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    uHPUZ-8WLz0 This is a video I just put together after an argument with my girlfriend over why I hate John Cena so much Enjoy! All you Lil' Jimmy's can S*CK IT!
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    John Morrison's Greatest Promo?

    John Morrison a fan favorite among many in the WWE Universe. But it's highly known that on the microphone, John Morrison is one of the worst promo men in WWE history. So my question is, what was your favorite John Morrison promo? (Youtube clips are highly welcome) Here's mine.. and...
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    Melina to Porn?

    Ok, not really.. but who else thinks within the next year or two a Melina sex tape will pop out on the internet. It's well known about all her affairs in the WWE, I'm sure someone will end up taping it
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    Dos Caras Jr. - vs - Alberto Del Rio

    As many people know before Alberto Del Rio became the wrestler he is today, he was highly recognized in Mexico and around the world as Dos Caras Jr. Son of noted luchador Dos Caras, nephew of Mil Máscaras and Sicodelico, and cousin to Sicodelico, Jr. and Hijo de Sicodelico, Del Rio is part of...
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    Team WWF (Vince) vs Team WWE (HHH)

    An interesting storyline I've recently came to think of would be a Mcmahon vs HHH fued. With Vince Mcmahon coming back confronting HHH stating that this current product isn't his creation. The WWF was his creation and the WWE he was forced to create is a joke and HHH could never do what he had...
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    The Art Of Kicking Out Of A Finisher

    The Finishing move, a title that as of late has loss it's meaning to me. Back in the golden days of wrestling is was unheard of of someone hitting there finishing move and having the person kick out at 2. Look at Hulk Hogan's Leg drop, probably one of the worst finishers in history but the...
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    Odd Comparisons - Nexus & The Nation

    Hear me out here, Has the Nexus followed almost the same road as The Nation of Domination with the exception of there debut? Let's examine a little closer.. - The Nation was a group lead by there leader Ron Simmons who dictated the factions every action. - The Nexus was a group lead by there...
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    CM Punk or Chris Jericho?

    Very simple question, If the ICW had to pick one WWE Superstar to see on WWE Television who would it be? CM Punk or Chris Jericho? and why?
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    Greatest Unexpected Superstars?

    Now we all have our favorite wrestlers, we all have our favorites that COULD of been superstars, we all know the people WWE or TNA or ROH bring in and plan to make a star or even superstar. But which Professional Wrestlers became Superstars or Legends of the ring and you never expected it...
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    Mr. Second Best - Mysterio or Orton?

    Throughout WWE/WCW/NWA history there has always been that one guy who lead an era, Andre, Flair, Hogan, Michaels, Austin, Cena. But with there being a number #1 face of the company there is always in a close second who almost if not at times did become #1. Savage, Warrior, Rock, Luger, Sting and...
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    "The WWE Internet Championship"

    What are your thoughts on this? Obviously Vince McMahon signed off on this or else Zack Ryder would never be allowed to come out with his own belt, be introduced as such and especially defend it Do you think an Internet Championship is a good thing for the WWE? a title the lower mid-card...
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    WORST Stable in Wrestling History?

    Stables the word these days mean very little with a useless Nexus and broken up Corre. But throughout WWE/ECW/WCW History stables ran wild within what is known as The Attitude era and drew fans in and creating Legends in the process. Groups such as Degeneration X, nWo, 4 Horseman, Hart...
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    The Curse of Leaving the WWE a Loser

    CM Punk, the hot commode of the moment within the WWE after his groundbreaking promo last night at RAW. He plans to leave the WWE at Money in the Bank PPV not only a winner but WWE Champion. When was the last time Vince McMahon has let this happen, let's look back. Shawn Michaels - Leaves...
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    WWE Transformations

    Inspired by the "WWE Transformations" feature on I would like to take the time to ask the WWE Universe (ICW) there opinion on the greatest WWE transformations current or past. Whether it be updated their ring gear, changing there gimmick for the better, undergoing personal evolution or...
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    Most Beloved ICW Fan-Favorite Of All Time?

    Very simple question. Every now and then there is a superstar who the ICW fans go crazy about. Either because they are being held back or deserve a World Title or ect. I'm sure there are more but I'm going with the 5 of most recent memory John Morrison Kane Christian Daniel Bryan Zack...
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    Is Vince McMahon Killing the WWE?

    Vincent Kennedy McMahon.. It's no secret, soon enough VKM will step down and hand over the company he built to his daughter Stephanie and Son-in-law Triple H. But the real question is.. "Is Vince's ego purposely destroying when he created?" ..& no I don't mean bringing in a water downed...
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    Will the WWE Ever Have Another "Surprise" Debut?

    Since the pre-attitude era many well known superstars especially after WWE bought out WCW and ECW, came over some in the most surprising ways such as.. Chris Jericho 32OPyEAraU4 Ric Flair zHnY0q3stf8 Goldberg HWjDIZuI24I Just to name a few.. and recently with the returns of...
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    Zack Ryder Gets Pushed Hard.. Then What?

    The talk of Internet Championship Wrestling. Zack Ryder and why Vince McMahon has yet to push him. So to keep this simple, imagine next week on RAW Zack Ryder gets a main event or upper mid-card push overnight. (It has happened to worst) So then what?.. We have seen it happen to many...
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    R-Truth's Promo Ruined By Technical Difficulties

    I don't know if everyone had this same problem with there cable or sat. But RAW opened up with a R-truth promo totally ruined by Technical Difficulties. Does anyone else think this is funny? I've been watching RAW since 1993 and never remember this ever happening but it happens to R-Truth?..
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    Ricardo Rodriguez - Push Worthy?

    For those who follow WWE Developmental (FCW) know that Alberto Del Rio's personal ring announcer Ricardo Rodriguez made his debut in 2010 as Chimaera. A very talented lucha libre wrestler. pFWYQECfd-o Ricardo Rodriguez is a tremendoes talent in the ring but he gets no chance to shine as...