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  1. K

    Punk comparison to a Austin (new spin)

    Unfortunately i wasn't around to see the meteoric rise of Austin, but was there to see him on top of the WWE. Now as we all know, there are constant, non stop comparisons between Austin and Punk and their rise to the top, post groundbreaking promo It's pretty clear to see that CM Punk has...
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    Whats wrong with wrestling today (please don't move)

    *NOTE TO MODS* Please dont move this to "wwe complaints" as it is not a complaint about a wwe storyline, or character, it is more a general critique on the WWE of today. As all of you are fully aware, we are in a PG era. The nature of a PG era ofcourse is directly linked to the show being...
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    Your Favourite Comedy Promo And Quote

    Hey guys. Since the dawn of mainstream wrestling, comedy has been a consistant aspect shown throughout the ages. Whether it was Piper being a funny heel, Macho Man cutting his crazy promos, DX doing their comedy stuff, The Rock mocking other wrestler, Booker T and Goldust in their skits or...
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    WCW - Seven, what could have been

    For those of you that dont know, Rhodes returned to World Championship Wrestling in 1999, filming several vignettes for a fantastical, face-painted character named Seven. These vignettes contained ominous footage of Rhodes in full makeup standing outside of a child's bedroom window. He was...
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    Jeff Hardy's New Gimmick

    Hey guys. So it is obvious to just about everyone that when Jeff Hardy returns; he will not jump back into immortal and be "the antichrist of proffesional wrestling". It is most likely that TNA will try to spin his victory road incident into their favour (controversy creates ca$h anyone)...
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    The Heels dont get enough recognition

    If i were to ask the question, who were the faces of WWE been since its mainstream era (ie. 80s onwards) everyone would be able to rattle off the same 6 names: Hogan--->Hart + Michaels---> Austin + Rock--->Cena Being the face of the WWE is invariably linked with the idea of carrying the...
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    The Booking of SD!'s Champions

    To start this thread off, i am only going to talk about the Intercontinental and the World Heavyweight Championship... For a while now, maybe 2 months, Cody Rhodes has been in a fued with Ezekiel Jackson. Now i have nothing against this fued, i think its a both way to get both people over...
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    WCW's best talent, that was never pushed

    So one thing that we constantly hear about WcW is that it failed because the older talent held the young guys down.... with that said, which people in WCW do you think had MAJOR potential who were never pushed. You CANT pick anyone - people who prooved to have potential later eg...
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    CM Punk With Short Hair

    Mods note: this has nothing to do with any recent punk promo, or cena storyline, so please dont merge this I stopped watching wrestling week in week out a while ago, and like many, i was drawn back in when i heard the rock returned. Since then i have been hooked on wrestling. Now the point...
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    Brian Kendrick's Promo Ability

    Hey guys ive been enjoying Kendricks promo's for a while now, and his most recent one on impact blew my mind his style of rhyming each line together fits perfectly with his 'out of his mind/genious' character so...
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    Discussing RVD...

    I don't normally make threads anymore, unless i have an opinion which im not sure where others stand... For me, RVD is no longer entertaining.. Lets start with his mic work: - for me he comes across extremely bland on the mic; i know thats the idea, he's this guy whose so relaxed and...
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    A New Type Of Heel...

    Over the years, we have seen two types of heels. A) the coward heel, never gets a clean victory and cheats his way to the top B) the monster heel, usually a large man, who dominates jobbers then moves onto bigger stars and beats them through pure force i am here to propose to you a new...
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    Shelton Benjam/John Morrison

    In this thread i am to ask your guys opinion on a few different subject about these two competitors. I think it is widely agreed that both these guys are good, technically in the ring and unbelievable when it comes to spots in the ring. But both lack the charisma on the mic. For me...
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    Your Favourite Promos

    hey guys, i havent seen a thread done like this before, if there is please direct me to it basically i thought it would be nice if people said one of their favourite promos of all time, and then a youtube link to it. Please don't do ones that have already been done, as this is meant to be...
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    Too old for wrestling...?

    To start things off, i am 17 and have been watching wrestling since about 2000. Now my problem with wrestling now is this: i am not sure if i have become "too old for wrestling" - i rarely am interested in an actual wrestling match these days, it is only really the promo's that interest...
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    Will Sting return as the crow?

    not much more to say... when sting comes back (as we all know he's not actually gone) will he come back as the crow sting, the silent, dark sting; in order to take down fortune? With that said, what would be your reactions if he did? i for one would love it, as i believe it was the...
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    Rate My "!MPACT" (detailed/long read!)

    Prepare yourself for a long read, this is how i would book TNA... Post 1, i will start with the is a list in alphebetical order: Wrestling Personel AbyssKeep AJ StylesKeep Alex ShelleyKeep Amazing RedKeep Angelina LoveKeep Brian KendrickKeep...
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    What if They is....

    Rob Van Dam! now sure, this is a massive outsider, but hear me out. This must sound crazy but think about it. We never saw abyss actually attack rob, it could have been all part of a plan. I wouldn't put this past Russo/Bischoff as a mega-swerve. only part that wouldnt add up would be...
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    Jeff Hardy New Direction

    So I, as im sure many of you are, am very bored of Jeff Hardy in TNA, he barely has any gimmick anymore except of the fact that he is a freespirit. Don't get me wrong, i know this was his WWE gimmick, but they pushed it better, now he just comes to the ring, fights and leaves. Not really doing...
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    Xplosion in the UK?

    After a Quick gogle search I can't find out if/when it's on in the uk? Does anybody know ? Thanks !