22 Elite v 107 Dragon Quest VIII; Journey of the cursed king


  • Elite

  • Dragon Quest VIII

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Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King


Format; PS2

Genre; Action RPG

Release date; April 13, 2006 UK

To take it down to its basics; A jester turns a king into a toad, his princess into a horse. You must release the curse and destroy the Jester, meeting lots of very colourful characters on the way.

Why am I backing it?

A story that is so so detailed you love it? Check.

A brilliant array of characters, including the very hot Jessica? Check

Gameplay that is so easy yet still feels classic? Check

A Game that looks beautiful? Check

Fantastic humour, with lots of boobie based jokes? Check!

A soundtrack for the ages? Check

I love this game, I can't believe this was the first released in the UK, I've played this the original and the DS releases. I love the quirkyness of it.

Plus she's in it.... <3

whilst elite was a revolutionary game for the BBC micro computer, released before my time in 1984, it was one of the first games to play in 3D, I've played it, it's shit. Vote Dragon Quest.
Dragon Quest.

I'm the only one in my family who likes this game. I'll never know why. It was a great game. The gameplay, the story, everything was good.

Elite? Never heard of it. Don't feel like looking it up either. Being the first 3-D game isn't enough to get you over Dragon Quest.
Dragon quest was fucking awesome. It really deserves a higher rank. I still play it to this day, and absolutely LOVE it. Lee summed everything up. It's story was so great, it's graphics, it's sound everything about it was epic. Elite is nothing special. Not entertaining or anything, and should DEFINITELY not go over Dragon Quest.
The vote HAS to go to Dragon Quest here. How can it not? I'm sorry, but outside of Pac-Man or Space Invaders, just about EVERY game released during that early to mid 80's period of gaming was shit, pure shit. That era gets far too much love.

I'm not a huge fan of Dragon Quest, but VIII sucked me in. I've always felt like Quest was the red-headed stepchild of the fantasy RPG world. While it's always been respected, it's also always been hated on for it's refusal to try and expand it's horizons into new areas, unlike Final Fantasy which has always strived to evolve with each sequel.

But VIII was great fun. I got it for $8 out of a bargain bin, so how could I possibly complain? Little did I know I was in store for an incredibly fun RPG game that reminded me of the more whimsical, care-free RPGs of the mid-90s before FF7 turned every RPG into a giant melodramatic fantasy soap opera. I was thoroughly entertained playing Quest VIII, and it earns my vote easily here and should hopefully do very well in the tournament.
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