Cena vs Rock Comparison


Dark Match Jobber
I am no way asking who is more important i am asking who is better in the following qualities!

In Ring:The rock wasen't a great wrestler but he was entertaining but cena has the edge here MITB proved that he can wrestler Pretty Well

Mic Skills:Rock by far,he was untouchable on the mic,although cena had outstanding mic skills from 2003-2005 but hollywood rock blows any cena out of the water

Charisma:Both cena and rock have charisma (and a lot of it),but rock has more,when he would say his catchphrases the crowd would sing-a-long with him that was awesome,when he does his MILLIONS AND MILLIONS the crowd response is astronishing

Accomplisments:Cena has more world championships wins than the rock but cena has been in the biz longer than the rock

Money Maker and Draw:Cena has made a lot of money and most of the people tune in to see cena,but rock was also a huge draw,but i think cena sells more Merch IMO,but not sure really

Please Share Your Opinions
Here are my thoughts.

In Ring: The Rock outshines Cena here. You use money in the bank as a reference in that case i will bring up any of the one on one matches with Austin at Wrestlemania. And his matches with HHH for the Intercontinental Title. The Rock could tell a story in the ring a hell of a lot better than Cena.

Mic Skills: I agree with you. Even rapper Cena doesn't come close to the Rock in terms of promos. the reason i say this is Cena would come down do a Rap people would go 'oooooooooooooooh" and be done with it. The Rock would come out and speak and cause a lasting reaction till the next week when he would do it again.

Money Maker and Draw Rock did draw more than Cena. But in terms of merch yes Cena does but that is because the merch is more readily available now than it was then.

i agree with you on the rest
Here are my thoughts.

In Ring: The Rock outshines Cena here. You use money in the bank as a reference in that case i will bring up any of the one on one matches with Austin at Wrestlemania. And his matches with HHH for the Intercontinental Title. The Rock could tell a story in the ring a hell of a lot better than Cena.

Mic Skills: I agree with you. Even rapper Cena doesn't come close to the Rock in terms of promos. the reason i say this is Cena would come down do a Rap people would go 'oooooooooooooooh" and be done with it. The Rock would come out and speak and cause a lasting reaction till the next week when he would do it again.

Money Maker and Draw Rock did draw more than Cena. But in terms of merch yes Cena does but that is because the merch is more readily available now than it was then.

i agree with you on the rest

I agree with everything said here, but I just want to add The Rock was just as entertaining in what he did in the ring as he was on the mic, who can forget him whipping someone's ass whilst being on the mic singing or having the camera in his hands. Look at Half-Time Heat with Mankind.

As for accomplishments The Rock held the record for most WWE title reigns which was beaten by HHH and only recently beaten by Cena, it doesnt make Cena's accomplishments better than Rock as The Rock still has his accomplishments trump Cena's. The Rock is a Triple Crown Champion, where's Cena's IC belt? Exactly!

And remember also The Rock is a 9-time World Champion, he'd have added to that rivaling the numbers of HHH nowadays. And besides that the title gets thrown around so much, Cena being an 11 time World Champion is ridiculous right now, he shouldnt beat Flair's record, but having many years left he will unless others are allowed to shine without Cena being champ much after WM30 maybe.

They've both won Royal Rumbles. They've both done movies, but Rock is a bigger star in that field as well. Cena is a huge star today in the now, but he cant touch the likes of Rock or Austin and neither can HHH, though they both have remained in the business beyong both stars, facts are just facts and both are great and have added to their accomplishments, but neither is bigger. HBK either, nor Taker. I just wanted to throw some vets in there. I honestly believe it says something about you when you come in for a few years get that big and can still be above guys longer tenured. Hogan and Flair have both tainted their careers, they are no longer the big 2 in wrestling that's Rock and Austin.

Cena will never be as big as either one. No matter what he does. I dont care if HHH is married to the business, he wont be either, and he'll never be bigger than Shawn no matter how many titles he accumilates because titles arent all that make a career, so understand thats why I say they'll never surpass Rock and Austin and I would put Taker above Shawn. Cena will forever be a top ten superstar, but he'll never be top 5 material. That's top 4 right there and he's not beyond HHH.
I agree with all of you that The Rock is; in my opinion also, the greatest and most successful WWF/WWE star in the business. Even with years out, his return was the biggest pop from a crowd that I have EVER seen for Cena.

The Rocks films are much better (as he is a better actor than Cena BY FAR) and his presence is larger; No superstar past or present can stand in a ring WITHOUT SAYING A WORD and get an ovation like him.

In ring; I actually liked watching The Rock. He may not have been the 'best wrestler', but in my eyes he was one of the most entertaining and sold an injury more than most.

The mic skills can never be broken, The Rock; EVEN WHEN HE ISNT IN THE ARENA (cue last Raw), he gets a bigger response from the crowd. Cena needs to turn heel, remain heel for a while and THEN come back face, I think for the next wrestlemaina to be succesful, they need face vs heel, and Cena is the only one of the two who can represent that. Once wrestlemania is over, maybe he has a dramatic face turn and becomes loved once more, who knows?

The Rock; One man more eligible for the nickname 'The Icon' than Sting.
Cena has the mic skills, the charisma and the drawing ability, but the Rock is untouchable on the mic and he has way more charisma and he drew massive crowds back in the day which, in my opinion, is alot better than selling some merchandise.
In Ring: Wrestling skills are only part of the equation here. The others include ring entrance, before the bell rings, selling, telling a story, knowing / playing your role, the pinfall, and the aftermath. If taking the complete picture into consideration, there is little question... Rock completely outdoes Cena in a high majority of these areas. It's not that Cena is "no good" in these areas, it's just that he can't polorize an audience like he needs to. Regardless of being heel or face, Rock could make the crowd (near unanimously) hate him or love him... inside the ring as well as out. No matter what Cena does, he can't elicit that near-total love or hate from the crowd.

Mic Skills: Again, very little contest here. As mentioned, Rocks return was one of the biggest events in the last year in WWE, and he hasn't even wrestled a match. It has been all mic work for the Rock. He has the uncanny ability to come in, say a few words, leave for awhile, and nobody really has "abandonment" issues over it. Cena seemingly has to work his backside off to keep the majority of his demographic (kids and women) coming along for the ride. Rock has universal appeal when delivering promos and doing interviews. Cena, again, is a very luke-warm, audience splitting type of character. While good for controversey or a "tweener" type of personality, Cena is constantly heralded as the "Hulk Hogan" hero of this generation. On the mic, Cena is missing that near universal acceptance critical to pulling the role off.

Charisma: Tough to say. If we're talking strictly about believing in ones character, carrying it through to the end, and "emoting" properly, I think they're about even. Cena, much like Rock, believes his own hype and conveys that to the audience in a likewise believable way. Neither are wishy-washy in that respect and are both well-established. Just as a fan could quickly tell me what Rocks all about (catchphrases, on-liners, self-confidence, a superstar), the same can be said for Cena (hustle, loyalty, respect, a Superman among men).

Accomplisments: For me, it has never been about how MANY titles a Superstar has held, but what those title reigns meant both to the performer and the company. In that respect, again there is no contest. It's hard to dispute that Rocks title reigns have benefited the character (and the company) far more than Cena's. This may not directly be Cena's fault though, as the numbers wrestling does today are nowhere near what the company was doing during Rocks prime. Then again, one could argue that the all-around inability of a guy like Cena to carry the banner a guy like Rock did is precisely why the numbers are lower. In either case, I think the Rock wins hands down in the "championships and accolades" category, not for quantity but quality and attention.

Money Maker and Draw: Vince knew that he absolutely needed the Rock factor to get Wrestlemania over the 1 million buys mark. He was right. Folks knew Rock was "the host." They knew he wasn't going to wrestle on the show and there were no promises of him even being involved physically. Yet, folks still bought. The important thing here is that Rock has not been active and, more importantly has remained inactive for a very long time. Nevertheless, the Rock on name recognition and past accolades alone was what drove Wrestlemania buys over the million mark and spiked television ratings on RAW. I think this alone paints the picture of who can be both a better money maker, as well as a draw.
In Ring: Tie. Neither man has the greatest moveset. But it doesn't really matter, when Cena hits the 5 moves of Doom, the crowd comes alive, whether they are booing or cheering. Same with Rock, when Rock hits the spinebuster, you know shits about to go down, Peoples Elbow time! The most electrifying move in sports entertainment. Neither man has the technical ability of a Bret Hart or a Kurt Angle, but both are hardworking and in the ring.

Mic Skills: Rock wins. The Rock can electrify a crowd like no other. There are literaly hundreds of videos on youtube dedicated to The Rocks epic word play. You are only as good as the people you work with and Rock worked with the best ever, especially when it comes to mic skills (Austin, Y2J, HHH, Angle, Vince McMahon, etc). Now, I'm not going to bash Cena, he cuts a good promo, but nothing like The Rock can. He is just too corny for me, obviously the kids WWE is targeted at loves it when Cena talks about how he never quits, never gives up, loves the WWE etc, but as a man I'm just tired of it, still, his mic skills whilst working with Punk have improved recently.

Charisma: Tie. Both men make the crowd come alive, wether they are booing, cheering, screaming, crying whatever. I can't even compare this one, even draw in my humble opinion.

Accomplisments: Cena wins. Facts don't lie. They both have had tremendous champion success (Cena - 11 World Titles, US & Tag Team Title reigns, RR 2008) (Rock - 8 World Titles, IC & Tag Titles reigns, RR2000) But Cena has been in the main event of Wrestlemania for 7 straight years, not to mention haedling almost every PPV since 2005. Rock had many Wrestlemania and PPV haedliners, but the fact is he main event as long as Cena has been.

Money Maker and Draw: Tie. When it comes to Money Making, Cena's merchandise probably gives him the nod, but The Rock has been one of the biggest draws in terms of PPV buys in WWE history. Look at the PPV buys during the Attitude Era compared to now, most of which during the Attitide Era, Rock was headlining. Rock has also sold a shit load of merchandise too(I bought the UK version of the Team Bring It tshirt lol). Without Cena though, the PPV buys of today would be REALLY LOW.
in my opinion they are both equal in just about every category with the rock edging cena out on the mic. In the ring both could use improvement. The rock gets a lot of love because he's from the attitude era which gave him better superstars to work with than cena has. Also Cena is the face of the wwe where the rock was the second man behind scsa. By the way cena is also a triple crown champion also wwe champ, u.s. champ, and tag team champ.
in my opinion they are both equal in just about every category with the rock edging cena out on the mic. In the ring both could use improvement. The rock gets a lot of love because he's from the attitude era which gave him better superstars to work with than cena has. Also Cena is the face of the wwe where the rock was the second man behind scsa. By the way cena is also a triple crown champion also wwe champ, u.s. champ, and tag team champ.

Triple Crown Champion is only accomplished by holding either the WWE or World title and the Intercontinental Championship specifically, not any other midcard belt, then the tag titles. And that is something Rock has over Cena and I'm sure there's other things, but I'm too lazy to look now.
In Ring - like said before take any of the rocks matches with austin and hhh, dont forget his ironman match with hhh, his matches with kurt angle, mankind, even his match with the hurricane was entertaining to watch, but cena does bring his A game when the crowd is about to kill him, like at mitb and one night stand, over all rock in ring better!!!!

Mic skillz- the rock hands down, youtube his ass

Money Maker and Draw : if were talking about just wrestling i dunno, they do sell alot of those ugly cena shirts but back in the day nwo, austin 3:16 and rock shirts were the hot sellers i need to see numbers, money makers the rock is way richer than cena and draws way more money than cena, wrestlemania 27 come on the rocks name saved that ppv atleast 500k bought it cause of the rock and the rest were just wrestling fans, rocks name has draw over a billion dollars at the box offices u know how many shirts cena has to sell to even come close to that???

Charisma - rock again, just a cool guy, comes out with his 500 dollar t-shirts, raises the eye brow really a eyebrow and makes it cool, he tells the crowd off and they still chant his name, he doesnt even have to say anything and the rocky chants just start.. cena same old story "lets go cena" "cena sucks" his promos as of late with cm punk have bin wicked but rocks charisma is in a different level.

Accomplisments: cena 11 championships. but those were handed to him nothing special.. anybody remember when the rock won his first title he was on the way to been one of the biggest faces in the company and than POW he turns heel wicked moment. if were talking accompliements over all including outside of wrestling the rock wins his hollywood career speaks for itself
In Ring: I've always preferred John Cena to most just because he rarely has a bad match. I can't coutn the amount of bad matches I've seen from Rock. Personally I've only seen Rock as average in terms of in ring skill he does have amazing in ring charisma but that's about it. Rock has his matches personally I didn't like his matches against Stone Cold not a knock on either of them but Rock is to me just average and Stone Cold had his neck injury. So to finish it John Cena in this category from me.

Mic: Alot fo people might not like this choice but I will always say Cena. Why because if you here one Rock promo you've heard every single one of them. They're is little difference to the majority of Rock promos different person tweaked insults preety much it. The fact that Rock also had to resort to using swears in his promo's takes away. He didn't have one promo were he wouldn't curse unlike Cena whose managed to make every promo basically with a PG Setting (Just stop with the Poop Jokes Cena please)

Charisma: Hand's down Rock get's it here Rock has charisma pouring out of his ass. Cena is no slouch either but Rock takes it badly.

Draw: They're both preety good Rock was at one point the best paid wrestler even I believe in the WWE. Cena sells very well to be exact a crowd favorite in Punk hasn't been able to get Cena numbers on the ratings after all they pushed him with shows that Cena is somebody they can't lose.

Accomplishments: Cena takes it hands down. Cena like the Rock is a triple crown champion by WWE Standards (WWE,United States, Tag Team). He has one reign as World Champion that's longer then almost all of Rock's put togeather with the World Title. Cena's won the Royal Rumble The Rock I believe still has controversy over it with The Big Show. He's got the same number of Wrestle Mania main events as Rock except Cena's career isn't over and Rock's last Wrestle Mania Match will be with Cena. He main events basically every single Pay Per View except one or two a year. Cena's done everything Rock has done and more.
First off, determining who is better or who is the best is clearly subjective to how much you like/dislike the superstar in question. If you hate Cena (which most people on here seem to) or you Love The Rock (which everyone on here seems to), you opinions will be geered toward that and the fact will only be made to match your opinion. I actually like both Superstars as The Rock is my favorite of all time and Cena is my favorite right now. That being said, here is my input for the thread:

In Ring: The Rock had the great natural ability to tell a story with his work in the ring and sell every move from the first bell to when he walked through the curtain. Cena's ability in the ring isn't as natural and doesn't necessarily flow through the course of a match. Although they both bring different aspects to the ring, My vote in this case is for the Rock.

Mic Skills: Now from what I read, people say it's a lock that the Rock and they have a great point. But like someone said, if you've heard one Rock promo, you've heard them all. He's is more rehearsed than any Superstar ever to do a promo. That's not a bad thing, it's a good thing when you are puttting on a show. The Rock is the best at taking the crowd on a Roller coaster ride and being entertaining. Cena on the other hand is more natural and you never really hear the same stuff when it comes to promos. Although he usually doesn't get the crowd reaction he wants, he is the best at adjusting fire than any Superstar ive ever seen. Remember the Rock used to get the DIE ROCKY DIE chants and it consumed him so bad that he changed to who he is today. Cena just simply adapts and I personally appreciate that more than conforming to change. I would say this is a PUSH

Charisma: No one in the History of the WWE has ever had the Charisma The Rock has. Not Hogan, SCSA, Flair, none of them. The Rock came out knowing he was the best and
told everyone who would listen that he was the best even when a time came where his look wasn't looked at as championship material. He broke the mold and it was his overwhelming charisma that got him to that point.

Accomplisments: I would give the edge here to Cena, but only because he has been at the top longer than the Rock has been around. No real slight to The Rock, just a simple fact that he wasn't around long enough to accumulate the amount of accolades that Cena has. Couple that with the fact that the talent when The Rock was on top was a lot better than now that Cena is on top.

Money Maker and Draw: I don't know the specific numbers of each, but I do know that Cena draws to the likes of what Hogan did back in the day. Im not sure the Rock had as many years as top billing that Cena has so it's hard to compare. Cena sells more merch than the Rock did so I will vote for Cena.
In the ring: The Rock. He was just so entertaining. Cena seems lazy most of the time, WWE makes him play safe too much. Only times he has good matches is when he's in hostile territory. Like One Night Stand or MITB.

Mic skills: The Rock. Cena is not as good as he use to be. Some of the things he says are ridiculous. But i won't blame him for that because that's his gimmick.

Charisma: They're both pretty charismatic in terms they get good crowd reactions. But no one can ever be as good as The Rock, men, women and kids loved him. He entertained everyone and made everyone laugh.

Accomplishments: Well Cena has more. But that doesn't make him better! WWE are trying to push Cena as the best wrestler to ever step foot in WWE. If he beats Ric Flairs record then it'll be a sad day. Not being mean, but come on 10 (11?) time champ in 8 years? And Cena has been in WWE longer;- Cena-9 years, Rock-7 years.

Money Maker/draw: The Rock will always be the biggest draw. I doubt Wrestlemania would have gotten over 1 million buys if it wasn't for Rock. Cena sells the most merchandise.

I just wanna add that When Rock first debuted as Rocky Maivia his character was...terrible basically. He always came out smiling and happy, much like Cena is now. But WWE realized that he was not getting over with the crowd and turned him heel.
Rock wasn't always loved and he had to come out to chants like 'Rocky sucks' or 'die Rocky die'. Rock had it much worse when he debuted because there was no cheers for him at least Cena still has some fans.
Their characters were alike because they were both happy babyfaces.
I really don't know why people think cena has accomplished more than rock. Yeah, I know he won more titles, but come on guys we all know they were paper titles(As long as there is another world title holder in the same company). Rock on the other hand, have won 6 wwe titles(Only world title in the company), 2 wcw titles(just like all cena's title reign, paper titles, since there was another wolrd champion), and 1 wwe undisputed title(the unified world titles, wwe & WH) something cena has never accomplished.

In Ring: The Rock, based on athleticism(For a guy of his size, his athletic abilities are amazing), in ring phsycology(He's better at building a match and telling a story), showmanship(Arguably the greatest showman ever) , and the ability to make the opponent look strong(When ever they want to give someone a huge push, they've always choose the rock to do the honors cause they knew his the best at it. Lesnar, angle, jericho, and hurricane, are good examples).

Mic Skills: The Rock, no need to argue this, just watch his 1999 promos.

Charisma:Both of them have a great charisma, but back in the day, rock was so charismatic to the point where he didn't need to do anything in his matches, but signing on the mic and doing some commentary, and still get a huge reaction. Only The Rock can turn a stupid move like the poeple's elbow into the most electricfying move in sports entertainment.

Accomplisments:See the post above.

Money Maker and Draw:Cena could be my choice when it comes to selling merch, but when it comes to ppv buys, there is no contest, it's the rock. The guy sold out arenas in 2000 more than any other wrestler in wwe history(yes, that includes austin and hogan), setting an all time record. That was a big reason why he was the highest paid wrestler in history at that time. WM 27 is another good example.
In Ring
They're about even, in my book. Both aren't the best I've seen, but they're not shit either. Both are rather sloppy, but keep crowds hot.

Mic Skills
The Rock, by a mile. Content, delivery, charisma - he blows Cena away in every aspect of talking. I don't care if Rock writes his own shit or not, he's better. Cena has improved leaps and bounds, in my opinion. He isn't as cheesy as he once was, and understands when to tone it down. However, I don't think Rock has ever cut a weak promo, or one which made me cringe. I think Rock is probably the 2nd or 3rd best mic worker of all time, so no shame here.

Rock. Rock had the look, and charisma, and that's about it. Rock is the kind of guy who oozes charisma, in everything he does. I think Cena is a pretty charismatic guy, but The Rock can hold a crowd in the palm of his hand, and turn them into raging lunatics... unless he's leaving for Hollywood (Summerslam 2002).

This one is sort of loaded, seeing accomplishments are predetermined. However, Cena has won more titles, and been on top longer. Also, he's the sole head of his own era. Rock was a constant #2 to Steve Austin (as he should have been).

Money Maker and Draw
I don't know if we have enough information to make this call. Rock was on top during an era where far more people watched wrestling. However, Cena sells a ton of merchandise. Not to mention both were advertised as a huge part of a PPV which drew over 1 millions buys. Hmm. I'd say a tie.
I want to point out that The Rock won all of his WWE titles in a 4 year span and his title reigns were never longer than 3 months. I agree it's not about the number of titles, but the length of title reigns that are important, at least to me anyway. Again im a fan of both but the fact is Cena has accomplished more in the company. If there was an undisputed championship, does anyone think Cena won't be one?
I am confused about the whole "who sold more merchandise out of the 2" debate.


Watching that I know for a fact that Rock sold way more than 5 million in merchandise in his best year, seeing as he sold over 10-11 million in merchandise sales at 1 point.
cena is just a pg version of the rock who is hated more then what the rock is!!

but tbh.. the rock out draws cena in every option. i dont see cena being better then the rock at 1 thing

the rock appeals to men and women , while cena appeals to children and women but now the rock appeals to men and women and children due to being famous for disney movie's
To add-on to ring skills, The Rock didn't need anyone to carry him as Cena does. Hell I believe that Miz out-shined Cena in their Wrestlemania match as it looked like Cena didn't even care. Chavo even pointed out that Cena doesn't even try.

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