Do video packages work?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
It just occurred to me that every video package designed to introduce a new wrestler/character has failed to get anyone over. When you think about it, who was introduced/re-introduced who succeeded?

Bo Dallas, Adam Rose and the New Day have all failed- although to what extent is debatable. If anything, they didn't meet the expectations that WWE had for them. The Ascension isn't getting much of a reaction, despite the hype accompanying them from the internet. I personally blame those awful video packages.

Rusev has been the only 2014 newcomer (to the main roster) that has gotten over, but his video package didn't seem to work either. When introduced, no one seemed to care and he only got over once he began the Anti-America/Pro-Russia gimmick- which wasn't brought up at all in his vignettes.

So are video packages obsolete? Or was 2014 just a bad year for those who needed them?
Good question. The videos don't seem to do all that great lately, but is it because of the videos or the superstars they promote? Back in the day, video promos seemed to do well for Y2J and Edge, They came on after a video package, and became all time greats. Bo Dallas seems as if he was coming on pretty strong as a mid card heel but got hurt. This is a good time for a series of videos showing him overcoming his injury.
Possibly the most successful hyped debut of all time was Kane. And to promote him they did a mix of videos and had Paul Bearer actually at Raw telling us he was coming.
Maybe that is the answer, not only do new stars need videos, but they also need alliances to come on strong at first.
I believe that if say, Bray Wyatt had brought up ascension, rather than them coming alone, they would already be bigger stars than they are now.
I think videos these days aren't unique. It's just a wrestler in front of a screen talking, no originality behind it.

The Wyatt Family's debut video was good but they need packages that connect to people like I remember a little over a decade you had those WWE desire videos showing wrestlers like HHH recovering from injury and some showed why their passionate about wrestling.
A video package well executed works. I actually likes Adam Rose's video package. Described Rose to a "T". Sadly, did not do much for him in the ring. The two packages that I remember very well, because they were simple and to the point. One, was Kamala's from back in the day. It was nothing spectacular, but it was MEMORABLE. You saw his feet through the jungle. Then, you saw HIM! "Kamala, the Ugandan Giant." It gave you the willies for weeks. Another video package I remember was for a wrestler called The Midnight Rider. Yes, it was Dusty Rhodes when he was "fired" from CWF. But, I remember the campfire with Willie Nelson singing "The Midnight Rider" in the background. And, there he was, making something over the campfire, telling the world how he was going to dominate CWF. Today? The segment videos are just sooooo ordinary. The Ascension's was tragically flawed. It could have been so much more memorable. They need to go back in history to make good videos.
I remember liking the video package for Kane when he returned from an injury. I also thought the same of Triple H's return. There was something grand and epic about them, with good songs to boost what we're supposed to feel.

However, I will say that Bray's video packages putting over Rowan and Harper were pretty well done. I even like Harper's solo package (I'm going to put myself back together with pieces of you.)
Video packages are probably better for returns than introductions. If someone has been there before, then you can bring people up to speed on what they've done. Special cases like a lot of the wrestlers who didn't sign with the WWE when they bought WCW (Rey, Goldberg) are a different story. However, a video intro has to grab the attention of people first. If they aren't interested before the debut, it's almost an effort in futility and an indication that you may need to go another route.

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