about him not Punk being the best in the world, and how Punk's world...
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    WWE Apparently Done With Evan Bourne

    I would be far more shocked if he isn't released, than I would be if he is. A guy his size is extremely lucky to have ever been signed by WWE. Much less receive the pushes he's had in the past and the current one as tag champion. To test positive twice in such a short time period. Indicates...
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    What do you miss the most about WCW?

    The main things I miss about WCW are the cruiser weight division for one. In my opinion it's the only thing WCW always did better than WWF. The WWF had some talented wrestlers in their Cruiser weight/light heavyweight division at times. But nothing even close to the talent WCW had nor did they...
  14. W

    **MERGED** Evan Bourne Suspension Discussion- Keep it All in Here!!!

    I really doubt he's trying to get released on purpose by failing drug tests. If he wanted out so bad he could simply asked to be released. Besides if he wanted to be released it would have happened by now. When someone fails for the second time they have to agree to go to rehab or be fired. If...
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    Why Doesn't WWE Raid TNA?

    I think one of the main reasons WWE doesn't raid TNA's talent. Is they simply don't need talent desperately. If they did Vince McMahon would be trying to sign all of TNA's top talent and run them out of business. Just like he did to the old territories back in the day.They have an overabundance...
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    Should Ziggler have broke character?

    There's no way he should of broken character and let Cena help Ryder. He's on the verge of becoming one of the top heels in the company. It would of made no sense and would make him look weak as a heel to show compassion for the guy he was just feuding with. The only time a heel would show...
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    I am declaring myself an independent.

    I'm also going independent from the ABC party. I can't vote for Dagger after reading many of his posts and his campaign speech.
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    Jumping Ship

    I'm also jumping ship I joined the ABC party to support Habs, but I have decided I just can't support Dagger. I feel both Coco and Crock will be great mods. At this point I haven't decided which one to vote for.
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    Why hate The Rock and not Jericho?

    I think many fans feel The Rock was never as passionate about wrestling as he has said he is. He got into wrestling after his football career ended due to injuries and left to become an actor as soon as he got the opportunity. Not coming back for seven years and distancing himself from the Rock...
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    Biggest Pet Peeve Attending Live Wrestling Shows?

    Assholes like this guy that have no respect for anyone else ruin live events for me. Of course you have every right to boo whom ever you want, but have some respect for other people especially children. Only a real dick would get a kick out of ruining a family's night. They paid money also to be...