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    What WWE is doing extremely right!

    Did you forget that Bryan's first feud after winning the World Championship was against Big Show and Mark Henry at the same time and he came out on top?
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    Conventional wisdom on WWE wrestlers, using Google Autocomplete Found this article to be pretty funny and eye-opening. Do we, the IWC, just inherently consider everybody to be overrated? Or is it just people seeking out biases they...
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    Where Does This Leave AJ Styles Now?

    WWE also has two world championships, and triple the roster.
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    Curtis Axel

    Yeah just like that not over at all dope Brock Lesnar. Guy never says a word and as a result no one cares about him. ..............oh wait that's fucking insane. Giving a great wrestler who lacks in the mic department a manager like Paul Heyman is THE BEST THING TO DO. Hennig is great in...
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    WWE Extreme Rules: The Miz VS Cody Rhodes (Pre-Show)

    Don't know you? EVERYONE'S better as a cocky heel! We should have nothing but cocky, chickenshit heels running around! /s The people who say Miz is a boring face are the same people who said he was a bland heel who "desperately" needed to turn face. I don't know what people want or expect.
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    Daniel Bryan: "I Don't Consider it Wrestling"

    I don't see a problem with this at all. It isn't wrestling, really. Daniel Bryan is someone who is used to chain wrestling 30-40 minute matches every night. Now he runs out there in his ridiculous beard, shouts "NO!" a few times, slaps on a crossface after three minutes and calls it a day. I...
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    **MERGED** The Shield Discussion - Matches, angles, etc (Keep It In Here!!!!)

    They aren't an invading force. They've never been positioned as anybody outside the company. In fact, they have mentioned many times their histories in NXT, so in kayfabe it's clear that they are employees of the WWE. As for why they come through the crowd, A) It's cool, and B) I guess you...
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    **MERGED** Jack Swagger, Zeb Coulter & Swagger's Arrest (Keep it all here!!)

    I've never remotely given a flying fuck about Jack Swagger, but I was listening attentively last night, and that promo by Zeb Coulter was awesome. This is EXACTLY what Swagger needs, and my only surprise is that the creative team pulled the trigger on a surprisingly racy (no pun intended) angle...
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    It needs to step back in time, not forward in time, to learn from the past.

    I think in a lot of ways they've already done just that. Once the Attitude Era ended, they sort of reset people's expectations with how wild wrestling can get; a cleansing of the palate. We went from having 30 foot jumps off ladders being the status quo and "****" and "asshole" being nightly...
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    Brad Maddox face turn?

    How is he supposed to do that without ever having a match on TV that isn't some Ryback squash? Maddox proves his worth on the mic every time he's given an opportunity, and that's all they've really given him so far. He has a confidence and a timing on the mic that people who have been here for...
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    Millions of invested dollars?

    I love the Primetime Players. They are and old school tag team, sharing a gimmick, caring only for Tag Team gold, they're funny, and they're improving in the ring. As you mentioned, Titus is already a great wrestler, and pretty damn entertaining on the mic. I disagree that D. Young has no...
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    All Future Wrestlemania Discussion (Matches, Gimmicks, Angles.... KEEP IT IN HERE!)

    Huh? Sounds like you're referring to HHH and 'Taker, not HHH and Lesnar as the OP said. I'm really interested to see what they do with Lesnar for WM, because other than HHH there is really nothing that has any backstory right now, and I hope they don't go with HHH. My guess would be who...
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    **MERGED** Championships WWE Should Consider (keep it in here!!)

    They already have this, in a form, as the NXT Championship. While not defended on Raw or SmackDown, it is exactly what you described: a championship denoting the next guy in line to become a bigger star. Seth Rollins was the first NXT Champion and now he's in the biggest angle in the company...
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    WWE TLC 2012: John Cena VS Dolph Ziggler - Money in the Bank briefcase [Ladder Match]

    Logically, Dolph's briefcase is for the World Heavyweight Championship, a title Punk does not hold, making it impossible for Dolph to cash his briefcase in on Punk. And I don't really even know what you mean by your last sentence, since Punk has no briefcase to speak of and hasn't in years.
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    Should Team Hell No! stick together?

    If you go into the Tag Division not giving a fuck about the tag division, of course you're not going to get anything out of it. Primetime Players have been on a roll lately, have a fresh gimmick, and are genuinely entertaining in the ring and on the mic. Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara, while I can't...
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    Christian's World Heavyweight Championship reigns

    Come on. Sure, in the heat of the moment we were all pissed the Christian's first title reign only lasted five days (you said TV time was 2 days, but in reality it was two "real" days, the record books will show he lost it on Friday Night SmackDown that week), but it was the catalyst of a great...
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    **MERGED** Linda McMahon loses the election: how will it affect WWE?

    So, you hate the Attitude Era and anyone who likes it needs to grow up, yet your signature is a quote from one of the creators of the Attitude Era, in an extremely "Attitude Era-ish" segment. Makes sense. On topic, it would be a fresh angle. It would be entertaining. It would positively...
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    The "Unwritten Rules" of Wrestling

    I came across this funny article about the "unwritten rules" of wrestling; you know, like how it suddenly becomes 500 times more difficult to throw someone over the top rope when you're competing in a battle royal as opposed to a regular match, or how EVERY WRESTLER, no matter how cunning, will...
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    NWO or DX

    You don't even mention Shawn Michaels, which was the original DX. Shawn Michaels, HHH, Chyna and Rick Rude (which no one else seems to remember). DX was really more for Michaels, at least originally. HHH wasn't the main focus of it until after HBK was force to go on hiatus. On topic, if...
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    **MERGED** John Cena Thread - Heel Turn, Matches, Etc. (Keep it in here!!)

    Sorry, you're entirely wrong. The WWE Championship is absolutely a World Championship. In fact, like it or not, it's objectively the most important and longest running world title in wrestling currently (before you jump down my throat, the current WWE WHC is an entirely different title than the...