Favorite Randy Orton Feud of 2011?


Rise Above Hate
Randy Orton vs. CM Punk and the New Nexus
This feud started at the Royal Rumble where the New Nexus cost Randy Orton his WWE title match. Later, Orton punts each of the member of the New Nexus and leaving CM Punk the only one for their Wrestlemania match. Orton won that match, and their other match at Extreme Rules. Orton was drafted to Smackdown afterwards thus ending this feud.

Randy Orton vs. Christian
This feud started when Teddy Long granted Randy Orton a title match with the newly crowned champion Christian. Orton would then win that match and that gave an emotional blow to Christian because that is his first world title on his whole long career. Christian turned heel in the process and kept asking for one more match. Orton defended his title on Over the Limit and Capitol Punishment but at the Money in the Bank Orton lost the title via disqualification. Orton regained his title at summerslam, successfully defended it again on a steel cage match in smackdown.

Randy Orton vs. Mark Henry
This feud started when the #1 contender Mark Henry defeated Randy Orton 'cleanly' at Night of Champions. Mark Henry make Orton look powerless with his dominance and even defended his title at Hell in a Cell. Orton received another shot at the title by winning the battle royal at Smackdown but failed to win again the title to Mark Henry due to Cody Rhodes interference.

Randy Orton vs. Cody Rhodes
This feud started when Randy Orton used the ring bell against Cody Rhodes on their match at Smackdown. Rhodes then cost Orton his championship match against Mark Henry. Their feud led to Vengeance with Orton winning, and won again on their street fight match at Smackdown.

Randy Orton vs. Wade Barrett
This feud started with Randy Orton and Wade Barrett each becoming a team captain of the traditional survivor series match. Barrett's team ended up winning that match. Their feud continued on Smackdown that led to their tables match at TLC. Orton came out the winner of that match.

So what is your favorite Orton feud of 2011?

My personal favorite is the feud with Christian. Randy Orton beating Christian for his first ever world title was really a heart breaker. Christian would then turn heel in the process and keep begging for one more match. Although they have a lot of match together, all of them was great.

match wise-Vs. Christian. These two had nothing but solid match after solid match. the thing i didn't like though was the story. Christian was originally just annoying with the "one more match" thing, until towards the end where it got funny.

story wise-Vs. Cody Rhodes. This was the feud i was waiting for alllllll year. The two already had great history (Cody's debut and Legacy) and with Cody climbing up the card, it was just too perfect. The matches were great, the best of Cody's career thus far. I was disappointed that Cody never got a clean win but he still came out of the feud looking great.
I've liked the recent Barrett feud, but to be honest, it's hard to look past the Christian feud, isn't it? Several great matches, contested over the World Heavyweight Championship, also turning Christian back into a heel (a main event-credible one at that). It just solidified christian in that spot, and for me, it was some of Orton's best ring work in quite some time.
Orton's best feud this year was with Christian. The two of them had the feud of the year together. Christian finally got his World Championship push along with a heel turn. Orton provided some of the best matches of his career in this feud and they stole the show at several PPV events in a row. The story behind Christian demanding ONE MORE MATCH all the time as constant thorn in Orton's side was well done. While I have also enjoyed the Rhodes and Barrett feuds, nothing touches the Christian feud because it was better than all of the other feuds in every single way. Feuds like that are a rare find.
It has got to be with Christian, that's what made SD very entertaining besides Edge this year :D.. The feud, had great promos and it brought you the best in Christian IMO, it made him better with promos and such, he became more entertaining on the mic and on the ring with Orton.. However, I think they oversold Orton a lot by having Christan win by DC at MITB, but still nonetheless, my favourite feud of SD and of Orton this year would be: Randy Orton v Christian
definitely orton v christian. by a country mile wwe's best in-ring feud of the year. imo orton doesnt get enough credit as the fantastic worker he is, never liked his character and always wanted christian to come out on top but there is noone in the wwe who has had more good matches in 2011 than orton
In ring performance- Orton vs Christian

Story wise- Orton vs Rhodes

Biggest Beef- Orton could have made Rhodes look a lot better than he did and it ended too soon. Could`ve given him the rub at Vengance or the street fight, then made him at least co-captain at SS. Therefore. . . .

Overall- Christian
It has to be the Orton/Christian feud. Close behind comes Orton/Punk going into WrestleMania.

I'll be honest, I do like Randy Orton. I think he draws a great reaction, puts on decent-to-good matches every time he's in the ring, and can sell merch with the best of them. He's a fantastic main event guy in virtually every way. But when was the last time HE really added to one of his feuds. I mean, in 2011 he pretty much showed up on auto-pilot to every segment, and let the other man carry him through all the promo spots. Every time he's had a mic he has said basically the same thing "blah blah blah...I'm better than you...blah blah blah...RKO." He's turned into a machine, and while I think he has the potential to be an all-time great, he's just not impressing me right now.

Orton/Christian not only solidified Orton as the top presence on Smackdown upon first arriving, but it put Christian on the map. If Orton showed any character at all this year, it was in this feud. Solid matches all the way through...
The Christian feud hands down. The matches were better than i was expecting to be honest. I never really thought of Orton to be that great in ring wise but this feud with Christian changed my mind.

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