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  1. H

    AOL/Time Warner Merger: The Last Nail in WCW's Coffin

    I have a horse....that horse used to win me lots of races and make lots of money.....that horse is now lame with three just costs me money to keep it going with no return whatsoever on my outlays....I have the choice between turning the horse into glue or keep paying it's stable...
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    The Year 2000: WCW Is On It's Death Bed

    I still don't understand people saying Saturn was a good wrestler as, due to injuries etc, he'd lost most of the stuff that made him look great in ECW and when he first joined WCW. Benoit and Guerrero I get, as they could go. Malenko's biggest plus was that he managed to get an agents job in WWE...
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    Owen & Austin: Reopening Old Wounds

    1) Austin was pretty much on course to be the biggest star in the WWF by that point, if I'd gone through the shit he'd gone through to get there, I'd probably hold a grudge as think of the years of his career he lost due to Owen screwing up. Even after he died it still doesn't change what he...
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    If there had been no injuries or withdrawals, who would've won Brawl for All?

    There was an interview with Ken Shamrock in Power Slam magazine a few years ago where he confirmed he was asked to take part in BFA but he turned it down because these guys had gone out of their way to help him adapt to WWE and he didn't want to repay them by using his UFC background to...
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    The Best Repackaging Of The Modern Era

    One of the best repackaging jobs ever is still John cena. He took a piss take Vanilla Ice comedy thing and turned it into THE man. More recently I'd give props to Zack Ryder....he went from an Edgehead to being given whatever the hell Woo Woo Woo is and he just embraced it and would've done...
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    Biggest Wrestlemania Drop-Off in WWE History

    I have to go with Sid. From main eventing WM8 and being seen as THE next big thing to not even being with the company by the time Summerslam 92 rolled around, let alone WM9. He did it again a few years later too, main eventing WM13 through to not surviving to Summerslam 97 and not even being...
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    Former WWE talent that made it BIG after leaving

    I'm going to pick Scott Hall...yeah he had a pretty good career in WWE but look at what he did when he went to WCW. He helped change the entire business (for good and bad) and was one of the top names in the biggest boom period in wrestling history... just for how his wages went up outside WWE...
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    Davey Boy Smith as WWE Champion

    Would've loved the Bulldog to be world champion but, honestly, his legacy didn't need it. There isn't a hope that any uk wrestler can match his level of popularity. I'm more peeved he's not in the HOF yet as his career warrants it. I can only assume they'd be looking at putting the bulldogs in...
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    Lex Luger Should Have A DVD

    His career has been interesting but, honestly, don't think he'll get a dvd. They're cutting back on their releases as it is and, between his problems in the past and the fact that, apart from appearing on the first Nitro, he doesn't have enough weight to his career to generate enough revenue...
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    Could Jim Niedhart have "made it" as a solo wrestler?

    To me, Neidhart, as a single wrestler, was about one step up from Mr Hughes in terms of "who gives a fuck". He was a squat fat guy, who could shout but wasn't particularly charismatic and, in the ring, couldn't work for shit. Look at it this way, Summerslam 97 was built around the Hart...
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    Should Donald Trump still be in the WWE HoF?

    Remove a guy who could soon be the most powerful person in the world, with a history of being vindictive from the HOF? That'd be just plain stupid on WWE's part. Plus it's just allegations at present
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    Challenge UK Dropping TNA

    When Challenge notices your 2016 production values are pissed all over by Bullseye....AND your compute graphics make Mr Chips on the Catchphrase re-reuns look cutting edge, then you can see why TNA got shit-canned by Challenge. Although Gold could always use the old episodes of TNA as a kind of...
  13. H

    Injury vary from wrestler to wrestler

    Steiner's is easy to explain....when you inject your body with that many illegal substances, things is gonna break easier and your movement is going to decrease. Plus his style in the early 90s was brutal and, eventually, it caught up with him. Savage again, is easy. He was in good shape but...
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    Tony Schiavone/Bobby Heenan beef in WCW, and who was the weak link?

    Heenan was the WCW weak link. Yeah he was more talented than Tony but, in WCW, he clearly didn't give even half a fuck about the shit he was having to call and he let it show in his work, pretty much to the point that I have no idea why he wasn't fired for his highly unprofessional attitude...
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    Come Together: The Most Confusing Song Ever!

    The chorus seems like some sort of wish to partake in *******
  16. H

    NWO and Randy Savage

    The nWo was THE lead heel act in WCW, DDP needed to beat a name member of the nWo to realistically be seen as a threat to the group. Savage seemed to be the highest up the nWo pecking order who fit that bill.... Yeah I'd say Savage being nWo did help his feud with DDP (at least from DDP's end)...
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    Chris Daniels the higher power

    I was going on Google to see if there was another Christopher Daniels that wrestled in 1999 because it sure as shit couldn't have been the one who was in TNA that Russo would've suggested. Didn't Russo take the piss out of him just being only interested in 5 star matches rather then character...
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    nWo 20th Anniversary: Your Favourite Moments

    The fingerpoke of doom....yeah it ended up being the beginning of the end but, at the time, I loved that there was finally an elite nWo without all the extra shite and they looked like they had the long-term Hogan vs Goldberg match all set up with Hall, Nash etc as roadblocks on the way....Then...
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    TNA Unveil Big Addition to Roster: Aron Rex (Formerly Damien Sandow)

    In the ring he's a less high flying Christian and, on the mike, I'd say he's similar as well. Let's hope they use him half as well as they did Mr Cage back in the day
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    The Final Deletion

    Dear TNA, your DVDs are generally shite. Please release the entire new Matt Hardy vs Brother Nero as a DVD set with everything as "Directors cuts" with alternative commentary by Matt (in character) I want to buy it