Did the WWE make a mistake by releasing Mike Knox?

CM Steel

A REAL American
Mike Knox was a WWECW original on SyFy. He was CM Punk's first major feud in the WWE on the ECW brand. Knox even had Kelly Kelly at his side for awhile. And soon Knox started bouncing around brands like how Matt Hardy use to. This time around three years ago on the RAW brand, Mike Knox was in the Elimination Chamber match. Then he went to Smackdown for a year before getting released with Shelton Benjamin, Jimmy Wang Yang, Shad Gaspard, others.

Mike Knox had alot of talent and tools. During his final year in the WWE on Smackdown he played the "Hannibal Lecture" gimmick really well. He was considered "the new Kane" to some wrestling fans.

So then the WWE pull a Golden State Warrior and let Mike Knox (Jeremy Lin) go to prematurely?
I think may others will disagree but I do believe that the WWE let go of Mike Knox too early, especially considering he was released just as he was getting the slightest hint of a character. Seeing a big man wrestle as well as him is always a treat, and he had some very unique yet brutal offence in his move-set. His little series of matches with Rey Mysterio in 2009 were great to watch, but then again that's all they were - matches. Knox didn't cut many promos during his time in the company and when he did they were devoid of any emotion, thus leading to a lack of reaction from the crowd. However, if he was given more time and more programmes to work with, I'm sure his mic skills would have improved in time to go alongside his great look and his ability in the squared circle.

I think Mike Knox would fit nicely at the top of the midcard right now, perhaps with an Intercontinental Championship or United States Championship around his waist at one point. The 'Sick Doctor' gimmick was a great move for Knox's career but unfortunately he was let go too early to show off his abilities.
I think WWE has real trouble booking guys like Mike Knox. I thought he was quite like Snitsky in the way that he can come in and make a somewhat immediate impression, but in the end the WWE only seems to have a few select flavors of how to do up a big monstorous guy.

Knox had the potential to fare very well if given proper opportunities and settle on a good, less-than-typical gimmick. Unfortunately, that didn't happen in my book.

It was a shame to see him go, but it didn't surprise me.
no, I think releasing him has made no difference to the product. Knox was just another big guy, no charisma, boring really. I had forgotten about him. I remember laughing my ass off when he was eliminated at Survivor Series 2006 and HBK was asking who that guy was who got eliminated. That said how much fellow talent thought of him, i think they are a much better judge than us fans.
"The new kane" really? really?
don't see any resemblance whatsoever to the Kane style gimmick

he was more entertaining then Snitsky. the whole doctor of pain gimmick was far better then "It's not my fault" and those disgusting yellow teeth Knox was also better in ring then Snitsky.

Should have gotten rid of Snitsky first

as to where Knox would've fit in today, i think he would be just another Mark Henry circa 2011, forgettable. or best remembered as the guy that debuted Kelly Kelly.
Nobody cared about Mike Knox.

He really looked like a career jobber, midcarder, no direction. His pain gimmick was OK, but he really lacked personality, and he doesn't have a solid place anywhere.

He never accomplished anything in the company, he was a severe footnote, and they didn't make a mistake at all, because he isn't relevant enough for most people to remember.

He brought nothing to the table, and I doubt he drew a single fan either by tv or by live event
Knox had an interesting look. I always thought He and Snitsky would have made for an interesting tag team. Maybe fashion them after the Barbarian and the Warlord. Not so much attire wise but based on the fact that they would be nothing but pure power
I thought Knox was great. The Bruiser Brody look really worked for him too. I think it was a huge mistake for them to release him, but the way he had been used had pretty much ruined him. It would have been nice if they could have brought him back after the stink of jobbing had worn off.
I have heard a few people say Mike Knox should have stayed longer.
I can't say much because when he was in the ring, i don't remember anything special. And that pretty much says it all.

I did like his beard though.
My husband and I were both Mike Knox fans. It's always great to see a big man in the ring who doesn't move like a sloth and requires people to work around him. Putting Knox and Kelly Kelly together in the beginning with ECW was kind of interesting with the Beauty and the Beast, putting Rapunzel in the tower and other various fairytale references. It seems that after that, there was really nothing for him to do.

As far as having a gimmick having to do with pain, all professional wrestlers have jobs that involve pain, unless of course you're Sable and not hired to do bumps, so unless you're Brock, Big Show or Samoa Joe, bringing the pain isn't that much of a creative idea.

There was one comment the commentators made about Mike Knox that we still use. They said he was so mean he didn't even like himself. At the time, we had a friend who was the same way, so this helped describe him perfectly.
I'm not sure how to feel. I wasn't much of a Mike Knox fan, but I liked his whole 'knowledge of pain' gimmick he had during his last run. I thought it seemed pretty cool and scary how much this guy knew how to hurt you. So really, I'm kinda 50/50.
As soon as they gave him the saying stupid shit gimmick that was pretty much the end for him. When a guy who used to have a gimmick as a badass starts dancing or telling jokes that pretty much means he's just a hop skip and a jump away from boarding the future endeavors express.
WWE didn't let Knox go too early. In fact, quite the opposite. I'm surprised he lasted as long as he did. Everything about him was boring other than his beard. That says everything right there. Nothing else about Mike Knox really left any lasting impression. I don't know why they put him in an Elimination Chamber match, he was hardly at that level. I do remember him having a promo around that time where he was asked why he attacked Rey Mysterio, Knox responded saying he didn't know and then walked off. Someone on here at the time, I forget who it was, said in a post that they thought that was a brilliant promo. I laughed at the obvious sarcasm in that post.

If Knox had not been future endeavoured when he was, I think he might have received a US or Intercontinental Championship feud after a few more months of pointless filler feuds. That's about it. The champion would have retained, Knox would lose the evil anatomy doctor character promos he did that sometimes popped up before his matches, and then job for a couple of years until he gets released. There was simply no reason to push someone like Mike Knox. He was boring and WWE finally realized that the fans did not care, which is why he's gone.

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