Austin Region, Third Round, 30 Minute Iron Man Match: (1) Steve Austin vs. (9) Kane

Who Wins This Match?

  • Steve Austin

  • Kane

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Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
This is a third round match in the Austin Region and it is a 30 minute Iron Man match. It will be held at the Toyota Center in Houston, Texas


Rules: There is a thirty minute time limit and the most falls (pinfall, submission, countout or disqualification) in that time wins.


#1. Steve Austin



#9. Kane

Polls will be open for four days following a one day period for discussion. Voting will be based on who you feel is the greater of the two competitors. Post your reasons for why your pick should win below. Remember that this is non-spam and the most votes in the poll win. Any ties will be broken by the amount of posts of support for each candidate, with one vote per poster.

Also remember that this is a non-spam forum. If you post a response without giving a reason for your selection, it will be penalized for spam and deleted.
Before, I start; I don't wanna see no Kane stamina arguments cause that's an untrue argument.

Folks, Kane ain't gonna have big brother coming out and busting Austin in the head this time. We've seen these two go one on one in a regular match setting and Austin won. Well this is a regular match setting, it just has a time limit to it.

Vote Austin.
Both guys have gone 30 minutes in the past so I'm gonna just go with Austin because Kane can't touch Austin on any level or plain. Both guys were at their peak at around the same time (or at least from my perspective) and Austin was so much ahead of everyone at the time that it's damn near impossible to go against him no matter who he is facing. There are guys in this tournament I'd put over Austin in certain circumstances but Kane ain't one of them. When it comes down to being a draw, a wrestler, a character or a promo Austin has Kane beat, there's really no reason to have him lose here.
I don't recall either man ever being in an ironman match, and the stip here doesn't seem to favor either man, so I'm gonna go with Austin.

It has already been said that he was the bigger star, and in neutral environments where Taker couldn't get involved, Austin had Kane's number. So I'm voting the Austin.
Austin has had trouble with Kane before, but he usually didn't. I take that to mean that Kane may take a fall or two, but Austin will take many more. Austin wins.
I don't recall either man ever being in an ironman match, and the stip here doesn't seem to favor either man, so I'm gonna go with Austin.

That's basically my thought process here. A 30-minute match doesn't really change anything, and I don't see how Austin would lose a big match like this under those rules. A 60-minute match would change things, a little, but I'm still not sure a big argument could be made for Kane over Austin.

I will say it's a shame this isn't Benoit, because that would be a money match...
Austin would probably lose a fall beating Kane on the outside with a chair or ignore the count to keep stomping him. He still has enough in the tank to take down Kane here. A battle for sure, but Austin trumps Kane in just about every category.
I will say it's a shame this isn't Benoit, because that would be a money match...
Then what about Austin Vs. Ambrose? :lmao:

Stone Cold easily wins here. He can outsmart Kane in every matter be it in-ring skill, mic-skills, success/accolades.

This match being 30 minutes match has no effect on Austin's easy win.

Kane was good. But Austin was great. A region named after the latter proves this.
I don't see a 30 minute match being an issue for the stamina of either guy here, both are more than capable of going that long. We'll likely see an early DQ where either Austin or Kane sacrifices a fall in order to cause serious damage to their opponent with a steel chair (I'm going Kane on Austin), but it would be pretty close throughout.

If we're looking at Kane with his prime as his initial 97-99 run, he defeated a red hot Austin for the WWF Title (albeit with help from Undertaker). He isn't going to go down easily in this match, but when you look at the accolades, success, drawing power and popularity then Austin has Kane beat on every level. Kane is great, Stone Cold is far, far greater....He'd take a hard fought win here. 3-2.

Winner: Stone Cold
Kane beat Austin in a time when Austin was unbeatable. It was not conceivable for Austin to lose but Kane managed a W AND the Title. Those are some major points in the AE and should be considered. Albeit he lost it the next night.

Dammit Ech back me up here.
This match is close if only for the reason that Kane in his prime was a tough guy to put down. It took a lot to beat him.

I think Austin wins, but it's a one fall match and Austin gets it near the end. This is assuming nobody interferes to cost either Austin or Kane.

I vote Austin.
Kane defeated Stone Cold for the title in his prime, in a match setting that was impossible for Austin to win, and then lost the title the very next night. Austin has defeated Kane numerous other times afterwards, including showing his superiority in the Royal Rumble when Kane was basically the final obstacle for Austin to overcome. The only time that I can recall Kane looking absolutely superior to Austin was in 2003 when Austin was no longer an active wrestler. In his prime Austin was just leagues better. I enjoy watching Kane's matches more and if this was a subjective based tournament I'd vote for him. But it's not. Austin was the bigger, better, and more important star and deserves to move forward here.

Vote Austin.
Kane has been a well-booked enhancement talent for his entire career, so well-booked I might add, that dozens of you are convinced that he's EVER been some sort of unstoppable monster main eventer as evidenced by the discussion in the Ambrose/Kane bout.

It's frankly absurd that Kane is in the third round over dozens of guys who Kane would've put over in a heartbeat.
Kane has been a well-booked enhancement talent for his entire career, so well-booked I might add, that dozens of you are convinced that he's EVER been some sort of unstoppable monster main eventer as evidenced by the discussion in the Ambrose/Kane bout.

It's frankly absurd that Kane is in the third round over dozens of guys who Kane would've put over in a heartbeat.

And yet, you voted for him in this round :thumbsup:

Kane has always been a favourite of mine and is a character that WWE never quite managed to take full advantage of even when he was ready to take that next step up on several occassions.
And yet, you voted for him in this round :thumbsup:

I was making a point. The way people talked about Kane in the Ambrose thread was laughable, as if he was some huge monster boss for 20 years, instead of just having one small monster run where he lost to Taker, Austin and others and then ended up teaming with X-Pac and jobbing to lots of people one year into his debut. But if we're going to retcon history and say that Kane has been some unstoppable behemoth for 20 years, then he should win against everybody, even Austin.
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