Bring Back The Women's Tag Team Titles


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They almost seem to have a better division then the males

Divas of Doom
Bella Twins
Eve & Kelly Kelly w/ Alicia Fox

Okay, they actually have about the same. But, considering how many women there are in WWE compared to how many men are in WWE, the women's tag team division would be stronger.

All they have that is not yet part of a team is
AJ - but after what happened between her and Kaitlyn, I can see her possibly joining Eve & Kelly Kelly
Kharma - (maternity leave)
Layla - (injured)
Rosa Mendez - working with Epico & Hunico
Tamina - working with JTG, but I would like to see her join DOD
Vickie Guerrero - Though she had mentioned wanting to work with DOD
What an awful idea. The Divas are always by far the worst part of any broadcast. Anything that would possibly add to the amount of television time they garner is a step in the wrong direction to me. No the next step should be to just cut them out of the show entirely, not add another meaningless championship to the already meaningless championship they have now. For the life of me, I can't even remember who is currently holding that retched piece of shit. Seriously, those women should feel insulted that they have to carry around a championship designed after a fucking butterfly.

So yeah, No.
Yes because its working so well in TNA.

Seriously man, yeah there are probably more Divas than Knockouts but the amount that can work a decent match is far fewer, top that with the fact no-one really cares about the Divas anyway it would be a waste of time.
Well if WWE was to emphasize on their Divas like TNA I could see it, but seeing as they don't and normally we see 5 minutes of them in a filler role I don't see any reason for tag titles considering their own Men's tag division is a work in progress.
The WWE hardly invests any time in their ailing 'divas' division as it is so there is no chance of them having a women's tag title. They have more women who cant wrestle than they have with skill and ability. This past year has to be one of the worst times for the women's division with the departure of Michelle McCool, Gail Kim, Layla injured and Kharma on maternity leave. Kelly Kelly as divas champ and constantly getting wins over Beth and Natalya was just nonsense and its still happening so much so that I cant look beyond spoilers when I know she's won another 2 minute match against two of the best female wrestler's of recent times. I cant watch anymore!
On a lighter note I guess the diva division can have a 6 woman tag team title belt since we generally see them in the same type of matches.
That's a really bad idea. They barely are able to pull off a divas singles division, and now you want to create a female tag team division? I strongly disagree. Sure you have Beth and Natalya as THE team it would center around, but who would the other teams be? The Bellas are awful, Kelly and Eve perhaps but they are bad enough in singles matches. TNA has a female tag team division but it is fairly worthless and pointless yet at the same time it's pure gold compared to what a female tag team division would be like in WWE. It should not be brought back because it would be terrible and a waste of everyone's time.
Women tag matches on Raw are a break for the crowd. Nobody takes any of it seriously and why should they? The women are trying like hell to be entertaining, but the men don't care about their ring skills. It's all about looking good for the crowd. Hell they didn't have Women's Tag Titles when Trish and Lita were around with a better division, why now? The answer, they shouldn't.
If it replaced the divas championship i would be happy but not as an extra to the divas title. if people say that is a disrespect to the other divas who have held the belt well it is abit late for that
No. WWE barely does anything with their women as they're more interested in pushing "Divas" (bimbo models who can't wrestle but look good and know how to flaunt their sexuality) over female wrestlers. The last thing they need is another meaningless title.
No. I support the divas, I support the hard work they're obviously doing, I support the idea that women should have a graceful, sexy (not ****ty) style of their own and not just copy what the men do; but no. This is a bad idea.

Pro wrestling is about different flavors. Another divas match is still just a divas match. You don't want fried calamari for an appetizer and then more calamari for your main course or even a side dish. You want more flavor.
No. I support the divas, I support the hard work they're obviously doing, I support the idea that women should have a graceful, sexy (not ****ty) style of their own and not just copy what the men do; but no. This is a bad idea.

Pro wrestling is about different flavors. Another divas match is still just a divas match. You don't want fried calamari for an appetizer and then more calamari for your main course or even a side dish. You want more flavor.

spot on,
you gotta respect them for everything theyre doing and trying to be different and trying to bring back the divas division so its exciting again.

but right now, i honestly either fast forward divas matches, or use it as toilet/food breaks, id rather watch the commercials..

i was watching the slammys and they hit lita's music, i fucking loved her. so i was glued to the tv to watch her segment. then they awarded kelly kelly, i didnt actually realise shes not the champ at the moment. i knew that beth and kelly are feuding but thought kelly was the champ, shows how much i pay attention. and i would have enjoyed lita stepping in and bitch slapping beth instead of standing in kellys shadow.
they all shoulda been :worship: to lita haha.
The Diva's should have their own WWE network show... and then we will be rid of the meaningless matches for good.

Sometimes I suppose they could have title matches every now and then on Raw and Smackdown or may still be able to have a short match at a PPV here and there.....They should certainly still have a Diva Match at wouldnt be fair otherwise.

But the Diva's should be a filler to be used as an option when there is time.... WWE network will still have buys and viewers who just turn on the channel for the hell of it (like I do with SkySportsNews), so the Diva Show will still get viewers and would only strengthen the WWE brand when it comes to the Flagship shows.
Maybe then they could bring a tag division back in...when viewing their mediocre in ring action is optional ( and bring in Velvet Sky please Fap Fap Fap).

Managers like Vickie and now Rosa Mendez ofcourse are an exeption.

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