Compare and Contrast: Japanese Pro Wrestling vs. American Pro Wrestling


Team Finnley Baylor
We know that American Pro Wrestling is more for show and for entertainment value than in most countries. The complete contrast of that is in Japan. Japanese Pro Wrestling is seen as a sport in Japan. Much like the NFL or NBA is here in the United States. Japan takes their wrestling seriously and the wrestlers are treated like legends there... whereas in America, only a select few wrestlers are seen as legends in sport.

So compare the two countries. Which do many of you prefer? And why? What parts of American Wrestling would you like to see implemented in Japan? What parts of Japanese Wrestling would you like to see in America?
Well I like Japan for the simple fact they appreciate Pro Wrestling and treat it with respect. I love the strong style of nasty chops and pure physicality, also how the crowd is in awe over things people here would chant "boring" for. Down here I love it for yes the Entertainment and secondly the crowds. I love a rowdy crowd more then anything in Pro Wrestling, I respect the Japanese Fans but they could lighten up and get rowdy once in a while. If it wasn't for Japan there would be no ROH I have no doubts in saying that as they've adapted the strong style Japan basically created, as well as the respect of treating Pro Wrestling like a real sport and making the Wrestling Matches top priority. I lean slightly to American Pro Wrestling simply because I grew up on it and their Stars, but it's certainly no blow out. I admit I think I would get bored after a while without "Sports Entertainment" Thanks Vince.
I prefer the Japanese strong style then the stuff here. I grew up with WWE/TNA but they don't capture my attention like Pro Wrestling NOAH, New Japan or Dragon Gate. If there was more Japanese wrestling show cased here in North America, I'm sure more and more people would turn to that then WWE or TNA. The crowds don't really make much of a difference. The Japanese culture is based on high levels of respect for a lot of things is what makes it so different from here.
I definitely like puroresu better than american pro wrestling. They do realistic wrestling better than anyone and they're great at the spotty overkill type stuff as well. Plus every company offers something different. NJPW has strong style, AJPW has kings road style, Dragon Gate has lucharesu, Osaka Pro does comedy better than anyone. Plus you got indy sleaze stuff like 666 and Dove pro wrestling that offers completely over the top stuff. The crowds are more subdued except for marquee matches and seem more respectful. I don't know about them treating it as a sport though. The fans are pretty smart to the business when i went and wrestling hardly if ever appears in the papers anymore. They're just more respectful to the workers and appreciate them more then here. It was treated more as a sport in the 80's and early 90's than now. Wrestling isn't as big there now as it used to be but Dragon Gate and DDT seem to be drawing big crowds more so now.
American wrestling has tried to adopt some things from puro but in my opinion it doesn't work as well here. ROH tries but does a terrible job and I cant think of a promotion that has tried the battlearts mma style. Plus stiffness is frowned upon here so that takes away some of the fun. Japan has took things from us like HUSTLE and DDT but seems a bit goofy to me. The company that IMO does the best imitation of puro is Chikara. They got the whole 90's michinoku Pro/Osaka Pro thing down pat.
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In Japan they treat it like the sport Wrestling is supposed to be. They have the best psychology in the world, whereas in the U.S its all about entertaining the fans. Japan has some of the most spectacular moves you will ever see. Nowhere but Japan will you see a Ganso bomb( that's the most dangerous powerbomb in that you get dropped on your head instead of your back).
Good question. What amuses me is that, living in Japan, whenever I tell a Japanese person I like puroresu they laugh. Every time I tell someone they do, but I think it's because I'm a female. In my job, I meet a lot of people and when I make an introduction and talk about my hobbies I throw that in there and get the same reaction each time. :shrug:

A difference me and my friend (who is not a fan of wrestling) noticed in comparing American wrestling to Japanese is that, aside from the body types and more defined musculature, is that there are far more "attractive"-looking American male wrestlers compared to Japan. Whether they're just talking in/outside the ring or whether they've finished a match they still look attractive. Drew McIntyre springs to mind (as does Sheamus, but hey, that's just me). It's not about being polished-looking in Japan, in the image, the moveset or the production. That's why a Divas match look that much more like a spotfest after watching a josei match.

And with regard to female wrestling: Japanese female wrestlers are the toughest in all the world. They do things that some girls in the U.S. (meaning those on major televised promotions like WWE/TNA) would never consider doing for fear of damaging their bodies or their looks. The fearlessness of josei wrestling just makes me respect the heck out of them. I like that josei wrestlers look like wrestlers, not porn stars, though I'm not saying anything is wrong with being attractive. I'm saying that they look like athletes, which is what they're regarded as.

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