Evan Bourne and Chavo Guerrero

The only way I can think of the save this whole Chavo / Bourne / Horneswoggle mess and help Chavo's career again, is have Chavo come out and once again challenge Horneswoggle, but this time just have Chavo beat the living crap out of Horneswoggle. Than have Bourne come out for the save and have Chavo lay him out with a couple of chair shots.

This can do a couple of things, first of all it can get Horneswoggle off of TV for a few weeks and he can come back and entertain the kids somehow, but stay away from Chavo. Maybe even move him back to ECW to be Finlays sidekick again.

But most importantly it can show Chavo has having a very mean streak and make him a legitimate competitor again. It can also start a really good feud with Bourne. As Chavo is obviously a really good wrestler and can put on very good matches with Bourne
This Chavvo crap is rele startin to get ******ed :banghead: at first it was funny and now they r ovr doin it, its a waste of time I'd rather them add more time to other matches or just replace it with another match
I have to say that I feel REALLY bad for Chavo. No offense to Hornswoggle, but this feud is dumb. They are wasting away with Chavo. Now no offense to Chavo, but let's be honest. He isn't and never will be Eddie. However, Chavo is a talent has possibility. Chavo could start a feud with Kofi Kingston, and defeat Kofi at some point. Then a feud could start between Bourne and Chavo over the US title. I think a Bourne/Chavo feud has great promise.
Well Chavo will be used to elevate Bourne. For all intents and purposes Chavo is nothing but a jobber now, and is on his way out. I wouldn't be surprised if they release him after this feud with Bourne, anyway.
I personally don't care for the Chavo/Hornswaggle angle anymore, it might have been amusing for the first couple of matches, but to me it's just redundent, and I'm starting to feel sorry for Chavo (how did it all start anyways?). Evan Bourne is one of my favorites WWE Wrestlers, right next to John Cena (who is my top WWE favorite, who is tied with AJ Styles, I like John Cena more, but since he is in WWE he is tied with AJ Styles, who I like as much as I like Evan Bourne, but AJ is my favorite TNA Wrestler, and I like TNA better than WWE, so to me that makes John Cena and AJ Styles tied for my top favorite)

Anyways, I hope Chavo gets out of this angle soon, and get back to the wrestler he is, and if that means he'll start fueding with AJ that's great.

What would be interested is if they brought in another midget wrestler to feud with Hornswaggle
that would be bad actually having to watch a hornswoggle match please god no.
i dont think that would work to be honest.
This could be a good feud if booked properly but creative so far has shit all over this damn thing. This would be a feud more suited for SmackDown! or ECW, but since they are on Raw, we won't see it at all.

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