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  1. W

    Does Taker get a goodbye?

    I'd like to see Taker start a feud (not sure with who, but possibly Kane could be an option for his final match) The whole point of the feud is his opponent is saying he is too old and will end his career etc. Undertaker tells opponent that oh himself will determine when his carter is over...
  2. W

    WWE RAW LD 2/14/2011 - Finally?

    OFFENSIVE? For saying that i think Sting will come to WWE? Your easily offended.
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    WWE RAW LD 2/14/2011 - Finally?

    Why you gonna ban me? For having an opinion!!! I'm watching the same programme as everyone else so this is my opinion - not a Spoiler!!!
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    WWE RAW LD 2/14/2011 - Finally?

    Just seen the new promo. Taker is IN the house...Who's outside in the rain! STING STING STING
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    WWE RAW LD 2/14/2011 - Finally?

    LOL i totally agree - does she not understand how the microphone in her hand works!
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    WWE RAW LD 2/14/2011 - Finally?

    Yoshi does nothing on Raw for 18 months....then gets to kiss Maryce
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    WWE RAW LD 2/14/2011 - Finally?

    Horneswaggle...That counts as peadophillia (excuse the spelling guys)
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    WWE RAW LD 2/14/2011 - Finally?

    YOSHI TATSU gets a 3 second spot on Raw
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    WWE RAW LD 2/14/2011 - Finally?

    Ariel Winter...Fuck Off
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    WWE RAW LD 2/14/2011 - Finally?

    Miz mentions Lawler's Mother's passing! Surpised - even Cole/Matthews never mentioned it at the start to explain why the Burger King isn't there!!!
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    WWE RAW LD 2/14/2011 - Finally?

    Miz beats the BORING Daniel Bryan
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    WWE RAW LD 2/14/2011 - Finally?

    IT'S KONG, IT'S KONG, IT'S KONG......Oh wait, no it's just Mark Henry
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    WWE RAW LD 2/14/2011 - Finally?

    I still think Sting will debut next week. Taker will come to the ring, then Sting will be spotted standing on top of the Titantron.
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    WWE RAW LD 2/14/2011 - Finally?

    The crowd is officially all asleep
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    WWE RAW LD 2/14/2011 - Finally?

    I'm in the UK and they did not show the new promo over here - we just had a commercial
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    WWE RAW LD 2/14/2011 - Finally?

    Vickie is quality
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    WWE RAW LD 2/14/2011 - Finally?

    Who's looking forward to Sting on Raw next week!
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    WWE RAW LD 2/14/2011 - Finally?

    Decent match to open with tonight.
  19. W

    WWE RAW LD 2/14/2011 - Finally?

    They are awaiting the arrival of the gueat host!!! This could mean it's not the Rock - He aint gonna be there tonight