Flair Region, Third Round, Embarrassment Match: (3) Randy Savage vs. (6) Daniel Bryan

Who Wins This Match?

  • Randy Savage

  • Daniel Bryan

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Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
This is a third round match in the Flair Region and it is an Embarrassment match. It will be held at the Verizon Center in Washington D.C.


Rules: Each wrestler will have a designated finishing move and the match must end by using your opponent's move.


#3. Randy Savage

Finishing move: Flying Elbow Drop



#6. Daniel Bryan

Finishing Move: Running Knee

Polls will be open for four days following a one day period for discussion. Voting will be based on who you feel is the greater of the two competitors. Post your reasons for why your pick should win below. Remember that this is non-spam and the most votes in the poll win. Any ties will be broken by the amount of posts of support for each candidate, with one vote per poster.

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I always get confused with this match. Does the match simply end when you hit your opponent's finish, or do you have to pin him with their finish to win?

Regardless I think I have to vote for Savage. Both of these guys are very high on my list of all time favorites, but Savage will be better remembered by history.

As far as the stipulation goes, Bryan would have no issue hitting that Savage Elbow, he is well versed at heading up top, but Savage can just as easily hit Bryan's Knee Plus. If it was the Yes Lock, I think it might be a different story, as Byran was rarely caught in submissions in his run, but since it is just the knee, I think Savage takes it.
At first glance, the finishers would seem like a non-factor here, but I'd say we've seen just about everyone hit a Macho Elbow, and considerably less hit a running knee (as a finisher).

I'm not saying Bryan wins, but it levels the playing field. Savage was known for doing things no one else had done, and I don't see how a guy ahead of his time couldn't figure out a running knee strike.

This is an exciting match, with Bryan's prime as a face working perfectly against Savage's time as a heel, but Savage wins.
What's up with the stipulation.

Also why Bryan's finisher isn't the Yes! Lock?

ANyways, both finishers are easy to hit, but the damn running knee is far too difficult to evade, so vote Savage.
As much as I love Bryan, I can see him losing here. Savage has the better legacy & even with the stipulation, the match would likely play out similar to this.

I see Bryan hitting his knee & going for the elbow, riding the wave of hopeful fan support. Savage crushes their dreams by moving out of the way & loading up a running knee of his own. Really good match though & both men keep it very close throughout. In the end, Randy wins & shakes the hand of Bryan for a job well done as the crowd chants "Yes!" showing their respect for two very over competitors.
Bryan is no stranger to embarrassment (see 18 second WM loss), and this type of match would just be a perfect way to garner him sympathy. I get the love for Daniel Bryan but he really shouldn't have much of a shot here against the Macho Man, especially in this type of scenario. Savage was somebody who could match or exceed Bryan in every aspect, whether that be in the ring, on the mic, or popularity wise. He was a better heel and just as good a face as DB. Savage should win this one.
One of Savage's favorite moves was a running knee strike, albeit to an opponents back to push them into the ropes or turnbuckles... and he'd usually follow it up with that sweet rope-hang drop to the floor. So a flying knee like Bryan's would be fairly easy to see Savage pulling off...

Savage is the bigger name and all-time bigger draw, and should easily win this one.
I think this would be an incredibly entertaining bout as both bring a lot to the table. In terms of athletic ability, I'd say they're generally equal with Savage being a bit stronger while Bryan is a bit faster. If it comes down to outright brawling, I'm leaning more towards Bryan as he's gone over guys like Randy Orton and Kane single handedly in various no DQ/street fight scenarios, though I can also see it being mostly even in the grand scheme of things. As a high flyer, Savage probably gets the nod though, for me, I think it mostly has to do with going to the top rope as part of his finisher is such an established part of Savage's mystique; I mean, aside from the flying elbow, 99.9% of the time, the only other move Savage hit from the top was a double ax handle where as Bryan was more known for the missile dropkick and, occasionally, a diving headbutt. In terms of technical ability, Bryan's all over Savage as Bryan is someone who was a legitimately highly skilled grappler trained in various grappling based martial arts whereas. If it comes down to star power and/or title accomplishments, Savage has the advantage as he's a beloved Hall of Famer, revered as a legend, was WWE Champion for a total of 520 days, was Intercontinental Champion for 414 days and is considered by many to be the greatest Intercontinental Champion in history. Bryan accomplished a lot in his career, but it was cut short due to injury and his title runs, outside of the ROH World Championship, just aren't nearly as impressive as Savage's. On the mic, for me, neither guy was exactly the stuff that dreams are made of but they both still had fans eating out of the palms of their hands. Bryan could deliver well when he was worked up and had the passion flowing, but he's never going to be looked at as master of the mic. While some might view it as sacrilege for me to say something negative about Savage's promos, I just find them a bit silly as the guys strained voice and facial expressions made me think the guy was passing kidney stones 24/7 or was really bearing down while taking a dump.

I can see either guy getting the vote here, so I'm not really sure which way I'm going yet. Bryan is a huge favorite of mine, but his career isn't as impressive as Savage's because of the injuries that forced him to retire so soon. At the same time, I'm not voting for Savage just because he happens to be Randy Savage as Bryan stacks up so very well and evenly against him inside the ring and his star power isn't remotely so overpowering that the notion of Bryan winning is absurd.
Embarrassment match!? I have to imagine which performer would more severely embarrass the other one, thank goodness my imagination is limited to only using the other man's move to facilitate the humiliation.

I don't think it would be particularly embarrassing for either man to take the other's big move, though I think it would look more embarrassing for a chiseled man's man like Randy Savage to do a move like the Running Knee.

If we're just supposed to wonder who would get the other man's move off first, I'm pretty sure that Daniel Bryan could make a top-rope elbow drop happen way before Randy Savage could get the timing down to pull off a Running Knee. You have a pro-wrestling polymath like Daniel Bryan being expected to pull off a move that to most performers is a walk in the park. In Randy Savage's case he'll be expected to run full speed, jump at just the right split second, bring his knee up and be prepared to roll backward to soften the landing.

I don't see Daniel Bryan screwing up a top rope elbow drop, vote Daniel Bryan.
What's the point of the stipulations if people are going to ignore them anyway?

Randy Savage isn't doing a freaking running knee to win the match. It's far more likely for Daniel Bryan to hit a top rope elbow. Randy Savage winning this match is the most bullshit outcome of the entire tournament so far.
Daniel Bryan all the way for me.

The result being in Savage's favour saddens me.

Stipulation of the match easily favours Bryan so people voting for Savage isn't understood by me.

I amn't disregarding Savage's accolades and capabilities here. But Daniel Bryan was a real life inspiration to me to never give up. It helped my life to get back on track after a huge derailmemt in form of accident. The Yes! Movement was truly motivating for me. And I have to respect Bryan for it.

So for me, Its Bryan damn easily.
What's the point of the stipulations if people are going to ignore them anyway?

Randy Savage isn't doing a freaking running knee to win the match. It's far more likely for Daniel Bryan to hit a top rope elbow. Randy Savage winning this match is the most bullshit outcome of the entire tournament so far.

Daniel Bryan all the way for me.

The result being in Savage's favour saddens me.

Stipulation of the match easily favours Bryan so people voting for Savage isn't understood by me.

You guys are funny. How does the stipulation favor Daniel Bryan? Is it really that difficult to pull off a running knee strike? Not only is the move not all that difficult but this is Randy Savage we're talking about. I know a lot of people think that a 21st century wrestler is way more athletic than an older wrestler but Savage was always a great athlete. And as mentioned in a prior post Savage actually used a running knee strike regularly, just when his opponent's back was turned. It's fine if you guys want to vote for Bryan but to say this stipulation is such a disadvantage to Savage is just stupid.
A little surprised some people think Savage would have trouble hitting a running knee. As The Brain noted above, Savage was very athletic and wouldn't have any problems with a pretty basic move.

With that out of the way, I can't find any reason to vote for Bryan here. He was a good worker who had some big moments before injuries unfortunately cut him short, but has nowhere near the accomplishments, legacy or overall abilities of Savage. This one seems like a cakewalk to me. The Macho Man goes over easily here and moves on to the next round.

Thinking about it, I may have been rash in saying the knee lift is a pretty basic move Savage would have no trouble with. Likewise, I doubted Danielson would have issues hitting The Macho Man's Finisher.... Savage's elbow drop from the top never seemed to tough to pull of, but watching CM Punks attempts at it make it look pretty damn hard.
There's a lot more that could go wrong for Bryan here, so I think Savage has the advantage in the stipulation. As a wrestler, they're quite similar. Excellent in ring workers who probably weren't quite as good as the behemoth as the day, but at times outshined them. I think the fact Savage had a sufficiently long enough career to do it multiple times helps him here. A tough one to call, but a Savage win for me.
If we're just supposed to wonder who would get the other man's move off first, I'm pretty sure that Daniel Bryan could make a top-rope elbow drop happen way before Randy Savage could get the timing down to pull off a Running Knee. You have a pro-wrestling polymath like Daniel Bryan being expected to pull off a move that to most performers is a walk in the park. In Randy Savage's case he'll be expected to run full speed, jump at just the right split second, bring his knee up and be prepared to roll backward to soften the landing.

One of these moves requires just one action and can be hit from the very start of the match, the other requires at least two and would realistically happen late on in the match.

If Bryan's finisher had been recognised as the Yes lock then I'd be far more torn but this is a much easier match to win for Savage than it is for Bryan.
I think what hurts Bryan here is the longevity of his WWE career. Had he not had the 2 big injuries which cut title reigns short, he may have been recognized more here. Who knows how long or far his WWE WHC reign would have been had he not had to drop the belt. Then he comes back for the Rumble, wins the IC title at Wrestlemania and again, gets hurt and this time is done for good.

I voted for Bryan just because I always like him more than I liked Savage. I think in many other stipulations, Bryan wins this match big, even if his finisher was listed as the Yes Lock. He is truly the last wrestler for the WWE that the FANS made into a main eventer. If there were no major yes chants week in and week out, Wrestlemania 30's main event would have been Orton vs Batista and Bryan would have opened the show against Sheamus, instead of facing Triple H and then beating Orton and Batista in one of the best Wrestlemania moments in recent history.
You guys are funny. How does the stipulation favor Daniel Bryan? Is it really that difficult to pull off a running knee strike? Not only is the move not all that difficult but this is Randy Savage we're talking about. I know a lot of people think that a 21st century wrestler is way more athletic than an older wrestler but Savage was always a great athlete. And as mentioned in a prior post Savage actually used a running knee strike regularly, just when his opponent's back was turned. It's fine if you guys want to vote for Bryan but to say this stipulation is such a disadvantage to Savage is just stupid.

Glad you called them out on it coz I was just about to. Savage would apply a better Yes Lock or do running knee then Bryan tbh.

With that being said, I'll take Bryan. Prime Savage is hard to pin point but I'm guessing late 80s. That Savage lost to a man who has been a template of wrestling for that infamous ROH Class of 05 in Ricky Steamboat. The amount of Literature Bryan has to memorize will make hack a cow in half but he'll take this.
I love Daniel Bryan but he's going against 1 on my all time favorites and he isn't big enough to knock off Savage regardless of Wrestlemania 30 and how popular he ultimately became. Savage has no problem cheating his ass off to win this and what's this nonsense about him not being able to do Bryan's running knee? Savage did the running knee plenty (albeit a different type) and he's more than athletic enough to do it, hell I can do a running knee and I'm not even that athletic, it's not some overly complex move that's hard to do and it's one of the most ridiculous arguments I've ever heard in this tournament.

Despite the fact Savage is the bigger star, bigger draw and arguably the better wrestler (they're pretty even there) it would be a huge waste to have someone as good as Savage get knocked out so early, if it was me I would NEVER have Savage lose until at least the final 8, he's just too damn entertaining. Frankly I see this match being back and forth until Bryan takes control, he gets Savage down, goes for the Elbow, misses and Savage gets up and hits a quick knee to end it.
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