Ascension 56

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW
Last Night on Meltdown...

Holmes goes over to his bag of tricks and reveals a set of handcuffs which he uses on one of Angel's hands only.

Holmes: ... I want you to remind yourself Dave of the time that I beat you down to a bloody pulp and you were forced to wear that masked to cover your disfigured face because I'm going to make you relive that moment as I inflict that same pain... on him.

Holmes slides out of the ring and pulls Angel outside, handcuffing his hand to the Cell wall closest to where Dave is standing on the other side. Dave tries opening the door but it is no use as Holmes smiles and turns to his bag laying on the apron, pulling out a pair of brass knuckles. Dave signals for his security team to come down.

Dave: Don't do it, Holmes! I'm warning you! You do anything else to maim or injury and there will be serious consequences!


Holmes clenches his fist with the knuckles and delivers a straight right hand to the Angel, completely knocking him out. A new river of blood flows from the forehead of Angel, creating a trickle that leads to a pool spreading fast and getting bigger. One of the security guards tells another to go backstage and find some bolt-cutters.

Dave: That's it Holmes! You are stripped of your World Heavyweight title shot at Unscripted because you are FIRED!


Holmes is being carried away and does his best to turn his head around, cursing Dave for firing him.

The screen fades black.


The shows start in an unusual way as we see Vance Bateman standing in the center of the ring with a microphone in hand. The crowd is a bit somber after watching the recap from Meltdown. Bateman raises the microphone to his lips and addresses the camera and live crowd.

Bateman: Hello ladies and gentleman, my name is Vance Bateman, I am the General Manager of WZCW's Ascension and I require just a few minutes of your time before we can begin tonight's show. First, let me say that our thoughts go out to The Angel and we wish him the best in his recovery.

An applause breaks out in the arena, but Bateman quickly raises his hand to quiet them.

Bateman: Now, I need to address a handful of things. First of all, I am confirming that Chris K.O. will be hosting an open challenge at Unscripted. You, the fans, will get to choose the White Knight's opponent in that match. Anyone who is not on the card is open to be voted for as his opponent.

The crowd cheers this announcement.

Bateman: Next, I need to confirm the stipulations that you, the fans, will get to vote for concerning the Barbosa vs. S.H.I.T. match. After much discussion, we have chosen the following options for this intense rivalry.

Bateman gestures towards the titantron and the camera shot changes to a view of it.

A small drum roll plays and then the first option pops up on the screen.

Option 1:
Exploding C4 Match!

Option 2:
Texas Death Match

Option 3:
Barbed Wire Match

The crowd seems relatively pleased with all of the choices.

Bateman: However, these things are not my main reasons for being out here. I am out here to address the future of Mr. Steven Holmes.

The crowd breaks out in a chorus of boos over the name of the man who has viciously maimed several superstars in WZCW.

Bateman: As you all just re-witnessed: the conclusion of WZCW's Meltdown, WZCW talent Steven Holmes dragged a wrestler by the name of, The Angel, down to the ring and had the Hell in a Cell cage hanging high above lowered, trapping the two of them inside the ring. From there Mr. Holmes viciously assaulted The Angel until he was granted his request that Meltdown General Manager Big Dave come down to the ring. Imagine if all talents here in WZCW had to take such drastic steps to get the attention of their superiors. Once Dave finally appeared to talk with Holmes, he refused to even hear his demands and instead continuously threatened Holmes to leave The Angel alone and open up the cell door, and even went so far as to fire him. This caused Mr. Holmes to have to further stress his point that he should be listened to and lead to the chaotic ending to Meltdown. Dave irresponsibly lead to the injuries suffered by The Angel and damaged this whole companies reputation by firing one of our best and brightest talents.

Bateman bends down to open up the briefcase and pulls out some documents.

Bateman: I have here in my hands papers drawn up by Mr. Holmes and his attorneys threatening legal action against Big Dave and WZCW. To avoid a huge PR nightmare for our company before one of our biggest PPV's of the year, the board of directors have decided to overrule Big Dave's decision and suspend all activities done by him until further review of the situation has been done. So that means that Steven Holmes is still an active member of the roster and will still compete at Unscripted inside the Hell in a Cell match against Drake Callahan, Titus, and the champion, Showtime David Cougar!

The crowd boos the announcement that Holmes has been reinstated, but cheer for the mention of Titus and Showtime.

Bateman: All four competitors are here in the building tonight and without further ado, I would like to welcome Steven Holmes to the ring where he will no doubt justifiably explain his recent actions on Meltdown.


The crowd boos loudly and some throw their garbage as Steven Holmes walks slowly down to the ring. He doesn't look at the fans for even a second as he makes his way to the ring and climbs in. He shakes Bateman's hand and takes the mic from him.

Holmes: Thank you Mr. Bateman. It is quite reassuring that there is someone here in WZCW who knows how to properly handle situations like this and what's more actually cares enough about their talents to listen and try to be of as much help as possible. Very refreshing, thank you.

Holmes claps for Bateman who takes a very small bow as the crowd boos.

Holmes: Now some folks have been asking me why I would take out all my frustrations on The Angel. Was I trying to get the attention of not just Dave, but of a certain opponent of mine at Unscripted who, as we saw on Meltdown, failed to properly train or guide his young mentee from the fate he received at Meltdown? The answer is no actually, I couldn't care less if a former two time World Champion is mad at me, because he and I both know that what I did to The Angel, what I did to Big Dave, can just as easily happen to him. You may all then be wondering how I could possibly escape any punishment from my actions or how I even still have a job after permanently injuring a WZCW wrestler. Well, I have to correct everyone by telling them the word that they are missing is 'former' WZCW wrestler. My simple minded simpletons', earlier that week it was found out that The Angel has been working for WZCW with a fake work VISA. The man was practically an alien. Taking a spot that could've gone to one of the many desperate people seeking employment in the USA, or a hard working and sophisticated foreigner who has all the paper work, someone such as myself. WZCW needs more people like myself and less people like The Angel and Big Dave. Those rats lie to you at every corner, they lie to each and every one of you in the audience every single night. And they are not the only liars to you. Guys like my Unscripted opponents lie to you too, claiming that they are the best in WZCW, simply because they have held the WZCW Title. Well their claims are as phony as...


The crowd pops as Titus walks down the ramp with a serious look on his face. His eyes are fixed on Holmes as he climbs up the stairs and enters the ring. Bateman quickly interjects.

Bateman: Now Titus calm down for a minute, I completely understand that you must be feeling a whole lot of anger at Mr. Holmes, but we are not going to allow what happened at Meltdown to happen on my show tonight. That is why I am issuing an order to all competitors in the World Heavyweight Championship match at Unscripted, and that is that no man can lay a hand on each other here tonight, or they will be removed from the match, and that is an order approved by the board of directors who...

Titus snatches the mic from Bateman's hands and stares him down.

Titus: I understand what you're saying there Vance, but it seems to me the board of directors forgot to say that none of us could lay a hand on your pretty mug. So I suggest you step out of the ring and let me and... Mr. Holmes, talk privately.

Bateman nods his head at Titus and quickly exits the ring.

Titus: Now Steven, I don't think anyone else on the whole roster can understand your anger directed at Big Dave better than me. The man took from me almost a year out of my career. Upon my return, I dreamed of nothing more than to get my hands on him again in a one on one match, and you know what, that match never happened. Time doesn't always heal all, but it certainly makes you look back at what you've done in your career and be thankful for it. I've forgiven Dave for what happened in the past and I've moved on. I have bigger things on my mind, and that is where your mind should be, on the WZCW Championship, not making the life of a simple General Manager a living hell. Steven I know that you have all the tools to be a great wrestler in this company, but if you don't let go of this sick obsession with Dave, then it's going to be all that will define your career at Unscripted.

Titus lowers the mic and stares back at Holmes, who goes to speak when...


The crowd boos as Callahan walks out with a microphone also and proceeds down the ramp.

Callahan: Yes, Titus is right there Steven. You should let go of this obsession with Dave because you have much bigger problems than him like how you are going to pay for the disrespect that you showed me on Meltdown when you left me in the middle of the ring to fend for myself and being an overall nuisance. I thought better of you Holmes but apparently, you are just another person in this whole conspiracy of things to toss me aside like common trash and treat me as such. I am a former World champion Steven, something you have yet to achieve and come Unscripted, you still wouldn't have achieved it because I am reclaiming the belt that Showtime stole from me and...

The crowd cheers massively as the fourth man in the picture steps out with his World title and a smile on his face.

Showtime: Gentlemen, gentlemen... it doesn't matter who did what and how it happened: it's not time to dwell on the past even if you did something very disgusting, Steven. Unscripted is right around the corner and the four of us are going to be involved in one of the most hellacious structures ever known to man and the only person who knows what that match is capable of is me. So, I suggest the three of you mentally and physically prepare yourselves because I know what it takes to hang in the match and I'm going to be doing my damnedest to keep this title around my waist. So, let's not keep the show waiting.

Show gives off a smile and raises his championship into the air as all four men look at each other, looking ready for a fight.

Connor: That went relatively well...

Cohen: I'm guessing that if another fight broke out, there'd be hell to pay.
Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, the following match is scheduled for one fall!


El Califa Dragón emerges from the gorilla position to a warm reaction from the crowd. He softly nods his head to the beat of his theme, until giving one big nod towards the crowd and then breaking in a sprint towards the ring. The crowd cheers him on!

Harrys: Introducing first, from Culiacan, Mexico, weighing 180 pounds. El Califa Dragón!

Connor: Califa has already won over a large majority of the fans with his short stint here in the WZCW. His David vs. Goliath type of win over Rush certainly helped him in the eyes of the fans. Not only that, but he has become a hot topic back in the locker room.

Cohen: That is right CC. Rumors and arguments are galore in the back over who or where Califa came from. In my personal opinion, I think he is that freak Black Dragon.

We return to a shot of Califa just in time to see him fling back the hood on his head. He points out at the crowd as they perk up a little more.


Matt Tastic emerges from the back and the amount of hard work and effort he has put into WZCW over the years is displayed through the crowd’s massive pop for him.

Harrys: And his opponent, weighing 225 pounds, he is the "The Super Saiyan of Professional Wrestling", Matt Tastic!

Cohen: What is this? The battle of two lucky Mexicans?

Connor: I think it should more appropriately be called the battle of two men who beat the EurAsian Champion, Rush. Don’t you agree?

Cohen: Like I said CC. Two lucky men are competing in this match. They should be thanking their stars that the professional wrestling gods graced them with a win over the amazing man we all know as Rush.

We return to the ring as Tastic’s music fades out and he steps down from the last turnbuckle that he is working. He stays in the corner that he is at, because Califa is on the opposite side of the ring. The referee looks at both of them and receives a nod from both men. With that, he rings the bell and the bout has officially commenced.

Tastic and Califa both step their way towards the center, but slowly begin circling the center in a vulture like fashion. Both of them keep eyes gazed on each other. Finally, after a bit of circling, Tastic holds out his hand. Califa slowly steps up and grabs the hand. Then, they connect their other hands in order to begin a stand off in the middle of the ring. They both begin pressing against each other palms against one another, but Tastic quickly gets the advantage as he thrusts Califa’s hands down and kicks him in the gut. Tastic then proceeds to kick Califa in the gut again, and again, and again, and again! Finally, Tastic grabs the arm of Califa and whips him into the ropes on the other side of the ring. Califa’s back hits the ropes as he bounces off of them and returns to Tastic. Tastic attempts a spinning back-fist, but Califa ducks under it and bounces off of the ropes. He returns to Tastic and hits him with a dropkick. The impact sends Tastic falling on his back and Califa to the ground, but Califa quickly recovers to his feet. Tastic also rises to his feet, but Califa pounces on him and uses a la magistral cradle for an unexpected cover! 1........2...Kick Out! The crowd has to catch their breath over that close call.

Connor: Impressive move their by th- OH MAN!

During Connor’s bit of commentary, Califa rises to his feet after the failed pin attempt and runs to some ropes. He bounces off of them and catches a rising Tastic with a headscissors that sends his face falling down onto the mat. Not only that, but Califa manages to hold on to one of Tastic’s arm and now has him in an armbar. Califa wrenches the arm as Tastic shakes his head in determination. The referee checks on Tastic, but Tastic is hardly ready to give up. Tastic begins using his other arm to punch at Califa’s legs that are wrapped around his arm. After a few shots, Califa releases the hold and jumps up to his feet. Tastic crawls away and towards some nearby ropes in order to help himself up. Upon picking himself up to his feet, he finds a charging Califa heading towards his direction. Tastic ducks his shoulder and sends Califa over him, but Califa whimsically grabs the top ropes and lands on the outside apron! The crowd gasps, but then cringes upon a the smack of Tastic’s leg on the side of the face of Califa via a spinning wheel kick!

Cohen: That had to hurt!

Connor: Sweet spinning wheel kick there by Tastic!

Califa seems to be falling down like a tower, but he is able to drop off the apron and land on his feet on the outside. He uses the outside barricade to support his standing. Meanwhile, Tastic is in the ring and ready to go. He signals to the crowd as they pop at what is about to come. Tastic sprints towards the ropes on the opposite side of where Califa is. He bounces off of them and returns to Califa’s side with a leap of faith over the top ropes! He crashes into Califa on the outside and both of them ram into the barricade!

Connor: Suicide dive by Matt Tastic! Wow! These two men put the fast forward button on as we have seen nothing but fast paced action from both of them. Let us look at that again!

We see Tastic bouncing off of the ropes on the opposite side in slow motion. He makes his way towards Califa’s side and leaps a good five feet in the air for his suicide dive. The clip returns to regular speed upon impact of the two men.

Cohen: Using your body as weapon is ignorant and poor strategy. I think he is going to pay for that in this match.

The referee has been counting during the replay and is now up to four. Meanwhile, Tastic has risen to his feet and picks Califa up by his mask. Tastic then proceeds to roll Califa under the ropes and into the ring. Tastic slides in underneath the ropes as well and makes the cover, 1......2.Kick Out! Tastic wipes the sweat from his face as he rises up from Califa’s body. He reaches down and grabs the arm of Califa to pick him up. Tastic puts some distance between them, but then pulls Califa in by his arm and picks Califa up for an inverted atomic drop! Califa grabs his tailbone as he wails in pain. Tastic makes the cover, 1....2.Kick Out! Tastic gets back up to his feet and picks Califa up with him by his mask. Tastic grabs the arm of Califa and hoists him up on his shoulders. The crowd pops at the setting up of Tastic’s next move. However, Tastic is caught off guard by Califa flailing his feet. Tastic loses his grip and this allows Califa to wrap his arm around Tastic’s head and jerk it around for an on the spot tornado DDT!

Connor: What a reversal!

Tastic rubs his head as he uses the pain as motivation to rise to his feet. Califa also rises up and gets to his feet before Tastic can. Tastic stumbles into a standing position and walks right into a leaping Califa who connects with a seated position on Tastic’s shoulder. Califa flips backwards and performs a Huracanrana on Tastic. This causes Tastic to land firmly on his back on the mat. Califa quickly regains his footing and sprints towards Tastic. He hurdles over the body and jumps onto a nearby second rope; he then spins in mid-air and extends his leg out for a springboard leg drop off of the second rope! Tastic eats it and Califa goes for the cover,

Kick Out!

The crowd gasps over the close count, but Califa wastes little time to cry over spilled milk and proceeds to grab the arm of Tastic and put on a tequila sunrise! Tastic screams in pain as the lock is on the same arm that Califa targeted earlier.

Cohen: This could be it! That lucky loser could do it again!

Tastic extends his other arm in pain, but he refuses to tap. The referee councils him as the submission carries on. The crowd perks up over the possible tap-out, but the hype is soon abolished. Tastic roars out in pain as he uses pure strength to flip Califa over and off of his arm. However, the damage is crucial as Tastic grabs his arm in pain. Califa is relatively unaffected as he quickly returns to Tastic and begins kicking at his neck. Tastic tries to crawl for cover as he makes his way to a nearby turnbuckle. Califa continues kicking him all the way into the turnbuckle. Tastic proceeds to pull himself up into a standing position, but Califa continues with the kicks. Califa relaxes on the kicks for a small moment, but it appears that he is only using this time to charge up a fatal blow. SMACK! A hard kick is driven into the chest of Tastic who quickly covers his chest in pain. Califa uses this small moment of time to run away from the turnbuckle to the other side. With Tastic still holding his chest in pain, Califa runs at him and leaps up onto his shoulders again for another Huracanrana. However, Tastic raises up his arms and holds the back of Califa in order to prevent the maneuver. Califa is persistent and jerks backwards, but Tastic acts on a whim and spins Califa around and ends up sitting Califa on top of the turnbuckle. Califa proceeds to lash out with a stiff right hand to the forehead of Tastic. This causes him to stagger backwards as Califa jumps up into a standing position on the turnbuckle. Tastic turns around and catches a lunging Califa. In an attempt to avoid a reversal, Califa tries to crawl over Tastic’s body and finds himself holding onto the backside of Tastic. Tastic holds onto the legs of Califa as he hobbles out of the corner and into the center of the ring. Finally, he gets in the open space and executes his finisher, Headache Driver! Califa hits the ground hard underneath the body of his competitor, and Tastic remains on top of him for the cover,


Connor: What a finish! You can’t tell me that you are not impressed by what we just saw here Cohen.

Cohen: Meh.

Tastic rolls off of Califa and makes his way to his feet in triumph.

Harrys: Here is your winner by pinfall, Matt Tastic!

The referee holds up the arm of Tastic as he raises both of them in the air. His music begins to play as the pop of the crowd begins to fizzle in the background of the theme music.

Connor: What an impressive match from these two men who seem to both have intentions on taking out Rush as the EurAsian champion. Surely this win tonight will make Tastic a favorite in line for a shot at the champ.


Kurtesy is walking backstage, looking to head to the ring. On his way, he bumps into Celeste. The two share a long hug.

Have fun out there tonight.

Kurtesy smiles.

It means a lot. You be careful.

Kurtesy continues walking as Celeste heads to her locker room.


Big Dave knocks on Vance Bateman's office door and he opens it, looking at Dave with a disgusted look on his face.

What do you want?

I came by to talk to you about you re-instating Holmes and...

You and him have history and you made a decision based on your clouded judgement. He reacted and I solved it. He has not been left unpunished as I have given him a one night no-compete clause with paid suspension tonight until Unscripted, which is why things went so smooth out there when I left all four competitors out. Now, that is all I have to say about the situation. You can leave.

Bateman slams the door shut in Dave's face.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


The arena dims, with the only source of light being the spotlight focused on the stage. After a few moments, the masked Steven Kurtesy walks out with a cricket bat in his hand and heads down, to a huge cheer from the crowd. He holds the bat in tribute of the great Australian cricketer Ricky Ponting who has recently retired, revealing that the bat has actually been signed by the legend.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Sydney, Australia; weighing in at 228 lbs…Steven Kurtesy!

Connor: While being a former world champion, Kurtesy surprised everyone last week by not being involved with the Supershow Battle Royale.

Cohen: Surprised? Kurtesy’s past his best now, to the point where the only matches he can get are against a girl and a mentally unstable pseudo-alien midget.

Connor: And while nothing remains confirmed, rumours are rife that this could very well be Kurtesy’s last match here in WZCW.

Cohen: Cat; if he loses against Krypto, he deserves to retire.

Kurtesy gets to the ring, leaves the bat on the ground and climbs the steps. After a few moments he removes his mask; a fierce and somewhat hollow look on his face. He places the mask on the post, and paces restlessly in the ring, awaiting his opponent.


Krypto pops out of the ground to another, all be it slightly smaller, cheer. A huge smile is beaming on his face, and after taking a few moments to gaze at the vastness of the arena, he makes his way down, high-fiving fans as he goes.

Anderson: And his opponent; from Out of This World; weighing in at 200 lbs...Krypto!

Cohen: WHY is this guy still here?

Connor: Krypto is still alive in the Mentorship programme, and he would certainly love to gain a psychological advantage by picking up a win against the mentor of his Unscripted opponent.

Cohen: I’ve got more chance of winning Miss America.

Connor: You’d make a lovely Jackie.

Krypto finishes high-fiving the last fan around the ring, and slides into the ring. The referee checks that both men are ready, and signals at ringside.


They lock up, with Kurtesy immediately pushing Krypto back into the corner. As he does, he breaks and begins to relentlessly chop away at WZCW’s resident Alien, before breaking at the referee’s count of 4. After a moment, he goes back to the corner and unleashes more chops to Krypto’s chest; again only relenting at the referee’s count.

Connor: A relentless start by Kurtesy!

Cohen: Liking the aggression here! Chop him again!

Kurtesy backs to the other corner; the referee scolding him for his over-aggressiveness. He then charges at Krypto who, at the last second rolls out of the way, sending Kurtesy into the turnbuckle. In the blink of an eye, Krypto runs back to the turnbuckle, leaps up and monkey-flips Kurtesy over his head. Kurtesy reaches for his lower back as he quickly gets back to his feet, only to be met with a dropkick to his knees. Before he can even attempt to get up, Krypto rebounds off the ropes and hits a quick leg drop to the back of the head. He rolls Kurtesy over, but doesn’t even get a one count. He helps Kurtesy up, only to meet a stiff kick to the gut. Krypto staggers to the ropes, and Kurtesy comes back from the opposite side of the ring with a clothesline…but Krypto pulls the top rope down, sending Steven over the ropes to the floor, smacking his head on the apron. Krypto looks to the crowd, and starts them clapping. He waits for Kurtesy to stand back up, and dives through the second and top rope with a suicide dive…only for Kurtesy to move! Krypto goes crashing spine-first into the barrier at ringside, as Kurtesy regains his composure after Krypto’s early onslaught.

Cohen: Now that’s what I call a crash and BURN!

Connor: A great piece of awareness there by Kurtesy.

Cohen: It doesn’t take a genius to hear Krypto clapping in the ring. That's what you get for sucking up to the crowd.

Kurtesy picks Krypto up from the floor, and shoulder tackles him into the ring apron. He clutches his back in agony, before rolling him back into the ring. Quick cover...One......Krypto pops the shoulder up just after two. He picks the pseudo-alien up and catches him with a kesagiri chop. He follows this immediately by a jumping savate kick, knocking Krypto down, and grabs a free leg and locks in a half boston crab.

Connor: Krypto’s spine must be in agony here!

Cohen: Kurtesy’s doing exactly what he should be doing; letting Krypto crash and making him suffer for it.

Krypto, yelling in pain, slowly begins to pull the weight of Kurtesy with him towards the bottom rope. It seems to take a lifetime, and the pain seems to increase with every passing second. He finally makes the rope, but Kurtesy holds onto the foot as Krypto helps himself up. He spins Krypto around and goes for Hypnosis, but Krypto snapmares Kurtesy over. Steven gets back up, and is met with a springboard cross body. Krypto takes a moment to grasp his back in pain, before covering. ...One......Two...kickout by Kurtesy.

Connor: The pain in Krypto’s back gave Kurtesy time to recover there, but still nowhere near enough damage done for him to get the win.

Cohen: You seem to think that’s possible, CC.

Krypto looks around, and rolls onto the apron. He waits for Kurtesy to stand back up, and springs off the ropes. Kurtesy has seen it coming, however, and catches him with a facebreaker knee smash. Krypto is dazed, about to fall to his feet, but not before Kurtesy crushes his skull with a devastating Yakuza Kick. Cover. ...One......Two...kick-out by Krypto!

Connor: A resilient Krypto showing a huge amount of guts here!

Cohen: Or stupidity. Definitely stupidity.

Kurtesy looks incensed with the kickout, and lifts Krypto up. He drops him to his knees with a Patella kick, then hits the Circle of Life, finishing by locking the submission in. Krypto looks around, trying to reach the ropes with his leg, but to no avail. He manages to roll onto his knees, then onto his feet, with Kurtesy now holding him in a double-underhook position. Krypto manages to get enough traction to charge Kurtesy in the corner, forcing him to release the hold. Krypto then runs to the opposite corner, and charges at Kurtesy, only for Kurtesy to move, and send Krypto into the corner. It’s now Kurtesy’s turn to charge into the corner, only for Krypto to lock in a tarantula!

Cohen: That move is illegal!

Connor: You don’t normally complain!

Cohen: I don’t care! He should be fired, right now! Mostly for existing, but also for that move!

Krypto releases the hold after the count of four, and awaits on the apron for Kurtesy to turn around. As he does, Krypto comes off the ropes and lands a seated senton! ...One......Two...Kurtesy manages to get the shoulder up. Krypto winces as he gets up, and runs back to the ropes, and goes for a headscissor takedown. Kurtesy has it scouted however, and catches Krypto in a sidewalk slam position. He drops Krypto’s bad back onto his knee, but holds on. In the blink of an eye, he drops him onto his feet and grabs his head, in a perfect position for a Prescribed Sedation! Krypto sees it however, and pushes Kurtesy to the ropes and catches him with a Hurricanrana on the rebound! He holds on for ...One......Two...Kurtesy rolls through! ...One......Two...Krypto kicks out, but is hit immediately with a chop. Krypto takes in the pain and tries to rally through, shouting out at the top of his lungs and charging at Kurtesy again, only to be taken to the mat with a second yakuza kick. Kurtesy leans back into the turnbuckle to catch his breath, as Krypto slowly stirs.

Connor: What a blistering sequence of moves!

Cohen: Krypto’s lucky he’s against a has-been like Kurtesy. Anyone else on the roster would have swatted him down like the fly he is by now!

Kurtesy comes back towards Krypto, and picks him up slowly. He turns him around and tries to lock in Hypnosis again, but Krypto, sensing he is in danger, runs towards the corner with Kurtesy holding on, runs up the turnbuckle, and pushes off into a pinning combination! ...One......Two...Kurtesy’s legs flail about before finally kicking out moments before the three!

Connor: Krypto is putting on one of his strongest performances here; against a former world champion no less.

Cohen: I know I’ve been joking about Kurtesy losing a step or two, but he REALLY has lost it to be struggling against Krypto.

Connor: Krypto’s performance here could give anyone a good run.

Cohen: That's as likely as him going back home. For good. Which I'm still hoping for.

Kurtesy stumbles back to his feet, and see’s Krypto come at him with an elbow. He catches it, and hits one of his own. Then another. Then another! He goes for the final rolling Relapse elbow, but Krypto ducks it, and as Kurtesy turns, Krypto unleashes the Alienator buzzsaw kick…but Kurtesy manages to duck it at the last second! With no wasted motion, Steven finally completes the Relapse to the back of Krypto’s head! Krypto hits the mat with a dull thud. Another cover.




Connor: And yet ANOTHER kickout!

Cohen: How it’s taken him this long is beyond me. I mean, it’s Krypto we’re talking about here!

Kurtesy looks around, grabbing his head in frustration. He makes his way to his feet, and begins to stalk Krypto, hands on knees, possibly for another finishing attempt.

Connor: Kurtesy possibly thinking putting this one to bed, here!

Cohen: It's about damn time. Finish the little freak!

Krypto slowly staggers back to his feet, and Kurtesy loads up the Prescribed Sedation again, but Krypto manages to back into Kurtesy, sending him into the corner. Krypto immediately follows this up by elbowing Kurtesy in the face, before creating some distance between them, and jumping up for another monkey flip. Kurtesy catches him, however, and sits him on top of the turnbuckle. Kurtesy takes a moment, before climbing to the second rope.

Cohen: What are you doing???

Connor: Kurtesy looking for a big finish here!

Cohen: He’s going out of his comfort zone and doing something stupid. He has no reason to do this!

Kurtesy manages to stand with his back to Krypto on the second rope, and grabs his head. The crowd collectively gasp at the possibility at a Prescribed Sedation from the second rope, but before Kurtesy can execute the move, Krypto fights back, pummelling Kurtesy with as many shots as he can. Kurtesy catches him with a back elbow, and turns back to face him…only to be caught with a huge Alienator kick to the face! Kurtesy is OUT, and falls from the ropes to the canvas below.

Cohen: You’ve got to be kidding me!

Connor: Modified Alienator on the second rope!

Krypto gathers his thoughts for a moment, before looking around at the crowd in near disbelief. They cheer, urging him to go for the big finish. He obliges, and leaps high into the air, crashing into Kurtesy’s ribs with the Flying Saucer! He rolls through,clutching at his back slightly, before scampering over to his opponents prone body. He pulls both legs back into a cover.




Cohen: WHAT???

Connor: Krypto did it! He beat Steven Kurtesy!

Cohen: Bu-but it’s KRYPTO! How the hell did he do that???

Krypto rolls off of Kurtesy, looking round is sheer disbelief as the referee calls for the bell.

Anderson: Here is your winner…KRRRRRRRYPTO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The referee raises his hand as his music begins playing with Krypto being highly ecstatic about the victory. The crowd cheers for this victory very loudly as Kurtesy gets to one knee. Krypto extends a hand and helps Kurtesy to his feet and two competitors embrace before Kurtesy lifts Krypto's arm in the air. The crowd cheers as Kurtesy thanks Krypto for the match.

Connor: A sign of respect shown by the veteran Kurtesy for the rookie Krypto. Is this Kurtesy passing the torch?

Cohen: I hope not as that'd be a bad investment on Kurtesy's behalf. Besides, he has Isabel. I'm surprised he hasn't attacked Krypto to make his rookie's job much easier.

Kurtesy goes over to the side of the ring and requests a microphone wanting to say something. Krypto stays in the ring alongside Kurtesy, who is starting to get a bit emotional...

Kurtesy: First of all, I'd like to say thank you to Krypto for giving me a great match. You deserve the victory.

The crowd cheers for Krypto who is humbled by the thought.

Kurtesy: I'd also like to thank each and every one of you people here tonight and all across the world for always tuning in and supporting me wrestle, no matter if I'm the victory or not.

The crowd cheers even more for their own mention.

Kurtesy: If you've heard the rumours then you know what this is about: tonight will be my last night for a while here in WZCW.

Everyone in the arena doesn't want Kurtesy to go and chant his name. Kurtesy laughs as he tries to hold back the tears.

Kurtesy: I don't want to go but... the passion that I once had for everything has gone and I don't feel like I'd be putting 110% if I were to continue. I want to give my spot on the roster to someone new who can have the chance to shine just like Krypto. One day, I might come back but for now, it's goodbye WZC...


The crowd gives off a mixed reaction with more boos than cheers for Isabel Stone who is walking down the ramp, not looking too happy about everything.

Cohen: Do you think she is angry that Kurtesy didn't mention her?

Connor: Kurtesy did invite Isabel to Ascension tonight. It could be her honouring his request.

Isabel enters the ring and keeps her distance from both Krypto and Kurtesy.

Stone: So... you're leaving then?

Kurtesy nods as Stone looks a little angry.

Stone: You were going to leave without saying goodbye? You said bye to your pal Celeste and my opponent over there but not me?

Kurtesy looks confused and reassures her that this is not the case. Stone has none of it.

Stone: That's typical of you, Kurtesy... you're never there for me when I truly need it even though whenever you ask me to come to your aid, I make an effort. It's been like that the entire program. You only helped me out when you had to... and what makes me sick is that everyone credits you for me getting this far when in actual fact, you never helped with anything. There was only one time that you came up to me and gave me pointers and that was at the start of the competition. Since then, all my success to get to this point has been due to me.

The crowd boos as Isabel continues to insult her mentor.

Kurtesy: I've been with you every step of the way Isabel, both in the physical and spiritual form. I have never abandoned you and despite me leaving, I will be there at Unscripted to watch from the sidelines.

Stone: And that's all you've ever done... watch me. What you say are lies and excuses just to win these people over. You never cared about me so now, why should I care about you?

As Isabel poses the question, she kicks Kurtesy in the gut and locks in the Scream Lock, cinching it in tight and choking the life out of Kurtesy. Krypto does his best to separate Isabel from Kurtesy but it takes him a while to break them up. Isabel goes to hit Krypto but he fights back, striking her with a few blows before he takes her down with one swift punch. Isabel hits the canvas and rolls out of the ring, taking the microphone she dropped as she retreats up the ramp. The crowd cheers for Krypto as Isabel holds the mic up to her face.

Stone: I don't care whether or not our mentors will be present because just like me Krypto, your mentors never cared about you. I don't care what the voting stipulations are because I don't give a damn what these people think. This match is about us at Unscripted and nothing more and I can't wait to kick your ass!

Isabel drops the mic as she heads up the ramp and through the curtain, leaving Krypto tending to Kurtesy in the middle of the ring.
The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


Introducing first from Chicago, Illinois weighing 225 pounds, Ricky Runn!!

Ricky enters the stage grinning and his eyes wide. Ricky jogs down to the ring and smiles and high five’s the fans. Then he quickly slides into the ring, removing his sweater.

Ricky's mind seems to wander off with ease. But this week he's got a lot of things to focus on.

Yeah. This match and what stipulation he'll put up for the 3 Way.


His opponent, from Portland Oregon weighing 245 pounds, Jacoby Capone!

Capone slowly prances with a smirk on his face and hood from his jacket up. He spins on his heel in a show-off fashion followed by a brisk jog to the ring. Capone then climbs a single turnbuckle where he unzips his jacket, gestures to the band on his shirt, then removes the shirt and tosses it to the ground.

A win for Capone here can put him in the right place for a Mayhem title shot. But can he?

All he has to do is beat this airhead.

Ding ding!

The match starts and both men head into the middle of the ring. A collar and elbow tie up kicks things off as both men struggle for some ground. Jacoby tries to push Ricky towards a corner, but Ricky holds his own. Pulling and moving to steer himself away. After a while, Ricky tosses Jacoby to the corner. But rather than following up he turns and walks away leaving Capone perplexed.

Ricky seems to be looking to psych out Jacoby.

Capone begins to charge Runn but as Capone charges ahead, Ricky himself rushes to the outside of the ring. Ricky stands shaking hands with the crowd while Capone calls Ricky a "coward" from the ring. Ricky gets to the apron and signs to the fans but the distraction allows Jacoby to attack Ricky and pull him into the ring. He viciously stomps on him for a bit before walking off and asking the crowd "what do you see in him?" He heads to the top rope and waits on the staggering Runn. Once he gets up Jacoby pounces off the ropes hitting a hard Flying Clothesline. He quickly covers. 1....2....Kick Out!

Looks like Ricky's attempts to mess with Jacoby backfired. He's now on the defensive.

That small opening was all Jacoby needed to take the fight.

Jacoby stays on the offensive with hammer shots to Rickys back as he stands him up. He sets him on the corner and then whips Runn to the opposing one before charging onto him. He delivers a hard elbow smash and follows it with a Russian Legsweep. 1...2...Kick Out! Jacoby tries to get up and stay on the offensive, but Ricky beats him to the punch. He shoots hard rights before whipping Jacoby to the corner. He runs to the corner but Jacoby gets out of dodge. Rolling behind the oncoming Ricky. He however simply climbs the corner and leaps off and turning in mid-air and catching Jacoby in his signature Ricky-Rana! 1...2...Kick Out!

That was a close call. Jacoby better watch himself. he can't underestimate the former Tag Team Champion.

Not much of a compliment. Austin carried him after all.

Ricky follows up with various kicks to the legs and mid section of Jacoby's subcultural anatomy. After softening him up, delivers a hard slapping blow, a second one follows. Then a backhand fist. Jacoby dangles standing and Ricky hooks and rolls Jacoby's head slamming him on the mat with a Rolling Neckbreaker. Ricky gets up and begins clapping his hands and heads to the top rope.

This is a risk. Jacoby is a smart guy.

Jacoby gets up when he sees Ricky on the ropes. he grabs the referee and pushes him to the ropes. Tripping Ricky.


Oh! It seems Ricky's stuck on the turnbuckle.

Back on the offensive, Jacoby starts swinging at Ricky who hangs from the turnbuckle. But the ref intervenes. Scolding Jacoby for pushing him. After Jacoby moves the ref though, Ricky gets a hold of himself and jumps over Jacoby, rolling on the ground and bouncing off the ropes before nailing Jacoby with a running Enzuigiri! He jumps behind the downed Jacoby and signals for his Ricky Runndown.

It seems Ricky's back on track.

Not for long, I bet.

Ricky Half-Nelson's Jacoby, but he swings it off and gets under Ricky. Tripping him and grabbing his legs. He lifts him up by the legs and kicks him straight in the gut. He leaps and Senton's down onto Ricky for a cover. 1....2....NO! Ricky lifts his shoulder up and clutches his stomach after getting Jacoby off him.

Is that even legal? He kicked him with all the malice in him.

It's not pretty, but it's legal.

Jacoby goes back on the offensive but fails to lift Ricky up who collapses due to the earlier blow. He instead scoop slams Ricky on the center of the ring and heads to the top. He screams "This is how a dive is done!!" before turning around and leaping. Corkscrewing in mid-air. Sadly though, Ricky rolls out and Jacoby crashes. The momentum makes him roll onto his feet. Ricky capitalizes and hits the Ricky Runndown on him. Jacoby bounces to his feet from the impact and Ricky once again takes advantage and leaps onto Jacoby for a Rana and cover. 1...2...3!!

He is your winner, Ricky Runn!!

And Ricky gets the win after that hard blow to the stomach. This is a great momentum gain as he heads to Unscripted for his 3 Way Mayhem title match.

But what stipulation will the match be? And will Ricky be back in shape?

The ref lifts Ricky's arm up, but Ricky clutches his belly. The ref asks if he's OK and Ricky nods. Slowly he lifts his arms up to celebrate as Jacoby rolls out of the ring.


Celeste Crimson is getting ready backstage.

"Rush is a sexist pig who is disgracing the prestige of the Eurasian Championship. Without being able to face that chauvinist pig, I have the next best shot. Sam Smith stands up for the same bigoted ideals that Rush thinks that he can spread through WZCW. He tarnishes the Elite X championship with those lost ideals."

"It's disgusting and we shouldn't have to stand for it. Rush and Sam Smith need to be put in their place and I am just the woman to do it."


We see Sam Smith, inside his darkened dressing room. He holds the faceplate of the Elite X title in his hands.

"This Elite X Championship is a badge of honour, it means I am one the best of the company. The same can be said of my friend Rush who stands with me above everyone. But Celeste Crimson is not on that level. With her mere presence she is able to disrespect everything we stand for. She is a novelty act and a freak show who doesn't deserve to be in the ring with Rush or myself. I will tolerate being in the ring with her one more time but I will prove once again that she doesn't belong in the ring with Rush or myself."

"I'm going to dominate her, kill her aspirations and maybe she will understand the message this time."

The crowd boos as Elite X Champion Sam Smith and EurAsian Champion Rush walk out and onto the stage. The crowd continues to rain boos down on them as they walk down the ramp. A ran starts yelling at Rush who slowly turns to face him. Rush takes the sign from him and slowly rips it into pieces. Rush throws the pieces back at him and follows Smith who has made his way to ringside. Smith holds his belt in front of the audience and yells at all of them at he is better before sliding into the ring. Smith grabs a mic from the ring announcer and looks ready to speak.

Smith: I have only one thing to say to all you pieces of trash here tonight and that is that I'm...

Bateman: Just a minute, just a minute there Smith. I don't want you going off on all these people in attendance and have me have to unfortunately fine or suspend either of you two. You two are just too valuable to this company and that's something my counter part on Meltdown doesn't realize.

Smith and Rush nod their heads inside the ring in approval of Bateman's statement.

Bateman: Now I do have some official business to discuss regarding you Smith and that is regarding your match with Triple X. An excellent match up on any card, but this is Unscripted where anything and everything can happen. And I am tired of the Elite X title being considered underneath the EurAsian Title. No offense to you Rush, but as the GM of Ascension it is my responsible to look our for the Elite X Title and make sure that it is well represented in WZCW.

Smith turns to Rush and points to his title and says something to him. Rush rolls his eyes and holds up his belt high over Smith.

Bateman: So that is why at Unscripted, for the first time ever in WZCW we will have a singles TLC match!

Smith snaps his head in Bateman's direction with a shocked and upset look on his face, as Rush chuckles behind him.

Bateman: And the fans will be responsible for determining how the match will end. They will vote on whether it should end via pinfall or submission, whether one of you will have to climb a ladder and retrieve the belt, or if one of you will have to be put through a table to be defeated. The choice is in their personal power.

Rush: Hey Bateman, I know it's not your responsibility to be looking out for me, but that runt Big Dave hasn't informed me about my match at Unscripted. I was hoping maybe someone as smart and professional as you would be able to tell me who I'm facing.

Bateman: I can't believe the unprofessional behaviour of my colleague, but with his recent lawsuit against him I can understand that he may have bigger issues on his mind. Fortunately before he left the arena today he did inform me about your match, not as exciting as my match, but an interesting idea nonetheless. Rush at Unscripted the fans will vote on who your opponent will be and they will choose between three different people. They could choose the new comer who defeated you at Meltdown 79, El Califa Dragon!

The crowd pops as El Califa walks onto the stage and stands beside Bateman.

Bateman: They could choose the Mayhem legend who defeated you at Meltdown 80, Matt Tastic!

The corwd cheers again as Matt Tastic walks onto the stage and stands beside Dragon.

Bateman: Or... they could chose a long time WZCW competitor who has beaten many great champions here, but has never won a championship.

The crowd pops loudly as Celeste walks out onto the stage, her eyes set on Smith and Dragon inside the ring.

Bateman: And she just so happens to be facing your partner here tonight Rush, so I suggest you take some notes or you may suffer a third straight lose at Unscripted.

Celeste continues down to the ring as Bateman leaves and Dragon and Tastic stay and watch on the stage. Rush pats his partner on the shoulder and then leaves the ring.

Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Petersburg, Russia, weighing 165 lbs, Celeste Crimson. And her opponent, from Washington D.C., weighing 235 lbs, he is the Elite X Champion, Sam Smith!

Celeste is standing in the ring and has her eyes locked onto Rush standing on the outside. The bell rings and Sam Smith tries to attack Celeste from behind. Smith blocks the attack and counters with a strike to the face. Smith stumbles back and then falls down to the mat when Celeste prepares for a high round house kick. Smith backs to the ropes and holds his jaw bit as he gets to his feet. Smith walks in with a bit more caution and the two lock up. Smith begins to push Celeste back, when she digs her feet in to stop. Smith begins to force Celeste down to her knees successfully. Celeste stops her decent and grabs Smith’s legs. She puts him on her shoulders and hits a fireman’s carry slam from her knees. She grabs the arm of Smith and attempt to wrap her legs around Smith’s shoulder. Smith keeps her legs at bay as he works himself and Celeste up to their feet. Celeste still has Smith locked in an arm hold as he reaches underneath her with his free arm and slams her to the mat. Celeste doesn't release the hold and was also taken down to the mat along with Celeste. Smith again works himself back to his feet and with his free arm tries to pull himself free if Celeste’s grip. He slowly manages to power Celeste’s arms apart and holds her there. Celeste lets go of Smith’s arms and Belly to Belly Suplexes him to the mat. Celeste with the first cover of the match. 1... 2 Smith kicks out and rolls outside the ring, clearly upset so far with himself.

Connor: Sam Smith wisely rolling out of the ring as he looks for a chance to regroup early in this contest.

Cohen: Smart strategy by the champion. Smith walked in thinking this was going to be a stroll in the park. The crafty veteran Celeste knows a lot of counters, but Smith is no slouch in the ring either, and when he gets started he’s going to make Celeste regret ever trying to have the upper hand.

Smith climbs into the ring and paces slowly around Celeste who is in defensive stance. Rush starts to walk outside the ring and the second he is out of Celeste sight, Smith boots Celeste in the gut. Smith grabs her head and snap suplexes her to the mat. Celeste and Smith get to their feet and Smith grabs Celeste leg and flips her onto the mat. He drops an elbow on the leg he is holding and then proceeds to twist and turn to foot of Celeste on the mat. Celeste tries to kick Smith away, but Smith rolls to his feet, still holding the leg, and drops a knee on the shin of Celeste. Celeste rolls on the mat holding her foot as Smith stands up with a grin on his face. Dragon and Tastic look on from the stage as Celeste tries to get back to her feet using the ropes. She is able to get to a standing position when Smith comes in from behind and kicks out the leg. Celeste falls to the mat and Smith rolls her onto her stomach and lifts her up to her feet. Smith grabs Celeste by the head and then lifts her off the mat and hits a Falcon Arrow. Smith goes for the pin 1... 2... Celeste kicks out.

Connor: Smith continues to wear away at Celeste’s leg. A few more big moves and he will put this match away.

Cohen: Smith is targeting the injured foot of Celeste, thereby hurting her ability to hit the roundhouse kick. Don’t bother voting for Celeste people. She’ll be lucky if she is even walking come Unscripted.

Smith grabs the feet of Celeste and tries to lock in a Sharpshooter. He has the legs crossed and tries to turn her over. Celeste gets blocking Smith from turning her over, but eventually the champion has her rolled over and into position. Celeste keeps both arms underneath her and attempts to crawl to the nearby ropes. Rush shouts encouragement out to his partner, but his potential challenger is able to just get a hand on the ropes. The ref gets up to 4 when Smith lets go and walks away from Celeste. He turns back and grabs her by the leg and pulls her to the centre. He bends over to pick her up and she rolls him up into a pin. 1... 2. Smith kicks out. Smith quickly gets to his feet and runs at the rising Celeste. Celeste spins and hits a shuffle side kick into the gut. She quickly follows with an evenflow DDT and both opponents lie still in the ring.

Connor: Celeste has turned the match around in one quick series of moves. Can she get an arm over Smith and win this match.

The crowd is on their feet and Rush is banging on the apron yelling at Smith. Celeste rolls over and gets an arm on Smith. 1... 2... Smith kicks out. Celeste slowly gets to her feet and prepares for a big roundhouse kick. From behind Rush climbs onto the apron. Before he can enter, Celeste turns around and Roundhouse Kicks him off the apron. Celeste stands by the ropes and looks down at Rush as he picks up his title belt off the floor. Celeste turns back to the ring and Smith has recovered, lifting her up onto his shoulders and hitting Nighfall! He goes for the pin. 1... 2... 3!

Anderson: Here is your winner, Sam Smith!

Smith raises his arms and celebrates as Rush enters the ring and starts to attack Celeste. Smith turns back to see Rush’s assault and pushes the ref trying to stop the attack and begins to help his partner. Dragon and Tastic run down and slide into the ring. Rush sees them first and bails and Smith soon exits on the other side. Tastic and Dragon don’t even try to attack Smith as he is leaving the ring and slide out after Rush. They get to him as he is crossing over the barricade and manage to get a few shots in as he disappears into the crowd.

Cohen: A huge win for Smith as he heads into possibly the biggest sleeper match on the card, and later tonight we will find out who his opponent will be at Unscripted.

Connor: Smith will have to pull out all the stops as he had to do in this match as well. Typical it has been of Rush to attack his opponent when they’re are down and then run. I hope that at Unscripted one of these three will finally shut him up and beat him for that title.

Tastic and Dragon return to the ring and help Celeste up to their feet. Rush and Smith work their way through the crowd and meet up on the ramp. They look down at the three wrestlers in the ring and raise their title belts up to boos from the crowd.


Barbosa is backstage, heading towards the ring with a barbed wire baseball bat in his hand, muttering things to himself. It gets louder and louder, evident that Barbosa is wanting to go after SHIT right then and there. Barbosa explodes and throws the barbed wire bat at a group of boxes and begins pulverising them, ripping them up and tearing it all apart as Barbosa goes in a fit of rage. After decimating the cardboard, he sees a laptop open and picks it up, smashing it on the ground. Barbosa seems pleased with himself and his rage almost immediately switches off. He continues walking backstage, much happier than before.

Cohen: He needs help...

Connor: Barbosa vs. Bowen... up next!
The following match is scheduled for one fall!

Introducing from Toledo, Ohio, Alex Bowen!!!

Cohen: “The Mayhem legend has been psyched up by Vance Bateman himself for this fight.”

Connor: “I don’t like it. I swear Vance wants the robot to tear Barbosa apart.”

And his opponent from Bedlam, he weighs 237lbs, Barbosa!!

Connor: “The boss has been playing these two off each other Jack.”


Cohen: “It’s nothing of the sort. Vance has fired both of these men up so the fans get value for money!”

Connor: "You think Vance Bateman cares for the fans?"

Bowen and Barbosa have a short lived stare down. Bowen lunges forward and hits a brutal forearm strike but it gets no reaction from the Insane One. Bowen then hits a big slap to the chest to more non reaction from Barbosa. Bowen looks confused and looks into the eyes of the former World Champion and we hear him yell something about SHIT and Barbosa springs to life! He rushes at Bowen in a clothesline attempt, which is ducked by Bowen and he pounds on Barbosa with rights and lefts. Barbosa backs up towards the ropes and the ref pulls Bowen back. Bowen raises his hands as he moves back but that allows Barbosa to hit him with a kick to the gut, followed by a snap STO. Barbosa rolls Bowen over close to the ropes and hooks the leg, 1.. Bowen gets his foot on the ropes.

Connor: “I didn’t catch what Bowen said but whatever it was, it definitely fired up the manic former World Champion.”

Cohen: “I think I heard it and they may be Bowen’s last words!”

Barbosa gets up quickly, before stomping on that very leg. He drags Bowen back into the middle of the ring and drops an stiff elbow to his chest. Barbosa lifts Bowen up and goes to Irish whip him to the turnbuckles, but Bowen reverses the whip and sends Barbosa back-first into the ropes. He quickly follows up with a high knee strike onto Barbosa, who crumbles down the turnbuckles and to the floor. Bowen begins laying boots into him, before the referee begins a 5 count, which Bowen breaks at 3.

Connor: “Neither man is going to budge. This hard and fast action is going to continue until someone makes a mistake!”

Bowen steps back a bit, looking out at the crowd, before he moves towards the former World Champion. Barbosa pulls himself up on the ropes, grabs Alex by the chest and shoves him back into the corner. He tackles the ribs like it was a piece of football equipment, crushing Bowens’ ribs against the turnbuckle. Barbosa back away from the corner and gets up, grabbing Bowen by the hair and the top of his trunks then sending him into the steel ring post, shoulder first.

Connor: “Barbosa has never sought the respect of the fans but it’s clear that our audience want to warm to him.”

Cohen: “Barbosa is the strangest guy on the roster. He can barely focus on putting one fist in front of the other and you want him to deal with the respect of the fans?”

Barbosa gets up, cocks his head as Bowen writhes around and the crowd begin to cheer for him, before he drags Bowen out. This time, he sets him up on the top turnbuckle and follows him. Barbosa grips Bowen in position for a superplex, before Bowen hits some elbows to the back of his head. Bowen jumps off the turnbuckle and grabs Barbosa, making sure to turn him around so he is facing inside the ring. He then gives Barbosa a huge hip toss from the turnbuckle to the ring. Bowen crawls to the cover, 1...2...But Barbosa gets a shoulder up.

Connor: “This is the kind of fight that can change a mans’ career but for Barbosa it’s merely a warm up for the match with SHIT at Unscripted.”

Bowen lays on the ground a while, catching his breath, before he lifts Barbosa up and sends him to the ropes. Bowen goes for a big kick, but Barbosa ducks it and tries hits a Sambo suplex on Alex but instead it gets countered into a backbreaker. Alex is unable to capitalise as both men look tired from the high pace and stiff action that has taken place. Both are down on their backs in the middle of the ring, as the referee begins a 10 count, 1...2...3...4...5...6... Barbosa slowly gets up, and waits for Bowen to follow him. By the time the referee gets to 8, Bowen gets up groggily, and stumbles into Barbosa, who doubles him over and hits The Mood Stabiliser! With Bowen devastated by the brutal drop onto his throat, Barbosa moves into the cover, 1...2... Bowen somehow gets a shoulder up! Barbosa is up, bashing the mat with his fists and not looking too happy with the count from the referee.

Connor: “A great choice of move by Barbosa!”

Cohen: “I don’t think Barbosa looks at things like momentum, he just wants to fight. If he believes Bowen is SHIT then Bowen will have to worry about a lot more than a sore throat.”

Bowen lies on the ground, gripping his throat in pain. Barbosa gestures to the referee that it should have been a three count. Barbosa picks up Alex and whips him off the rope. Barbosa swings and misses with a clothesline and as Alex hits the ropes, he tries to hit a crossbody but Barbosa ducks and Bowen flies over him. Barbosa pulls him back into the middle of the ring and covers him, 1...2...But Bowen kicks out. The Ultimate Inmate is up quickly and grabs Bowen’s neck to lock in a choke. The Mayhem legend looks like he may force himself out of it, but Barbosa rolls around and traps a leg to keep him grounded. Alex turns slightly to enforce the Bipolar Disorder. The referee checks on Bowen who has been severely affected by the lack of oxygen and it seems he has faded quickly until he pushes off his feet and gets Barbosa’s shoulders are down! 1.....2..... Barbosa releases the hold out of shock more than anything else. The ref reluctantly explains what happened to the madman.

Cohen: “I don’t envy the ref having that conversation.”

Barbosa doesn’t hang around for his reasoning and pushes past the official. He sets up for the Split Personality but Bowen drops to his ass and hits some sort of jawbreaker to break up Barbosa’s momentum! It doesn’t halt him much as he is up quicker than Bowen. He tries to hit a DDT, possibly looking for Multiplicity but Bowen powers out of it with a northern lights suplex, a brilliant counter that ends with a bridging cover! 1....2....

Connor: “Great counter!”


Cohen: “SHIT is on his way out, this is going to get even more out of control!”

The music of his arch rival gets Barbosa’s attention immediately. He kicks out of the cover and he looks up at the ramp and is half out of the ring ready to tackle his adversary. But no one appears.

Cohen: “So where is the damn robot!?”

Suddenly Alex Bowen clubs him over the back, kicks him in the gut and then hits the End of Days! Alex rolls over for the cover! 1......2......3!

Your winner by pinfall, Alex Bowen!

Cohen: “What a win for Alex Bowen! He just pinned the former World Heavyweight Champion!”

Connor: “But he did it because Barbosa was distracted! That stinking robot still hasn’t shown up.”

Cohen: “You can see Barbosa has just realised what is going on. Oh boy...someone is going to pay.”


We see our four Elite X League contestants in a split screen.

Alhazred is tuning up the Power Glove by battering a series of punching bags.​

Baller is outside shooting hoops.​

Cooper is giving a sermon to Iris who looks typically bored.​

Triple X is relaxing in his dressing room and stretching his legs.​

Connor: “We are about to determine the man who will face Sam Smith -”

Cohen: “The brilliant Elite X Champion Sam Smith!”

Connor: “At Unscripted, the fatal four way elimination match is up next!”
Anderson; The following contest is a Fatal Four Match and is the final match of the Elite X league!


Mister Alhazred slowly walks through the curtains with his right fist raised high and gets a respectful amount of cheers.

Anderson: Introducing first, weighing 178 lbs, Mister Alhazred!


Justin appears at the top of the ramp with a sinister grin on his face. Slowly Justin slides his right hand through his hair while flicking his left up in the air. He then saunters down to the ring as the crowd boo him loudly.

Anderson: And his opponents, first, from Sydney, Australia, weighing 240 lbs, Justin Cooper


Mr. Baller walks out with his arms high in the air to loud boos. He ignores the boos and is pointing to himself that is going to win this match.

Anderson: His opponent, from Miami, Florida, weighing 235 lbs, Mr. Baller!


As the drums kick in, Triple X walks on the stage, running to each side of the stage, hyping the crowd up. He then returns to the middle, holding up his arms up making an X symbol to loud cheers.

Anderson: And finally, from Phoenix, Arizona, weighing 220 lbs, Triple X!

Connor: Two former Elite X Champions, two former Tag Team Champions. Three points are at stake in this contest so it's still anybodies to win here right now.

Cohen: Anyone's to win, but it will be Mr. Baller who takes it. It is his time now and he is going to score a huge raise in his contact after he defeats Sam Smith.

The bell rings and Baller and Cooper immediately jump on Triple X with punches and kicks and push him back into the corner. Alhazred charges in there and leaps onto Baller, pushing him off. Alhazred drags Baller from the corner as Cooper continues to lay boots on XXX. Alhazred goes for an Irish Whip off the ropes, Baller reverses. Baller charges after him, but Alhazred uses his momentum to slide under the bottom rope. He grabs Baller’s leg as he pulls up and topples him onto his back and pulls him out of the ring. The continue to battle on the outside with Alhazred getting more shot in than Baller, while Cooper lifts XXX to his feet and Irish Whips him to the opposite corner. XXX runs up the turnbuckle and hits Whisper in the Wind on a charging Cooper. Copper rolls to the apron and gets up to his feet outside the ropes. XXX runs and leaps onto the nearby adjacent ropes from Cooper and lands a Dropkick that knocks him off the apron and onto Alhazred and Baller on the outside. The three men slowly get up to their feet as XXX runs back to the opposite ropes from them. He comes running full speed off the ropes and leaps over the top rope, hitting a picture perfect Fosbury Flop. Baller gets hit the least by it as he dove to the side right before contact. All men hit the floor to loud cheers of approval from the audience as XXX gets to his feet and raises his arms.

Connor: An exciting moonsault hit by Triple X to the three men on the outside puts him in complete control early in this contest.

Cohen: Triple X and Mr. Baller both each have one point in this contest and could easily put the competition away with one quick decision. Look for some quick pinfalls.

Triple X is about to continue the attack on Cooper when Baller hits him from behind with a forearm. XXX turns around to face Baller, but sees him instead leaping onto the apron. With no time to defend himself, XXX gets knocked down to the floor by the Game Changer Kick. Baller leaves XXX lying on the floor and grabs Alhazred and rolls him into the ring. Alhazred rolls to his knees, but Baller keeps him grounded with an elbow to the back. Baller then lifts Alhazred to his feet and executes a Swinging Neckbreaker. Baller doesn’t go for the pin and instead smoothly transitions it into an Armbar attempt. Alhazred keeps both hands locked, preventing Baller from locking in the submission. Meanwhile on the outside Cooper is getting some payback on XXX as he Irish Whips him into the barricade. Copper hits a backhand chop that goes XXX to slide to the floor and then Cooper begins his Triple Elbow Drop. Back in the ring, Baller continues to try and lock in the submission. Alhazred is slowly able to get his feet underneath him and rolls Baller backwards into a pin. 1... 2 Baller lets go and kicks out. Both men get to their feet and Baller stops Alhazred with a knee to the gut. Baller runs to the opposite ropes and Alhazred drops to the mat. Baller leaps over and bounces off the ropes again. Alhazred gets to his feet and hits a low drop kick, stopping Baller in his tracks. Alhazred runs to the side ropes and grabs him coming back, hitting a Swinging Neckbreaker. On the outside again, Cooper hits a European Uppercut on XXX, almost taking him off his feet again. Cooper goes to Irish Whip him into the stairs. XXX reverses and Cooper crashes back first into the steel stairs. XXX follows that up quickly with a Spinning Heel Kick and both men are out on the outside.

Connor: Action happening inside the ring, outside the ring. This match is non stop action so far.

Cohen: But the only action worth considering is the action inside the ring, where Baller has a chance to get a point up on XXX and the inside track to facing Sam Smith.

Alhazred lifts Baller to his feet, but ‘The can’t miss prospect’ expertly gets his hands up and eye gouges the face of Alhazred. Baller backs up the ropes, and Alhazred counters him running back, hitting a Hurricanrana and turning it into a pin attempt. The ref slides in to make the count 1... 2.. Baller rolls forward and puts Alhazred into a pin. 1... 2. Alhazred is able to roll over in the ring and puts Baller into the same pin attempt. 1... 2.. Baller is able to push Alhazred back into the same pin 1... 2... Alhazred kicks his legs in and hits Baller in the head, breaking to pin attempt before the count of 3. Baller falls to his back and Alhazred gets to his feet for only a second as he grabs Baller’s legs and rolls forward over Baller into a pin. 1... 2... 3. Baller kicks out soon after the count of 3, but the ref is already signaling to the the announcer and the bell rings as Baller is in the face of the ref.

Anderson: Winner of the first fall and one point is Mister Alhazred! Mr. Baller is eliminated from the match finishing at one point.

Cohen: What an outrage there. Baller was screwed out of this contest by that quick count.

Connor: It looked very clear to me that it was a full 3 count. Alhazred was able to wear down the prospect and sneak in a 3 count. Now Alhazred has one point and Baller is eliminated for contention. Justin Cooper needs to score a point to stay alive as well.

Triple X and Cooper continue to battle on the outside. Alhazred sees an opening and runs at them diving through the ropes. Cooper catches sight of this and pulls XXX into Alhazred, while narrowly avoiding the collision. Copper knees Alhazred in the gut and then and rolls him into the ring. Alhazred gets to his feet slowly as Cooper slides into the ring. Alhazred turns around Cooper kicks him in the gut. He grabs Alhazred and turns around to face the other direction. Copper lifts Alhazred off the mat and hits a Fisherman’s Suplex into a bridge pin. The ref counts 1... 2... Alhazred kicks out. Cooper gets to his feet and waits as Alhazred slowly gets to his feet.

Connor: Cooper setting up for the Final Verse, instead of continuing the attack on Alhazred.

Cohen: The longer Cooper waits the sooner Triple X recovers and is back. Copper is looking to finish off Alhazred right now.

Alhazred turns around and Cooper grabs him, but before he can attempt the move Alhazred elbows him in the head a few times and breaks out of it. Cooper backs up a few steps and when he moves forward, Alhazred knocks him down with a Clothesline. Cooper gets back to his feet and Alhazred again hits a Clothesline. Alhazred is pumped and hearing the crowd the cheer and gets all excited in the ring as he hits a third Clothesline on Cooper. Alhazred holds his glove up in the air and crowd cheers as he turns around and sees Cooper struggling to get to his feet. Alhazred holds him fist back and prepares for the Level 5 Swinging Back Fist. Cooper gets up and turns to face Alhazred as he attempts the move. Cooper dodges the move and manages to kick Alhazred in the back of the leg as he passes by him. Alhazred hobbles in the centre of the ring and looks in front of him and sees Triple X standing on the apron. XXX leaps onto the top rope and goes for a Dropkick. Alhazred ducks and rolls forward and Cooper steps behind where Alhazred was. XXX hits Cooper instead and sends him flying into the bottom rope. XXX gets to his feet and turns back to Alhazred and is hit by the Level 5.

Connor: Oh my god, Alhazred may have knocked out the former Elite X Champion.

Cohen: Are we witnessing the upset of a life time?

Alhazred is at first stunned with himself over being able to hit the Level 5 on somebody. He then realizes he has a chance to win and dives onto Triple X and hooks the leg. The ref drops down and starts the count.



Triple X just kicks out before 3 and the crowd explodes in shock. Alhazred can’t believe what just happened, but has no time to react as Cooper jumps in and starts to stomp Alhazred. He grabs both of Alhazred’s arms and hits a Double Arm DDT. Alhazred rolls to the apron and Cooper pushes him out of the ring and onto the floor. Cooper walks over to the still downed Triple X and drags him towards the corner. Cooper climbs onto the top rope and pulls Triple X up onto the middle rope.

Cohen: Cooper is looking to hit a little Remix. He may very well end the career of Triple X if he drops him into the ring.

Cooper hooks both of XXX’s arms and looks ready to drop them both down. XXX manages to get one arm free and as Cooper tries to regain his hold, XXX stands straight up and flips Cooper over onto the mat. XXX takes a few seconds breather and then steps onto the top rope and lands a Corkscrew Somersault Legdrop on Cooper. He lands his body on top of Coopers and goes for the cover. 1... 2... 3!

Anderson: Winner of the second fall and one point is Triple X! Justin Cooper is eliminated from the match finishing with zero points.

Cohen: No rematch for the former champion, also an outrage in my opinion.

Connor: Triple X looked dead a minute ago by came to life when he needed to, hitting The Firefly off the top rope. Now Triple X will face Sam Smith at Unscripted, but if Mister Alhazred beats X now he will also be included in that match.

Alhazred stands up outside of the ring and looks in to see Triple X slowly rising to his feet. The crowd is cheering loudly for both men as Alhazred slides into the ring and gets to his feet. Both men lock up and Alhazred is able to twist XXX arm into an arm lock. XXX rolls forward and manages to return to his feet, reversing the hold into a Hammerlock on Alhazred. XXX spins him around and goes for a lariat. Alhazred dodges the strike and locks XXX in a sleephold. XXX gets to the side of Alhazred and is able to slip free and pushes him into the ropes. Alhazred bounces back and Triple X goes for a spinning heel kick. Alhazred dodges the kick and knocks XXX down with a strong right punch. He goes for the cover 1... 2... Triple X kicks out. Alhazred is starting to show signs of frustration as he paces around in the ring. XXX is slowly getting to his feet as Alhazred walks over and helps him stand up. Alhazred waits for a second and XXX makes him pay, hitting a DDT. Both men lie down for a long while in the ring.

Connor: Neither of these two want to lose, but neither man is giving up. This match could go on for all night or it can end right now. That shows how much each man wants it and how much each man has left.

The ref is at 6, but he doesn’t need to count any further as Triple X nips up and onto his feet. The crowd pops as XXX slowly walks around the ring as Alhazred is slowly getting to his feet. XXX waits for his opponent to stand and then grabs him from behind going for the Adrenaline Rush. Alhazred breaks out of the move and goes for the Triforce Combination as Triple X turns. Body punch, uppercut, swinging right fist misses as Alhazred stumbles past XXX having thrown everything into that punch. XXX holds his body in pain as Alhazred regains balance and walks back towards XXX. Triple X turns to his side and unexpectedly hits the X-Rated Superkick on Alhazred! The crowd pops as XXX drops down on top of Alhazred for the cover. 1... 2... 3!

Anderson: Here is your winner and new number one contender for the Elite X Championship, Triple X!

The ref helps XXX off Alhazred and raises his hand to loud cheers. Triple X appears very out of it, but begins to soak in the applause and hops onto the second rope and raises his hands.

Connor: A great match put forth by all competitors, but the former champion Triple X was able survive this match and picked up enough points throughout these past two shows to be the sole challenger to face Sam Smith at Unscripted.

Cohen: Wonderful... now Sam Smith has a worthy challenger he can lay claim beating at Unscripted.

Connor: A great contest by Triple X and a very good effort by Alhazred. I think Sam Smith is going to have his hands full if the division continues to keep growing like it has been.

Triple X hops off the turnbuckle and walks over to Alhazred. He helps pick him up to his feet and the two embrace in a respectful hug as Triple X tells him what a hard fought match he gave. A confused Alhazred exits the ring as XXX continues to celebrate with everyone in the ring, holding his hands up high. The cheers and adulation turns to boo's as we see Sam Smith running down the ramp with a chair in hand. XXX turns around and we see Smith whack him across the face. Smith drops the chair and picks up Triple X, throwing him to the outside.

Connor: Can't we ever end a show in peace?

Cohen: When do we ever end a show in peace?

Smith is on the outside and goes over to the announcer's desk, taking it apart and ready for it to be used as a table. Smith then goes under the ring and manages to pull out a ladder, setting it up in front of the desk. Smith picks Triple X up and places him on the table, looking to do some damage. Smith slowly climbs the ladder and when he gets to a comfortable height, Smith jumps off... but Triple X rolls off in time and Smith crashes into the table... but the table stays standing! The crowd cheers loudly at the missed move as Triple X signals he is going up the ladder.

Cohen: Why couldn't they have used the Spanish announcer's table?

Triple X gets to the top of the ladder, throws his hands up in an "X" fashion and hits the Firefly onto Smith. This time, the move connects and the table smashes to bits. The crowd is cheering loudly and chants the religious waste chant across the arena. Both men are out of it as they lay across the broken desk.

Connor: Talk about proving a point.

Cohen: They didn't have to destroy our table!

Connor: No, but this is a preview of things to come between these two and quite honestly, I can't wait for this match.

A couple of trainers come out and take a look at both men but they seem to be recovering slowly. As they start to help, we see something pop up on the titantron...


A camera man is running backstage to where a fight has apparently broken out. The camera follows the carnage until he sees SHIT assaulting Barbosa backstage with a bat wrapped in barbed wire.

If this is what Barbosa wants, then SHIT will deliver with 100% precision!

SHIT presses the barbed wire against the head of Barbosa, causing him to bleed. The camera man calls for help, alerting SHIT of his presence. The robot goes over to the camera man and intimidates him, making him walk backwards. The camera man trips over and the camera falls to the ground, causing an instant white noise and nothing else can be seen or heard.
Who Wrote What:

Showtime/Kermit - Opening
Kermit - Califa vs. Tastic
Showtime - Fatal Four Way & Smith vs. Celeste (Match + In-Ring Segment)
Numbers - Bowen vs. Barbosa, Backstage
B2K01 - Kurtesy vs. Krypto
FalKon - Backstage, Kurtesy/Krypto/Isabel segment, Ending
Killjoy - Runn vs. Capone
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