Build your own WWE

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Pre-Show Stalwart
I have had the idea of this thread for quite some time now and have been intrigued to see what other fans would do if they could build their own WWE. Basically what I mean by this is, if you could make your own Promotion from WWE's current brands, superstars, PPV's and other key aspects what would you do? You have to turn WWE into one brand with a different name other than RAW and SmackDown. You have to choose your superstars and their card status e.g. Midcarders or Main-Eventers. And you have to choose your current champions and PPV's. Here's mine:

WWE Brand name: WWE Demolition

[*]Male Roster (30 maximum): Alberto Del Rio, Alex Riley, Antonio Cesaro, Big Show, CM Punk, Christian, Cody Rhodes, Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler, Dean Ambrose, Derrick Bateman, Drew McIntyre, Evan Bourne, Heath Slater, Jack Swagger, John Cena, Kane, Kofi Kingston, Mark Henry, The Miz, Randy Orton, R-Truth, Richie Steamboat, Sheamus, Seth Rollins, Ted DiBiase, Wade Barrett, Zack Ryder

[*]Female Roster (10 maximum): Beth Pheonix, Alicia Fox, Maxine, AJ Lee, Natalya, Kaitliyn, Brie & Nikki Bella, Eve Torres, Kelly Kelly

General Manager: Edge


[*]WWE Champion: CM Punk

[*]World Heavyweight Champion: Wade Barrett

[*]Intercontinental Champion: Ted DiBiase

[*]United States Champion: Zack Ryder

[*]Tag Team Champions: AirBoom

[*]Divas Champion: Natalya

Card placings:

[*]Main Eventers (Challenge for which title?): Alberto Del Rio (WWE), Cody Rhodes (WHC), Daniel Bryan (WHC), Dolph Ziggler (WWE), John Cena (WWE), Mark Henry (WHC), Randy Orton (WHC)

[*]Upper Mid-Card: Big Show, Christian (WHC), Kane, The Miz (WWE), R-Truth (WWE/US), Sheamus (WHC)

[*]Mid-Card: Antonio Cesaro (IC), Drew McIntyre (IC) Jack Swagger (US)

[*]Lower Mid-Card: Dean Ambrose (US), Heath Slater (IC, Tag Team w/ Bateman), Derrick Bateman (US, Tag Team w/ Slater or Ambrose), Richie Steamboat (IC), Seth Rollins (IC)

[*]Main Feuds: CM Punk vs. Dolph Ziggler w/ Chris Jericho, Wade Barrett vs. Daniel Bryan, Cody Rhodes vs. John Cena, Christian and Alberto Del Rio vs. AirBoom

PPV's (in order of investment): WrestleMania, Royal Rumble, Money in the Bank, Survivor Series, Summerslam, Night of Champions, Elimination Chamber (No Way Out), Vengeance, TLC

Announcers: Paul Heyman & Jerry Lawler (Such different opinions and voices that they would merge with brilliance)

Head of Creative: JR (Great Wrestling mind with a wide variety of ideas)
Other members of Creative: Arn Anderson, Michael Hayes, Shawn Michaels, Undertaker, Dusty Rhodes, Ricky Steamboat, Paul Heyman.

So there is my WWE. What's yours? Also please remember the superstars must be available and not either injured or Inactive. Don't take what I stated too seriously as its just something I conjured up a while back. Thanks for reading.
You should consider joining the Book This! section. I've always wanted to, but I care more about booking storylines, and I'm terrible with writing out the in-ring action of a match...which is kind of your bread-and-butter. But if you really want to build your own WWE, there's a whole section dedicated for it!

I don't really have the time to keep up with my own "show" or I totally would. Unfortunately I'm just too busy following "real wrestling" to even put together a list for this thread. I just thought I would pass that along...
There's an awesome game called EWR, if you haven't heard of it.

It's free and you can run WWE and edit it all you like, pure booking.

There's a more elaborate version called TEW that's updated every few years, but that costs.
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