Search results

  1. Cats Pajamas

    How will Jim Ross finish off Cole?

    We all know Michael Cole is in for a world of hurt tonight. Forget that Cleveland loving, puppies oggling, Mania Ruining old fart Jerry Lawler and his awkward looking dropkicks; Cole is up against Jim "Hack the Bone" Ross. I'm pondering what JR will use as a finisher? Personally, I'm...
  2. Cats Pajamas

    Brock Lesnar, what if?

    Lets annoy Dana White a little more and persist with our Brock talk. What if Lesnar actually wanted to come back full time? How do you handle his return? Which roster would he make a better fit for and why? For me, I'd like to see Lesnar back home on Smackdown for a while. Right now...
  3. Cats Pajamas

    Nexus Angle: Mission Accomplished or a Waste?

    When the Nexus first terrorized Raw, they showed signs of being a real dominant faction. They beat down The Hitman, Cena and even Mr Macmahon (though they didn't blow up Vince in his limo, "killing" him for the 80th time on Raw). This Nexus angle has taken several talents who a year ago no one...