Best Mic skills

TorrieW lover said:
John Cena i think is the best guy on the mic skills at the moment he really knows how to get the crowd on his side. as for the heels i would say...when triple H was a heel he was really good, like the best but now i would say edge really knows to get heat.

Cena knows how to get the crowd on his side? Ok then.

I think the Rock because i used to enjoy him speakin about pie when i was about 10. But now? I don't know
Rock, Austin and Jericho were the funniest. Angle had his funny moments. Hunter still has it on the mike and HBK was just the best.

Currently the best on the mike are: Cena, Edge, Estrada, Orton and Vince.
Triple H, The Rock, Y2J, Cena, Hbk, and Edge...

Not that order tho
That has to be the worste answer I ever heard....

Vince Mcmahon has great mic skills
id gotta say the rock, he always made me laugh with everything he said soo damn funny...why would u put Kahli and nothing after it....agreed^^^ worst answer ever
The Rock is the all-time great on the mic.
Jericho is very good, and Kennedy improves every week. Heyman is also very good.
My all-time fave though is Foley, his promos were out there and he can still suck in a crowd today with his mic work.
i would have to say Flair, and Dusty could handle the mic pretty good. Jim Cornette is no joke either, his promos are killer.
I'd say Christian cage, Ric Flair and Edge...Christian is just brilliant...Ric Flair makes it so interesting i mean especially when hes all excited elbowing the ring for no reason and Edge...I mean he is amazing but out of the three i go with CC...
The Rock and Y2J were the best. Christian was funny, Kennedy is good mic wise but not really funny. Edge too but only because of how he looked everytime he spoke.:)
Cena Sucks...Y2J is really good even tho he thinks he can make it in the music and crap...he needs to come back to WWE...i liked the things he said to Stephanie McMahon

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