Search results

  1. U

    Overlooked Albums/Bands

    I was sitting here going through "hair metal" band discographies, weeding out what I did and did not want to keep, and I ran into a nice little diamond in the rough that kind of took me by surprise. Accept was a band overshadowed by AC/DC. Many people only remember one song from them, Balls To...
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    I just read on the main page that, after whining about Cena's comments, GLAAD was contacted about Michael Cole using the word ****** in a tweet. Come the fuck on, enough is enough already. I am so sick of hearing about these damn special interest groups that piss and moan any time something...
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    UH's Movie Reviews

    Ok, I'm going to start a thread where, quite simply, I talk about movies I've watched. I've always thought about doing something like this and figured why not. I just watched the Chaperone on Netflix. I was bored, and wanted to watch something nice and uncomplicated, something light. Figured...
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    Anybody from the Atlanta, GA area?

    Just wondering if anybody on here is from Atlanta or near there that knows the area. I'm traveling down to Mania and wondered if anybody knew any places that the wrestlers like to hang out at. If possible I'd like to be able to run into a few of them before the chaos so my son and I could have a...
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    What is WWE doing right?

    I've been seeing a lot of negativity (on both sides of the fence, I'll do another one for the other fed later) and arguing amongst sides of both professional wrestling brands. It's like the Monday Night Wars of the IWC. Anyway, I wanted to ask a simple question. I wanted to step away from the...
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    Names of Yesteryear

    I just finished posting in D-Man's Remembering the Jobbers thread (, and it got me thinking about a similar thread. I wanted to start a thread that was kind of like a tweak on his, and I hope he doesn't mind. This thread will be about names...
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    Touched By An Angel

    Ok, I've tried to be reasonable about this guy but it's time to bring this out an hopefully get this dude off my nutsack. He obviously has some kind of issue w/me and I have no clue as to why. I'll open everything up to the cage and maybe he'll bring it here instead of repping me and not...
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    Why is Mark Henry still in the WWE?

    I wanted this to be a serious question, so I didn't put this in the spam zone. I really am kind of bewildered by this. How can Mark Henry still be in the "E" and how has he not been "future endeavored"? Let me just say, I do not, for the life of me, see any reasons for keeping him around...
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    Been playing around w/a sig thoughts?

    Let me begin by saying I have the barest minimum experience playing w/photoshop. I have Elements 7, got it from ebay (just the disk) and just started messing around w/it. I went to the graphics section and found some really helpful tips. Thanks to the Doctor and a few others who had some tips...
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    Nash on Nexus

    Just saw the video of a buzzed Nash w/drinking buddy Sean Waltman by his side talking smack about the Nexus. Is it just me, or am I seeing a Shane Helms-type trend here? Sure, Nash was "bigger" (wouldn't say better worker, but anyway...) than Helms and I'm sure his opinion holds a little more...
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    A Gimmick you loved that went nowhere

    I was watching some random stuff on YouTube, and it made me think of something. What gimmick or gimmicks do you think was/were cool but went nowhere? The reason for the thread was Mordecai. I liked the Mordecai gimmick. He had the cool "anti-'Taker" thing going on, light vs. dark, had some...
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    People That Made Their Entrances

    I posted on the coolest ring entrance ever thread, and it made me start thinking. Who has memorable entrances, simply because of the individual's personality? What I mean is, is that, for example, Y2J's entrance was something that was amazing, and helped to showcase him as per the other thread...