90's Region - Sublime vs Garbage

Sublime vs Garbage

  • Sublime

  • Garbage

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Going on 10 years with WrestleZone
1st Round 90's Region Match

Sublime vs Garbage

Please take into account the entire body of work of the artists, their mark on the music industry and/or society as a whole, their influence on other artists, lyrics, music, etc. If you have not already done so, please review the rules of the tournament and the Wrestlezone Forums. Have fun!​
Sublime takes this one easy for me. Its a shame that Sublime didn't release very many albums, but what they did release was gold in my opinion. Songs like "date rape" and "what I got" and "Santeria" were some of the songs that defined what rock was back in 90's for me. I haven't really listened to much of Garbage, maybe a couple of their songs I remember, but not much. "only happens when it rains" and "stupid Girl" were really the only 2 songs I can recall by Garage
Garbage were okay if you wanted to hear a psuedo-techno version of Elastica. But outside of that, they weren't very good.

Sublime on the other hand, are the dark horse to win the 90s in my opinion. No one is even paying them any attention, when they remain to this day one of the most beloved and popular rock groups of all time.

Seriously, ask anyone who likes rock, if they like Sublime. They will say yes. This is not a fabrication or exaggeration, I have NEVER met anyone who didn't like Sublime. That's how great of a band they were.

They combined so much music to create a sound that is distinctly theirs and I've yet to hear anyone even come close to sounding similiar. They mixed punk, alt-rock, rap, reggae, funk, and acoustic music to form this wild concoction that you simply had no choice but to surrender to.

Sublime should take this easily, and watch out for them in this tourney.

Think I'll go listen to 40 Oz. To Freedom now...one of the best albums, ever.
For maybe the first time in this tournament, XFear and I are in TOTAL agreement.

I have told too many Garbage fans that they needed to go listen to Elastica for some kicked up chick rock enjoyment. Garbage is mediocre, bet versatile. The work they did on the theme song for James Bond's "The World is Not Enough" was solid.

But Sublime had a crazy idea. They got high, and then fused rock, reggae, rap, and ska at the same time they were probably fusing twinkies, pretzels, cookies, and beer in a mad munchie run.

Sublime's lyrics ranged from serious and historical (April 29, 1992 - Miami, dealing with the riotous aftermath of the Rodney King verdict and the fissure between minority plight in urban communities with society and authority), the serious and fun (Date Rape - still one of the best songs ever...), and the just plain enjoyable (What I Got). Mix in the Spanglish anthem Caress Me Down and the tuned up rock song "Same in the End," you have an absolutely fringe favorite to win the 90's.
Another personal distaste of mine is sublime. If the head singer doesn't die, then we are dealing with another run of the mill drug induced band from the 90's. Death has given this band far too much credit, much more credit then it deserves. I don't think Garbage is great, but more enjoyable for me then Sublime ever was.
Another personal distaste of mine is sublime. If the head singer doesn't die, then we are dealing with another run of the mill drug induced band from the 90's. Death has given this band far too much credit, much more credit then it deserves. I don't think Garbage is great, but more enjoyable for me then Sublime ever was.

Shocky, congratulations, you are the first person I have ever met who doesn't like Sublime.

But Bradley Nowell's death has nothing to do with their popularity, or why they're still touted so highly today by most people. It's because their music was for the most part directed squarely at partying youth, usually smoking pot and listening to their albums. It's the same appeal that "In A Gadda Da Vida" had. It's drug-taking music for the most part.

But that doesn't mean you can't enjoy it without drugs. Not so at all.

I'm actually just trying to comprehend why you don't like them Shocky? What's not to like? An absolutely irrestible fusion of ska, punk, alt-rock, reggae, hip hop and acoustic rock? Is it even possible for someone not to tap their toes along to a Sublime album?

I'm in shock. Shocky has shocked me. Pun intended.
They just never did anything for me. Coupled with the fact that I'm a nice kid from Cincinnati and my roomate in college was a San Diego kid, I ended up listening to my fair share of it during college.

I think I'm more indifferent to it. It doesn't bring up any emotions in me really. I think they are a good band as far as instrumentals, but Nowell's voice never caught on with me. Also, during my teenage years, I was a real red ass. I wasn't the partying type, it was sports sports, work, sports, that sort of deal. Hardly ever was I the kid partying up. Sure I showed up, but I was the sober one of the bunch ready to book ass and leave my drunk friends stumbling out the door getting caught by the cops, while my sober ass was magically jumping fences not missing a beat.
Love Sublime.When you listen to the albums for the first time you dont know if the song will be ska or punk or reggae or pop-rock. You can only imagine what they could have done.On a side note, the Garbage song on the Romeo and Juliet soundtrack is one of the best songs I have ever heard on on a soundtrack.

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