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    AS 126 - Vega vs Ace Stevens

    Oh-men Thousands upon thousands of human beings are assembled on the grounds of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Once upon a time, this address was synonymous with the executive branch of the United States of America - a civilisation which enjoyed tremendous power and wealth centuries previous...
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    LL - EurAsian Championship Titus (c) vs Triple X vs Keaton vs Stevens

    Ace Stevens: An Introspective Retrospective (or The Sad Clown Synopsis: How Ace Stevens Saved My Life) I had never met Ace before. But, in a roundabout way, I feel as though we'd always known each other. In what is, presumably, a stressful time for the surprisingly young wrestler, I...
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    How did you get your fed name?

    Stan is an old man's name. Rogers is a tough man's name. Put them together and boom! You've got Stan Rogers. Dice Clay. Deuce. Domino. Ace Stevens comes from a long lineage of bros who have gambling related names. The Stevens just fits nicely. It's got that three-syllable thang going on. Like...
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    Steel Cage Forums: A Wrestling Forum That Won't Make You Sick And Kill You

    Congratulations on not understanding how language works. Words evolve and their meanings change. No. Because I don't get my politics from a cartoon for "edgy" teenagers.
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    MD 148 – Ace Stevens vs Triple X

    The Narrator presents Ace Stevens in “Big In Japan!” The sunning is bright and beaming outside the Tokyo Dome. Ace Stevens and his cameraman, Bob, are outside the stadium’s main entrance along with a variety of excitable Japanese fans. Boombox in hand, Ace addresses the viewers of his...
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    AS 124 - Mark Keaton vs. Ace Stevens

    The Narrator presents Ace Stevens in “Bottled Ace: An Infomercial” Ace Stevens is standing alone in front of a green screen. Don’t worry though. It will be edited in post-production to something more suitably American. Like the Star-Spangled Banner or a bacon double-cheeseburger eating...
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    Meltdown Madness / Ascension Anarchy RP Pool

    The Narrator presents "Let the Gods Decide My Fate" Janet is sat at her desk. The same desk she sits at everyday (except, of course, when the office is closed for weekends and public holidays). The office decor is drab and placid. It's a miracle even the cacti grow in such an inhospitable...
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    Unscripted: Milenko vs. Ace Stevens vs. Yemrez Reqonic vs. War Zone

    The Narrator presents Ace Stevens in "Ace’s Day at the Zoo" "How many toddlers could you beat up?" "Consecutively or simultaneously?" "Simultaneously, obviously." "20. Somewhere in that region." This is the delightful choice of conversation for Ace Stevens and his long time...
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    MD 145 - Yemrez Reqonic & Ace Stevens versus War Zone & Milenko

    The Narrator presents Ace Stevens in "Ameerika ja Eesti" Paks Margareeta. Or, in English, Fat Margareeta. A beloved Estonian landmark and not - as Ace Stevens thought - an obscure Italian sex act. The building has a long, rich and deep history. Originally built in the early sixteenth...
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    AS 121 - Ace Stevens versus Callie Clark (Non-Title)

    Graveside Here lies Stanley Rogers. That was all the tombstone read. No date of death. Certainly no date of birth, for even Stan himself was never truly sure. He was convinced he was born sometime in the summer, but the year was most definitely up for debate. There were no flowers...
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    WZCW Predictions

    Constantine, Titus & Tyrone Blades Randy Studd Ace Stevens Batti Lynx & Eve Taylor Matt Tastic Joe West Kagura Vox
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    MD 143 - War Zone versus Ace Stevens versus Anthony Mancini

    The Narrator presents Ace Stevens in “The Phone Call” It has been a number of days since WZCW held its 10th Anniversary show. Right now, Tony Mancini is likely somewhere in New York City, training to be the best professional wrestler he can be. Possibly using his infant child as a...
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    WZCW Discussion Thread

    Hey guys! Now that I'm officially back, I can finally say hi. I've been away for like 3.5 years so for any new people who don't know me, I'm Dan. My character, Ace Stevens, is a six-time world champion, a two-time Hall of Famer and has main evented Kingdom Come a record 11 times. If anyone...
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    Name Change Request (Please read Requesting Rules)

    Daniel Please and thank you.
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    AS74: Demon Foreigners vs. Ace Stevens & Isabel Stone

    Ace Stevens On This Day // Monsters - New Utopia, USA August 17th, 2069 - Ace Stevens is standing at the bus stop with his grandson. As the yellow bus hovers towards the stop, he offers some words of advice to the youngster, who couldn't be any older than seven years of age. “And what...
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    Pick the KFAD Entrant

    Everyone really brought their best this round. I'm going with Diabolos. It takes balls to write something like that. Got mad respect for Red Skull.
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    WZCW Discussion Thread

    Thanks a lot, guys. Very kind of you. It looks like the forum only allows pictures of a certain size. So to whomever it may concern, here’s my RP in all it’s HD glory...
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    MD97: Ace Stevens vs. Matt Tastic (King for a Day Qualifier)

    The Diary of Lewis Middleton 5th December, 2013 - 12:34 It had been a good while since I had seen Ace. His new-found partnership with Stan Rogers had yielded good results for him and I wasn't prepared to stand in the way of his success. The relationship was, at times, odd. I'll admit...
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    One Last Stand: Total Mayhem - S.H.I.T. (c) vs. Ace Stevens (Elite X Championship)

    Ace Stevens (professional wrestler, American and now the number one contender to the WZCW Elite X Championship) is stood alone in his living room, staring directly into a video camera he has set-up on a tripod. “Barbosa! Where you watching me, Barbosa? Did you see what I did to Ricky Runn? I...