Best Meltdown

Best Meltdown

  • Pancake

  • Crocker

  • Savior of Silence

  • Dragon Saga

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Funny thing was, anyone that was watching that fucker knew it was coming. I mean, dude had problems before. He's just much better at playing the "I'm sorry" game than Crocker was.

Still, I think I was the first to expose just how batshit he was
Still feel kind of bad about causing him to go off like that. Had no idea he was going to kind of go nuts and start cussing KB out.
SOS was an interesting fellow... One moment he would be reasonable and apologetic, the very next moment, he would be hoping for someone's f***ot ass to get AIDS and die. He deserves an award.
SOS freaked out over an infraction, which is the best part of being a mod, watching people lose their shit.

Ah yes. Watching idiots freak out over an infraction was something I do very much miss. I was still getting hate mail even after a year of leaving staff.
I was tempted to do Crocker, but then i realized he didn't so much have a meltdown as he did just make stupid posts.

A matter of interpretation, I suppose. Before Crocker started making his inflammatory posts in Spam, he was trolling me with remarks like: "You sure like to suck Cena's dick, don't you?"

When the Mods called him off, he started in on the rest of the board. I feel sort of guilty about inflicting him on all of you. :rolleyes:
Will the winner be returning to accept their award? I'd love to see SOS or Crocker back for one more LD.
A matter of interpretation, I suppose. Before Crocker started making his inflammatory posts in Spam, he was trolling me with remarks like: "You sure like to suck Cena's dick, don't you?"

When the Mods called him off, he started in on the rest of the board. I feel sort of guilty about inflicting him on all of you. :rolleyes:

A redditor has really misogynistic views on women., all of the pillars that I've known to be true of society are crumbling at the seams
SoS' edginess during his rant took me back to the days when I was part of the infamous hacker clan 4chan.
May I have my vote changed from Crocker to SOS? I thought SOS' nomination was due to the sexual things he had said about Becky Lynch.

DUDE!! Dark Lady; I would not feel bad at all. That conversation went from "I hate this match" to "!@#$%&".

I totally missed it because I was trying to purge my senses of anything pro-wrestling related around that time. I voted for Crocker because I remember clearly The Crock was ripping into Sly for every step of the way up until Sly was forced to post Crocky's exact location (thus verifying that Crocker was using alts), and then Crocker ponied up a full confession of all the stupid shit that everybody already knew he was doing.

I now regret my vote, because at least Crocker was more focused on demonizing John Cena in what seemed like a playful passive aggressive manner. SOS -- unprovoked -- pretty much demanded that he be banned from this forum for eternity due to a disagreement over the quality of a match. Dark Lady calling him an idiot did not in any way warrant his reaction.
A matter of interpretation, I suppose. Before Crocker started making his inflammatory posts in Spam, he was trolling me with remarks like: "You sure like to suck Cena's dick, don't you?"

When the Mods called him off, he started in on the rest of the board. I feel sort of guilty about inflicting him on all of you. :rolleyes:

Nevermind, leave my vote for Crocker.

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