Final Round: Darth Vader vs. Ghost Rider

Who wins?

  • Darth Vader

  • Ghost Rider

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Final Round


It's been a long and treacherous journey for our two finalists, but here they stand, head to head, in a battle to find out who is the greatest super powered being of all time.

Vader had one of the toughest roads through the tournament, overtaking four of Marvel's greatest heroes on the way to the finals in Storm, Wolverine, Professor X, and The Incredible Hulk. Can he take down one more of Marvel's finest on the way to a total victory?

Ghost Rider didn't exactly cruise on through to the finals either. He took down two of Marvel's greatest heroes in Cyclops and Spider-Man, and then proceeded to take down a dark horse candidate in Kirby, and a man that some would consider his equal in Spawn.

These two are the cream of the crop: one, a super hero imbued with the powers of one of the world's most powerful demons. The other, one of the dark side's greatest warriors in terms of mental and physical ability. Will the supernatural Johnny Blaze ride on to a victory? Or will Vader, the master of the Dark Side, Force his way to the win?

I have to be honest, I’m thoroughly disgusted that Vader went over the Hulk in the manner he did. From the original trilogy the guy is good and one of the most iconic villains of all time but he is by no stretch of the imagination unbeatable. His Force Powers are B-List at best when compared to members of the superhero fraternity and the lightsaber has been his saving grace too often.

Thank the heavens (literally) for his final foe then. From weapons having no effect, to having long range weapons of his own, to having the chain that he can latch onto targets with, to the penance stare which would have GREAT fun with the Dark Side – Vader cannot hide behind fandom anymore. He should not win this and with a heavy heart, I have to say that (unlike the Humans finale), this final battle should be more one sided than any of the first round matches.

Vote for the Spirit of Vengeance, VOTE GHOST RIDER!
This recent surge of popularity for Ghost Rider confuses me. This popular belief that Ghost Rider is somehow super capable and a warrior with few peers confuses me even more so. Having been a somewhat avid Marvel fan for years, I've never seen Ghost Rider as much of a character. He's an iconic look, and little else. Writers have literally been throwing shit at a wall with him for years and seemingly nothing ever stuck. For the most part, he seemed to do best as a side character; someone to pop up with Wolverine or Spider-Man whenever a writer felt like making a "spooky" angle or issue.

Some may say my push for Spawn was done so out of revenge for Ghost Rider having knocked out Kirby, but they'd be only 1/3 correct. My push for Spawn came for three different reasons:

1: He knocked out Kirby. Fuck you guys.

2: Spawn, on paper, looked to me like the undisputed winner of that fight, and really no one came close to being able to debate me about that. This tourney is not all about the debate, so I'm not calling foul about that. I'm just saying that really, NO ONE could touch me on that.

3: There is just no fucking way Ghost Rider could go over Vader. On paper, Ghost Rider is the ultimate support character, a gimmick with little else than a "cool" look. Vader is fucking Vader. He changed the way we look at villains, he's far more iconic and relevant to pop culture than fucking Ghost Rider, and he's been described as insanely powerful across all media he is a part of. At least Spawn had a chance here.

Penance Stare, I hear a lot about this ability. I wonder how useful it is to someone wearing a fucking visor. I also wonder how useful it is when he'd NEVER GET THE FUCKING CHANCE to be in Vader's face seeing as how he'd just be force pushed into the nearest wall. Or he'd have his head lopped off with a saber strike. His bike could be force crushed into so much junk. His projectiles deflected with force shields or whatever. Even a logical analysis of the two shows Vader as the only true winner.

Vader went over an opponent this tourney who could just turn off someone's mind and be done with it. I fail to see how anyone could argue Ghost Rider as somehow being more capable than that. So really, let's just call this what it is, shall we? Marvel fanboys vs Star Wars nerds, GO!
Voted Vader.

I believe Ghost Rider has very little chance in beating him. This is one of the two matches I actually voted via imaginary combat and DirtyJose was right in that Ghost Rider wouldn't get to use his Penance Stare, which is pretty much the only reason people thought he'd beat Spawn, it's also his key argument for most battles so I'd be interested to see if anyone can pose a decent argument for Ghost Rider winning this.

A rather one sided Final if not, isn't it?
Vader's powers were B-list before his entire body was fucked. Now he can't even move. He has 1/2 of the ability any other Jedi/Sith has because of that. The reason he was as big of a villain as he was is because there were 5 people capable of using the force in his time. Two of them died, one of them was his boss, one was his son, and the other was him.

I don't understand how this guy got to the finals. Ghost Rider would wipe the floor with him, almost effortlessly.

But y'know, Vader'll win.
Please, clarify.

You could always read my first paragraph. Vader can't really move, and his skills aren't even the best the Star Wars universe has to offer. He's only popular because he was the first villain to ever be established in the entire franchise.

If Darth Vader and Darth Maul switched places, we'd be seeing Ghost Rider vs. Darth Maul in this tournament.
You could always read my first paragraph. Vader can't really move, and his skills aren't even the best the Star Wars universe has to offer. He's only popular because he was the first villain to ever be established in the entire franchise.

If Darth Vader and Darth Maul switched places, we'd be seeing Ghost Rider vs. Darth Maul in this tournament.

I meant clarify, as in, tell me how the battle would go and how Ghost Rider would "effortlessly" deal with Vader. You're right about his popularity and how he isn't the strongest in the Star Wars Universe, however that doesn't necessarily mean he isn't strong enough to defeat Ghost Rider.
I've voted for Ghost Rider. I've backed him all the way, and I'll do it one more time. If I have to make an argument, it's going to be this: Vader's lightsaber won't have a great deal of damage immediately, especially if Ghost Rider blocks with his chains, and should the they struggle back and forth, Ghost Rider can have the opportunity to apply his Penance Stare, horribly ruining Lord Vader's soul more so than it already is. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.

As to why I've backed Ghost Rider, simply put, I wanted to win the predictions contest. Ghost Rider is powerful enough to make his way through to the final, and he has done so. I've always figured he'd lose here should he get to this point, but it'd be a great deal of fun to see him pull off the victory. Vote for whoever you want. Great tournament guys.
If Darth Vader and Darth Maul switched places, we'd be seeing Ghost Rider vs. Darth Maul in this tournament.

I doubt that. Vader is popular for more than just being the first; Maul could never have taken that role instead. Imagine watching A New Hope, and instead of the menacing Vader you get the pantomime Maul instead. Yeah, sucks doesn't it?
DirtyJosé;3419566 said:
I doubt that. Vader is popular for more than just being the first; Maul could never have taken that role instead. Imagine watching A New Hope, and instead of the menacing Vader you get the pantomime Maul instead. Yeah, sucks doesn't it?

I agree that Maul would have been a much less enticing main villain in the Star Wars Original Trilogy. Darth Maul is simply an intimidating, apprentice Sith with a dual bladed saber. Vader on the other hand, is a man of mystique. Under the mask, he may be twisted, and disgusting, but to onlookers, he looks like an emotionless statue. His force power is much greater than others seem to insinuate, considering he can choke one with the force with a little hand motion. His ability to stop a blaster shot with his gloved metal hand proves his strength in the force. I voted Vader here, as it was a clear wash to me.
Incapacitate a word used to refer to an organism not being able to move, will be the key to this victory. And there can only be one winner and that will be Darth Vader.

Ghost Rider has the skills, has the power, has the undead powers to surviv this fight. However, when it comes down to it Darth Vader has one major advantage and this is the force. The force is the one thing Vader needs in order to incapacitate Ghost Rider. After one relaizes that Ghost Rider is not incredily strong, it is easy to see how Ghost Rider gets incapacitated. Simply put Vader uses the force to hold Rider in one place, he then uses his other hand to drop a house, or a building or a Spaceship on Ghost Rider and believe me Rider won't be able to get up hence forth being incapacitated.

Scenario #2

Vader uses the force to get a hold of Ghost Rider, uses the force to make Rider go into space. There's no oxegyn there which means Rider is incapacitated fast.

Vader Wins.
The force is the one thing Vader needs in order to incapacitate Ghost Rider. After one relaizes that Ghost Rider is not incredily strong

Yeah this is blatantly wrong, Ghost Rider is able to lift 25 tons, & during World War Hulk it's stated by Dr. Strange that GR may be equally as powerful as Hulk. So I'd love to know where the fuck you are getting this Ghost Rider isn't incredibly strong bullshit.

it is easy to see how Ghost Rider gets incapacitated.

I don't see how with Ghost Rider being extremely powerful an all, this is not the cake walk you would like the think it is for Vader.

Simply put Vader uses the force to hold Rider in one place, he then uses his other hand to drop a house, or a building or a Spaceship on Ghost Rider and believe me Rider won't be able to get up hence forth being incapacitated.

Yes he will, Ghost Rider can lift 25 fucking tons, he'll simply lift what ever Vader dropped on him and just hurl it back at Vader. He's far from incapacitated.

Scenario #2

Vader uses the force to get a hold of Ghost Rider, uses the force to make Rider go into space. There's no oxegyn there which means Rider is incapacitated fast.

Except for the fact that Ghost Rider is a demonic entity, last I checked Demonic Entities don't breath, so the lack of air really does nothing to Ghost Rider.

Vader Wins.

No he doesn't, Ghost Riders are notoriously hard to injure by any conventional means, as bullets and knives usually pass through them without causing pain, which makes the lightsaber worthless in this fight. It is possible that they are genuinely immortal; it is said that God created them and only God can destroy them, & Vader is far from being God, Vader can use the force all he wants and he'll put up on hell of a fight but in teh end it's Ghost Rider that comes out on top.
In the same way that Alucard would be an entity that Blade would be destined to face if both occupied the same version of Earth. If Vader and the Rider occupied the same mythos then the Spirit of Vengeance's ultimate goal would be to defeat... the Emperor - for all the focus he received in the Star Wars saga, if people are honest, Vader is just the head henchman.

Justin has done a great job of describing many of the Rider's abilities so I'll not repeat. What I will do is point out the obvious advantage that the Rider has, he was created to tackle evil - in the SW cannon the Dark Side is the ultimate evil. Whether he is being seared to the soul by hell fire, being tethered by unbreakable chains or, the coup de grâce, being made to face the Penance Stare - Vader is in above his head.

Oh, and for the poster who claimed that Vader's visor would negate the Stare - seriously? All you need to counter the Penance Stare is good shades? Vader's helmet wouldn't do Jack against the stare, if Darth can see his eyes then he is SOL (and why wouldn't he look into his eyes, he doesn't know the consequences).
Let's say, hypothetically, that the lightsaber could cut through chains made out of Hellfire. With those out of play, the question would be whether the Force would be enough to hold Ghost Rider back, let alone take him down and hold him there. Vader has lightning, the Force Push, and other cool moves he could use to chop up Rider.

However, Rider's Penance Stare is an incredibly powerful tool in this battle. I feel that it probably would work through Vader's visor, but Rider would need to get close enough and hold Vader long enough to be able to stare into his soul. Once he does that, it's game over for Vader.

I really think people are being too hard on Vader. He was a badass in Soulcalibur IV.

Let's say, hypothetically, that the lightsaber could cut through chains made out of Hellfire. With those out of play, the question would be whether the Force would be enough to hold Ghost Rider back, let alone take him down and hold him there. Vader has lightning, the Force Push, and other cool moves he could use to chop up Rider.

Vader can't use force lightning. The chains are described as nigh-indestructible which means that lightsabers might be able to cut through but the chances of this happening quickly are very very slim and with Riders incredible strength they don't have to hold long before the Sith Lord is flying vengeance airways. Another thing about maintaining his Force Powers would be concentrating when a motorbike made of Hell Fire appears behind him and runs him down.

However, Rider's Penance Stare is an incredibly powerful tool in this battle. I feel that it probably would work through Vader's visor, but Rider would need to get close enough and hold Vader long enough to be able to stare into his soul. Once he does that, it's game over for Vader.

Agreed and better still, Darth has no knowledge of it. Without knowing, why wouldn't Vader lock eyes with an opponent?

I really think people are being too hard on Vader. He was a badass in Soulcalibur IV.

Let's be honest, I'd be amazed if anybody is voting for this Vader. They are voting for the slow methodical guy from the original trilogy and this guy just doesn't come close to measuring up to the Rider.

One final point;
"The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us, penetrates us, and binds the galaxy together." - Ben Kenobi.
Now, I'm not aware of it existing in any other 'Supers' Universe so will it actually exist in a neutral Universe?
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