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    Would JBL still have become a world champion if Lesnar had stayed in WWE?

    Haha! Good thread! But Lesnar wud have been champ for a long time if he didnt leave! He was the most dominant guy in his prime!
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    Releases Starting?

    Well lets be honest, could any of you guys picture Novak or Tarver holding a world championship? I certainley couldn't. For me they just didn't have it, they were bland, they had no charisma and charisma is key to become a top player in this industry. Now most likely guys like Hawkins, Primo...
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    Debut Percy Watson!

    Wow dude. I am impressed. I am actually applauding you. You know a lot. I personally feel the time is right to debut a charismatic face but CLEARLY we have different opinions. Lets see what happens, although I would like Percy to debut my money is on Bourne getting the push after beating...
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    Possible new Raw faces??

    Good post bro. This was actually was created before Riley turned face and was drafted back to Raw. But I think of him more on the status of Punk due to how impressed I have been with his face turn. As you can tell by the name I am a FCW mark and I like most of the talent they have to offer...
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    Debut Percy Watson!

    I'm glad my remarks amuse you, I have been told I am a people pleaser :D To get back on subject, you want to know who my favourite wrestler was in 2005? Chris Masters. I once met him when RAW came to England and believe me when I say he is an extremnely nice guy. I also met Carlito, they had...
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    Debut Percy Watson!

    You Sir have a good knowledge for the sport and it is getting harder and harder to beat you. Look, this all started off because look at the midcard heels Raw has. Swagger, Drew McIntyre and Ziggler. They really only have one midcarder face which is Kofi. Ryder is extremely charsmatic, I love...
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    Debut Percy Watson!

    Look Percy is better than Masters. Masters was a jobber therefore he has no credibility. Masters was a past steroids user. While he may be good in the ring he has no Mic skills. Therefore Percy is better than Masters. Percy is better than Ryder because Ryder is a jobber to jobbers. He is only...
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    Debut Percy Watson!

    Theres not a perfect time at the moment?! RAW is flooded with heels! They need a new midcard face! Currently talents such as Ziggler, Drew McIntyre, Swagger and Reks to an extenet are all wasted talents as they are not relevant. They need to be in a credible fued. But if they are in a fied with...
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    Debut Percy Watson!

    Raw would be more ideal for Watson as they really only have a few faces and a huge amount of heels. I agree, Smackdown needs a new face. Sin Cara would be great but can't speak english and botches frequently, Daniel Bryan no charisma, Kane too old, Zeke his time will come. Why not debut Seth...
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    Debut Percy Watson!

    Out of Rollins, Steamboat, Creed and Watson, who is your least favourite? Percy. Which of them would you want to be midcarders, you don't want Percy. I would PREFER Rollins debuting but I dont want him to be a midcarder. I would much rather have Rollins debut and become a quick maineventer...
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    Possible new Raw faces??

    This thread was created before Riley turned face. I still think they need to bring in a midcard face, just purely midcard. Kofi can't do it by himself. Possibily a FCW guy or push Bourne which I think they might. Riley should be more of a uppermidcard/maineventer. He's got the mic skills...
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    Debut Percy Watson!

    For all of you who don't know, Percy Watson was the charamatic indvidual who was on NXT season 2 who used to wear glasses with no lenses. Percy Watson is currently in FCW but has been competing in WWE dark matches for roughly 7-9 months. He regularly wrestles in WWE dark matches and at RAW house...
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    Possible new Raw faces??

    I agree with you Tyler is rubbish on the Mic, thats most likely why a star of his caliber is still on FCW where he can learn mic skills. Hopefully the won't F*CK up his debut and make him irrelivant on the roster i.e Drew McIntyre. I hope they make him have a big impact i.e Del Rio preferably as...
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    Possible new Raw faces??

    I too would prefer him to debut on Smackdown as a heel and fued with Orton, that would be a good fued. But having Black on Raw means he can fued with Midcard heels such as Swagger, Drew and Ziggler. Anyway, I wouldn't class Santino and Kozlov as Midcarders, their more like jobbers.
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    Possible new Raw faces??

    I like some of your idea's. Especially the Drew vs Smith one. That would be a great fued. I'm suprised you were in the favour of Derrick Bateman to be called up instead of Seth Rollins. If you don't know who Seth Rollins is search him on Youtube or search 'Tyler Black'. I think you'll find he...
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    Possible new Raw faces??

    As you guys are aware of, Raw doesnt have many faces. They have 2 main faces which are Rey, Kofi and Cena. Big Show and Morrison are injured so they do not count and the other faces are jobbers i.e Santino. Raw is currently has an overdose of heels. They have ADR, CM Punk, Miz, R Truth...
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    Batista: Hall of fame?

    Yes in the sense that Drew Carrey is in the HOF and no in the sense Arn Anderson is still not... I hope he is though. He was a big face, fans loved him, had good title reigns. I once had the pleasure of meeting him on a holiday to DC. He is a very nice person. He took pictures with me and my...
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    Your Tough Enough Host & Trainer lineup

    The next host for Tough Enough should be Chris Jericho. Jericho like Stone Cold is extremely marketable and popular with many people. The male trainers should be Xpac and JBL. XPac will have a similar role to Booker and JBL will be similar to Demot. The female trainer should be Lita as she...
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    Bring Back WCW it could Work!!

    WWE creating WCW is just stupid. WWE is already huge and the most popular 'entertaining' organisation around. There would be no point creating a rival for it's self. And anyway, they would not devote enough time into creating a new organisation. Look at ECW... started off with Hardcore battle...
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    Your Greatest Moment & Storyline in WWE

    Easy, the greatest ever storyline was when Rikishi ran over Stone Cold for The Rock. That was such a great storyline as it had never had be done before and I admit for a period I thought Stone Cold was really hit by a car. The greatest moment ever in WWF/WWE history was when The Rock returned...