Search results

  1. J

    WZ Big Brother Season 2 Interest

    Season one of WZ Big brother last happened in 2014 (damn, it's been that long?). I'm back again to see if there's any interest. I'd host again and if there's enough interest, maybe it could be a special edition of WZ Big Brother such as playing as a duo or other twists like that. Let me know...
  2. J

    Oh Steve Harvey.....

    You are one funny man but this has got to be your best comedic moment yet :lmao:
  3. J

    What's Better?

    Thought of this thread as I read some KC RPs and I was just generally interested in the opinions of everyone in the fed. So use this thread to ask the fed what's better. I'll start this thing off. What's better: RPs that are focused on the prose or RPs that are focused on the story? For...
  4. J

    Extra Cheese - Ask Jam Questions

    I think I may be one of the only people without an "ask me" thread so I'm changing that. Ask me questions. WZCW-related or not. Go.
  5. J

    True Detective

    Season two premiered tonight. So far, I don't think it's as good as the first season but there were still some parts that were enjoyable. We got a lot of backstory for each character which is all we can really ask for in a series that is as complex as this. There are pretty much four main...
  6. J

    Big Brother 17

    It's summer time, you know what that means.....another season of Big Brother! Yes, Julie Chen is back with season 17 of Big Brother. Now, I wasn't a fan of Big Brother until I watched last season and it was stellar. The way the casting looks, seems like they followed the formula of last season...
  7. J

    Fuller House Is Officially Coming To Netflix

    SOURCE: I'm a big fan of Full House so for it to be coming back despite a different premise has me excited. Seeing as to how Boy Meets World's spin-off Girl Meets World is doing well, I fully...
  8. J

    The XBOX One Thread: All Hail Master Chief

    Just ordered the Master Chief Collection bundle for the XBOX One. I know there are some XBOX One gamers on here and I'd like to know who they are. Hope this doesn't bring out the PS4 fan boys and a war breaks out :p Hell, if someone makes a PS4 thread, I'd be interested in checking that out as...
  9. J


    So I stumbled upon this sale and thought it was great. Haven't bought it but I just thought I'd share it for anyone looking to purchase one anyway. Anyone looking to get the One? Link --->...
  10. J

    BREAKING NEWS: Lesnar re-signs with WWE

    Watching ESPN right now and Lesnar says he resigned with WWE last night. He rules out returning to MMA as well as far as he's concerned.
  11. J

    AMC Presents: The Walking Dead

    The second half of season 5 comes back in 6 days. A lot of stuff has happened. The first half started really good but ended on a low. Hopefully the second half of season 5 does better and based on trailers, that seems to be the case because the gang is on the move with no permanent shelter...
  12. J

    Post your desktop

    Interested to see how everyone sets up their desktop. Or even which brand rules WZ: Windows or Apple? Post your desktop in spoilers and tell us a little something about why you set it up that way. For mine, I don't have much programs to begin with. Not much on my desktop really. Gotta...
  13. J

    Total Divas

    Anyone catch the return of Total Divas? It's already much better with Paige. I don't usually enjoy "reality" TV but I was pretty entertained by this episode. More Paige please :)
  14. J

    You now have a time machine.....

    So you now have a time machine and are able to go back in time or in the future. You can use it a total of three times. Do you go back in time to visit some historical events? Maybe you want to go back to a point in your life and change something that could alter your present life? Or do you go...
  15. J

    2014-2015 NBA Season LD

    So I know this is a little late but we're about two weeks into the new season so let's start discussing some stuff. First thing that catches my attention is the numerous injuries around the league. What is happening?! The Thunder have gotten bit by the injury bug the most and because of...
  16. J

    [DC/Marvel] TV Shows/Movies Discussion Thread

    Discuss. --- So right now, there are a ton of DC/Marvel shows out there. Right now, we have: Arrow, Flash, Agents of SHIELD, Gotham, Constantine. Very soon, we'll have even more. If you've been following movie websites, then you know that there are more on the way. I am in no way a comic...
  17. J

    What electronics/gadgets/gizmos do you own?

    Figured I'd cover all the bases here as I'm legit curious as to what kind of electronics, gadgets, or gizmos you guys own. Don't ask me why I added gizmos on there, I just wanted to. I think this is the first time ever that I've seen the word gizmos here on the forums. But anyway, I have an HTC...
  18. J

    Will the real Dirk please stand up?

    Now that the REAL Dirk is standing......
  19. J

    When we have new avatars......

    Who do you want in the avatar collection? I'll be sure to be making some when the time comes but who do you want to see in the avatar collection? For me, I want to see more sports figures. Would probably get rid of some of the really old avatars and replace them with new ones but that's just...
  20. J

    Cities that could use a new sports team

    Simple really. Name some cities that you think could use a new sports team. It could be any city and it can be any sport. Hell, it could be another sports team in a city that already has a sports team for that particular sport but be sure to explain why. Simple enough right? Discuss...