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  1. L

    Best WrestleMania Opening Match Over The Past Decade?

    This has been discussed before and the general consensus came down to one of three matches: Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart - WM X Eddie Guerrero vs. Rey Mysterio - WM 21 Money in the Bank - WM 23 Personally, my favourite is Eddie vs. Rey from WrestleMania 21. It was wrestling at its finest with both...
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    Will the Hardy Boyz Never Learn?

    Because posting videos of yourself on the internet is totally the thing to do if you want privacy... It's just the Hardys being the Hardys, I guess. Doing stupid things and putting it on the internet. Reby did very clearly NOT want to have anything to do with the taser. That was a little...
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    Movie Roundtable

    King Arthur>Resevoir Dogs What's there to say about this movie that hasn't been said before. Outstanding actors and director. Funny when it needs to be, dramatic when it needs to be, and disturbing when it needs to be.
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    Cody Rhodes Mask?

    It is frustrating, but it's the only knock on the character. For what his character is, it's silly that's is absolutely clear. Were it just a little transparent or pearlescent, it'd have a much better effect.
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    Mark Henry should wear World Title

    No thank you. The guy has been NOTHING for the better part of two years and suddenly he becomes champion? If there were ever a time for him to win the title, it would have been in 2006 during his return. But he was putting on bad matches then and he's putting even worse matches on now. In my...
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    Flashback 2010: What was the best WWE Sub Pay Per View in 2010?

    To me it's a no-brainer. TLC was clearly THE BEST pay-per-view of 2010. I'd definitely rank it above and beyond all of the Big 4 last year. As far as quality for your money and quality matches within the 3 hours, it was fantastic. There were no actual bad matches. Sure the tag team titles match...
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    *Merged* Edge and the WWE Hall of Fame Discussion

    uhhhh, I don't understand why this is even up for debate. Without a doubt, YES. Edge WILL be in the Hall Of Fame. With how quick Shawn Michaels got in after he retired, I'd guess Edge will be the top ballot in the Class of 2012. Edge is definitely a future Hall of Famer, that is unless he...
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    Zack Ryder and Trent Baretta

    Everyone has potential nowadays. They're talented but expendable. It's up to creative if they want to do anything with these guys.
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    last thing you bought

    Other than Lunch... The Walking Dead #82.
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    Best & Worst Royal Rumble Match?

    It's a joke dude, Benoit's title run is a huge part of why the WWE have essentially blurred out that entire year. Now, I haven't seen every Rumble; I've seen most but I have a hazy memory of the first 10 years or so. From what I remember of the '95 Rumble was pretty bad and I'd say that the...
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    Would HBK Be In The HOF If He Retired In 1998?

    I can't believe someone seriously asked this question. Michaels essentially carried the company for quite some time when he was champion. Add to that: His days with Marty Jannetty The split between he and Jannetty He pioneered the ladder match Had perhaps the best WrestleMania match with...
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    Who Is Better V - Dolph Ziggler Vs Jack Swagger

    No contest, it easily goes to Ziggler. Better mic-work, better look, better in ring, better at working the croud. Jack Swagger just seems like a very awkward looking and sounding dude. Plus his lisp is a HUGE put off.
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    The Rock's Catchphrases.

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    Wrestlemania 27- The Night the Undertaker character has died

    As someone else already stated, I think that they're doing this in an attempt to humanize the Undertaker's character. Of course I have no clue but I'm guessing what they're aiming for is a blend between his Deadman persona with his biker gimmick. Back in 2001-03 The Undertaker's character was...
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    The Not-So Royal Rumble

    I think the WWE lost a little faith in the Royal Rumble or lost faith in the power of it's prestige back in 2006. The Royal Rumble event was closed with Mark Henry vs. Kurt Angle. This match went on AFTER the rumble match itself. Rey Mysterio won it that year and got his title shot at...
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    The Rock's Catchphrases.

    "I am the Ayatollah of Rock 'N Rolla!"
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    Is Tough Enough going to be shown in the UK?

    I live in Australia so I couldn't say if it's airing in the UK or not but it's almost definitely not going to be airing here. So I've just downloaded it. That's my best advice. Either torrent it or try and youtube it.
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    If you could change anything from Wrestlemania 27

    If I had the power to change anything from WrestleMania 27... Outside changing the actual quality of some of the bell to bell matches, this is what I would have changed: Completely cut the Rock's opening segment & his bit with PeeWee Herman. He didn't say anything he hadn't said before and...
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    RAW Ropes

    Personally, I preferred the red ropes. As a previous poster said, Raw was red, Smackdown is Blue(which it still is) and PPVs were different colours(white/black) which made those shows look a little different and little more special. It's not as if I'm overly frustrated at the white ropes but...
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    Better WWE Career: Brodus Clay, Johnny Curtis or Derrick Bateman

    I liked Curtis, he had a good look, decent in ring work but that's it. He's just far too generic to make that big of an impact. I think Brodus has similar in ring presence of Big Daddy V. The reaction of "OH MY GOD! Watch the fat guy jiggle!" He seemed clumsy on the mic, talented at suplexing...