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    3 part timers for the main 3 matches is just torture.

    Reigns vs LESNAR Triple H vs STING Bray Wyatt vs UNDERTAKER Lesnar has his issues which if the rumors are to be believed, involve him working for both wwe and ufc simultaneously. Apparently vince was ok with that but not with him showing up and negotiating with dana at ufc 184. Thats...
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    Im watching UFC 181 live and joe rogan just announcned cm punk is going to make his mma debut in the octagon in 2015. This caught me really off guard. Your thoughts ?
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    Wrestlemania weekend was possibly the greatest 3 days in the history of wrestling.

    Iv been watching pro wrestling since the mid 80s. Iv watched all the way from the hogan era through the attitude era all the way to the pg era (i dont buy the reality era crap, its still the pg era to me). I cant remember the number of times i punched my dads thigh when warrior won the world...
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    Spoilers ruined Batista's return....

    Im going to keep this very short and simple. Pretend Batista's return had not been announced or spoiled by any journalist or website or nothing. Picture this You're watching the royal rumble. Entry number 27. 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1... Batista's entrance music...
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    Fantasy booking: UFC and WWE (for wwe and ufc fans)

    This is purely a fantasy thing. Theres no doubt in my mind something like this can actually happen. Some names wrestling fans wont recognize but mma fans definitely will. First off im a HUGE MMA fan and iv been training and fighting for 3 years now 8-0 amateur and 0-1 pro (in case anyone...
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    Is the Rock being inducted this year ??

    I dont know why but throughout the entire year wev been hearing that the rock is going to be inducted this year because its miami and its a ten year anniversary of his match with hogan... Iv read about it the entire last year but the wwe hasnt yet mentioned it and well frankly nobody else...
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    Is Rey Mysterio The Most Consistent, Good Wrestler In WWE?

    Well as the title says is Rey Mysterio the only, consistent and good wrestler in the WWE right now. This thread is not about his size, not about his promos, not about his gimmick and sure as hell not about his injuries. Its about the fact that Rey Mysterio since he joined the WWE. Hell...
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    The Rock's Next Feud?

    OK... So this doesnt really need to happen but just for the sake of knowing people's opinion. So for the last 5 years people have been looking at the Rock vs Cena as an impossible dream. An impossible dream which will come true coming April. However after that. IF and only IF the Rock...
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    Rey Mysterio vs Sin Cara... Not Happening

    I dont know about most of u but this was a match (despite botches) i was actually very hoping to see. Although rey mysterio is one of my favorite on the roster for his in ring skills, I dont really care if he recovers before wrestlemania anymore. Ever since i saw that video of the two of them...
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    The Importance of Story Telling

    Anybody remember watching the WWE during a time when the heel used to get on your nerves so much that u wish the face would just beat his ass from start to end. The closest example I can give is King vs Michael Cole. It got annoying at the end but I always wanted King to just beat the living...
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    The Rock vs CM Punk Before Wrestlemania 28?

    I was reading somewhere on youtube comments that CM Punk is better on the mic and in the ring than the rock could ever be. First lets compare the two. The rock was in the wwe for a little less than a decade with wrestling being in his blood. His promos were arguably the best ever seen...
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    What If Goldberg...

    What if Goldberg had won the Elimination Chamber at Summerslam and kept the title till Wrestlemania and lose it to Benoit. I'm sure many would say that that is a long ass time to hold a title but just hear me out. I sincerely think that Goldberg could have been a long term investment for...
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    CM Punk and Rey Mysterio. Probably the best wrestlers on the rosters right now.

    Before u start bashing me hear me out. For the past few weeks we have seen two incredible solid matches between rey mysterio and cm punk. and not only with each other but every match which features these two superstars has the potential to be the best match on the card tht day. Rey vs R...
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    here we go again

    most of u on raw saw michael coles segment with alex riley. after last week i was hoping tht this michael cole being involved in storylines wud end and he wud just be a heel commentator but nooooo. except for the feud with jerry lawler nothing has changed. hes still being involved in storylines...
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    Survivor Series 2011 : Team Rock vs. Team Cena

    OK the title pretty much says it itself but what do u thnk?? i know tht the chances of this happening or remotely slim but still its fun to know rock and cena as respective managers and 5 or 6 ppl of their choosing to represent them who do u thnk will do it for both teams ???
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    king and booker t vs cole and swagger

    Well im sure wer all tired of seeing this king vs cole thng go on and on and on and on and on. especially with swagger in the mix the odds seem stacked in cole's favor time and time again. but what abt booker t. he hates cole as much as the next announcer and is the only wrestler apart frm king...
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    The Rock vs. cena or the rock vs. miz

    Well obviously we all know about the main feud of raw heading into wrestlemania namely cena vs miz vs rock. not saying theres gonna be a match between the three. however there were some things tht i noticed about this feud. we all know abt the rock vs cena. dont get me wrong fruity loops...
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    Is it just me or is Santino getting the biggest pops??

    Well the title speaks for itself. For a few weeks now iv been watching Santino coming out to some of the biggest pops on the current roster. Hell, even louder than Cena's but Cenas pops r mixed with boos. Well Santinos pops were id say as much as Edges. I swear Christians return wasnt as loud...