Greatest WrestleMania match to not be in the Main Event (last match)


Dark Match Winner
Simply put, which was the greatest match in a WrestleMania to not be in the main event (last match).

By 'greatest' I mean great in-ring match, great feud, great build-up, stands the test of time and had a great impact.

A few matches instantly come to mind..
1. Ricky Steamboat VS Randy Savage - WrestleMania III
2. Scott Hall VS Shawn Michaels - WrestleMania X
3. Bret Hart VS Stone Cold Steve Austin - WrestleMania 13
4. The Rock VS Hulk Hogan - WrestleMania X8
5. The Rock VS Stone Cold Steve Austin - WrestleMania XIX
6. Shawn Michaels VS Ric Flair - WrestleMania XIV
7. Shawn Michaels VS Undertaker - WrestleMania XV
.. Am I missing a few?

I'll personally go with Bret Hart VS Stone Cold Steve Austin - WrestleMania 13.
Not only was this one of the best in-ring matches i have ever seen, right from the wrestling to the story telling. This is also a legendary match simply because that night Stone Cold turned face and Bret Hart turned heel. The feud was great. The two had been at each others throats from Survivor Series.
HBK vs Flair - WrestleMania XIV?
HBK vs Undertaker - WrestleMania XV? you mean XXIV and XXV :)
and i would added HBK vs Taker II - WrestleMania XXVI to that too
and Triple H vs Taker stole the show for the past 2 WrestleMania's atleast for the oldschool fans.

as for your list, there's been so many it's hard to remember em all :) but you have a good list there and i'd agree Stone Cold vs Bret Hart was pretty damn good it had everything a good match should, a great build up, 2 guys busting there ass and telling a story in the ring and when it came down to it both guys benefited, Bret regained some dignity and Austin got a huge boost in respect

Rock vs Hogan was just historic, the match wasn't a 5 star match

Personally i would say though that HBK's vs Flair (Mania 24) and Taker at Mania (25 and 26) were equal and deserve the top spot as arguably the greatest mania matches period from a visual and emotional standpoint.
Yes, you are right. I meant WrestleMania XXIV and WrestleMania XXV. My bad. :p

Anyway, there are a ton other great great matches. Bret VS Owen. The Triple Threat TLC tag team matches. Piper vs Bret. Michaels vs Angle.
But the reason I didn't put any of these up is simply because I didn't think anyone would choose any of these as the greatest. Great, yes. But greatest? Same applies to both the matches between Undertaker and Triple H.

PS - The Undertaker VS Shawn Michales was the last match at WrestleMania XXVI. So it doesn't count.
I haven't seen every Wrestlemania so I can only talk about what I have seen(and take notes from this topic on what I need to see). I was at Wrestlemania X and both the Ladder Match and the brother-against-brother show opener both deserve mention. Two stellar matches with good back stories. It's hard to pick a clear winner, though I think most choose the ladder match, but Bret and Owen made magic happen without the novelty of the ladder. One benefit of being there live is getting a little extra perspective on it. First, I remember people in the crowd being shocked that Bret and Owen went out first. Then when Owen won, people were shocked again, but a good portion of the crowd was cheering for Owen, not because New York fans like heels(New York seemed to like Bret as a face as well), but out of respect for what just happened in the ring.

I'd also rate Shawn vs. Undertaker from WM25 very highly. I've watched that match several times and it gets better each time. It's a masterpiece.
If you were to make a list of the best matches in Wrestlemania History, the majority of the ones that make the list aren't going to be main events.

Steamboat vs Savage
Savage vs Warrior
Hart vs Austin
HBK vs Diesel
Owen vs Bret
HBK vs Taker (pick)
Hbk vs Angle
Taker vs Flair

How many main events would even get considered?
Bret vs HBK Iron Man (debated whether it is great, but it would at least be discussed)
Austin vs Rock WM 17
HBK v Taker WM 26
Savage v Hogan WM 5 (debatable)
Hogan vs Warrior
Shawn Michaels VS Undertaker at Wrestlemania 25. Easily.

This is regarded as one of the greatest matches in wrestling history. It had everything you as a fan could possibly want. Two legends facing each other at the biggest show of the year is always a treat but in this case it was the 25th edition of the show and two of the best legends ever stealing the show entirely. The build for it was great with them having cryptic messages for each other. The fantastic entrances fit the Heaven VS Hell theme. Shawn as a Holy Taker parody came down from "heaven" while Taker rose up from "hell". Being there in person to see it was an awesome experience too.

They went through every move in their arsenal, leaving the fans wanting more and more with every two count. Then there was other memorable moments like Taker hitting the camera man on his dive over the ropes. There is absolutely nothing to dislike about the match. It easily wins my vote as the greatest Wrestlemania match to not close the show. It's a commonly agreed with statement around these parts that this match should have closed Wrestlemania 25 rather than the disappointing Triple H VS Orton match that never quite lived up to the hype its epic build gave it. Michaels VS Taker on the other hand, is the match people will remember Wrestlemania 25 for and it did not go on last.
Hogan vs. The Rock

You can all make your lists, but this is the match that should make the top of everybodies list, and is easily the greatest Wrestlemania match not to main event WM. Without a doubt, this is the only WM match I'm sure of that should've went on last, other picks are debatable. It didn't need to be a 5 star match just to be the greatest, the build up didn't need to be 5 star just to make it the greatest, just the symbol & impact behind it and the crowd in the match is what makes it the greatest and stand out from the rest. For his match with Rock it was the first time Hogan appeared in WWE in nine years and at the event that he made. It was his big comeback after being away at WCW and going through the nWo and the Monday Night War. WWE won the war and now had their biggest star, along with WCW’s biggest star. It was also a passing of the torch. No other WM match will ever have the same legacy that this did.
1. Ricky Steamboat VS Randy Savage - WrestleMania III
It was a good match only at the time beause WWE focused more on non-sense body building wrestlers in bore fest 5 minute matches. Not much better than the main event of most Raws today.

2. Scott Hall VS Shawn Michaels - WrestleMania X
Read above.

3. Bret Hart VS Stone Cold Steve Austin - WrestleMania 13
This match is a classic. One of the best matches of all times. Only saving grace of WrestleMania 13

4. The Rock VS Hulk Hogan - WrestleMania X8
The ONLY good thing about this match was the fan reaction. There was no build to speak of and the wrestling aspect of the match itself was boderline horrible. Lets face it, everyone wanted to see Austin face Hogan and not Rock. We had to settle for the second best.

5. The Rock VS Stone Cold Steve Austin - WrestleMania XIX
This is the clear winner. Austin's last match. Rock finally gets a clean victory over Austin. Very very emotional.

6. Shawn Michaels VS Ric Flair - WrestleMania XIV
No build. Not a great match. Ric Flair didn't retire. No value. Over rated.

7. Shawn Michaels VS Undertaker - WrestleMania XV
A very very good match. But the build up to it was a little lack luster.
I'm surprised no one mentioned Randy Savage vs. Ric Flair from WrestleMania VIII. It was billed as part of the "Double Main Event" but it wasn't the last match (Hogan vs. Sid Justice was).

Randy Savage was 100% gold. You can put all of these matches into consideration:

WrestleMania III: Randy Savage vs. Ricky Steamboat (IC Title Match)

WrestleMania VII: Randy Savage vs. Ultimate Warrior (Retirement Match)

WrestleMania VIII: Randy Savage vs. Ric Flair (WWF Title Match)

Of course this doesn't include his main event match against Hulk Hogan at WrestleMania V since that actually was the main event that ended the card.

Macho Man Randy Savage = Underrated Legend.
Although I already went with Bret Hart VS Stone Cold Steve Austin.
I have to give an honourable mention to The Rock VS Stone Cold Steve Austin.

One of the most legendary matches of all times. There two gave all that they had in the ring that night. Especially looking back at what Austin's condition was the night before, it is really surprising that he managed to wrestle, let alone pull off such a great match.
And the build was crazy. It was basically a match which had it's roots right from 6 years ago. Great in-ring match. Great build-up. And the crowd was just fantastic.
EASILY, Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker at the 25th Anniversary of Wrestlemania!

It was the first time EVER that "Mr. Wrestlemania" & The man with the Wrestlemania undefeated streak met at the Show case of the the immortals! Not to mention it was BOTH of theirs home state.

Even in "The Story of Wrestlemania" Edge mentions how he couldn't believe they had to follow that match. The very fact that the engery was basically gone for the World Title match & the WWE title match is a very testament to the emotion that HBK/Taker I envoked in the live audience. I was there live & the atmosphere was unlike any other event i have EVER been to & i have been to every kind of wrestling show from indies to house shows to wrestlemanias.

There are several matches that I think inappropriatly ended Wrestlemania like Mania 11. And usually I would say put the WWE title on last. But this match DESERVED the final spot of the night.

Not to mention their next match got the final match on the card in Phoenix(which made alot less sense) and it only seemed to be for HBK's retirement. Which not only did Flair, for example, not get the final spot for his final match but it left the event off wierd with HBK just walking away crying & not saying anything but looking heartbroken.

So while I get that they probably wanted to wait till 26 & HBK retiring for the final spot on the card, I think HBK/Taker I is the match that truely deserved the final match of the night!
I am surprised that no-one has mentioned Shawn Michaels v Chris Jericho from WM19.

I found this match to be a stellar wrestling match. HBK always brings his A-game to WM, and I consider this in the top three best Chris Jericho matches ever.

This match would have been good at any PPV, but the backdrop of WM made it even better.

It gets forgotten about after their feud in 2008, but, like in 2008, HBK and Jericho both delivered on the mike leading up to the match, and then delivered in the ring as well.

The only thing faulty about the WM19 match was one of the streamer-guns not going off in HBK's entrance.
I would consider Bret Hart vs Stone Cold Steve Austin in their WM 13 I quit match. And the thing was that this was supposed to BE the main event for the WWF Title.

I don't know if it would've been as good as it was, but regardless I think the way they fought, they should've closed Chicago with that match....
Wrestlemania 21. Kurt Angle vs Shawn Michaels is easily in my book the greatest Wrestlemania match to not go on last. This match had everything, both guys athletically equal. The build up and storyline leading to this match was some of WWE's best booking in years. I take this match over any match involving Undertaker.
I have to easily go with HBK/Taker from Mania 25. The buildup was fantastic starting at the Rumble that year when they met in the back and Taker told HBK "sometimes it's hell getting into heaven". Then you has Shawn coming out as the white Taker right up to the entrances. It was perfectly done. The match itself goes without saying. Edge of my seat the whole time, really the first time I ever had a feeling Taker was going to lose in a Mania match. They gave us everything, and we wanted more. Personally this might have been my favorite match off all time.
Shawn vs taker at wm 25 and wm 26 has been built up by smarks to seem like it is the greatest match of all times. It wasn't even shawn's best match. It was too predictable. Everyone knew that shawn would not defeat undertaker at wm 25 and everyone knew that shawn was retiring after wm 26 because his dvd was coming out and everything. they were both good matches but they for sure werent gods gift to mankind like everyone makes them to be. I am very shocked to see people complimenting the build to wm 25. I found the build highly juvenile and immarture. it was a bit of an insult to my intelligence.
For me, it has to be Shawn Micheals vs Kurt Angle from Wrestlemania 21.

2 of the best wrestlers WWE has ever seen, and they produced a clinic in mat wrestling and counters. Along with a 3 months build up, and a white hot finish, then this has to go down as a Wrestlemania match that could of main evented ANY Wrestlemania.
Hogan vs. Rock - WrestleMania X8 is, was and should forever be the embodiment of WrestleMania. Despite not being the best "wrestling" match ever, everybody knows that the atmosphere, crowd interaction and captivation displayed in that match were unlike anything we'd seen before or since and I'd suggest we will never see such a raw emotional transpiring in a match ever again. To me, Hogan/Rock is the WrestleMania match.

Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit - WrestleMania X7 was in my opinion the greatest wrestling match in WrestleMania history and much like my statements regarding Hogan/Rock, we will be hard-pressed to ever see such a wrestling clinic displayed at a WrestleMania again.

Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels - WrestleMania 25 is the greatest "all-round" WrestleMania match. A half-way point between my other two picks (stylistically speaking) and quite honestly, the one and only highlight of that edition of Mania in my opinion.

So, those three matches are my personal Greatest WrestleMania matches [main-event or not], but the one that wins overall based on my opinion of what Mania should be and what WWE intended for the event to be is Hogan vs. Rock hands down.
Rock vs Hogan - WM18

Hands down

You guys are listing a lot of great mid-card matches (Savage/Steamboat, Michaels/Razer Ramon, etc) but these never would be the main event of those wrestlemania's

Rock/Hogan was way bigger than the actual HHH/Jericho main event.

I'm sure there are others too - but I stopped watching wrestling shortly after WM20
Easily Austin vs Bret at Wrestlemania 13 for me.

It was the greatest story that was ever told in a wrestling ring, the build was perfect, the execution was indeed excellent and it left the viewer with questions and with a thirst for more. It should be the first match anyone wanting to get into the business is forced to sit down and study repeatedly.
Owen vs Bret opening match at WM10 and Shawn vs Tatanka at WM 9 were my sleepers and great matches but savage and Shawn had the most classic matches it woulda been great to see them in the early 90s main event a WM

R I P macho
I Think Shawn Michaels Vs The Undertaker At Wrestlemania 26 Or The Undertaker Vs Triple H At Wrestlemania 27 Because In My View I Think The Undertaker Makes Wrestlemania And The Past 4 Have Been Great With Him In
Either of the Triangle TLC matches, they revolutionized wrestling, brought more attention to the oft forgotten tag team division, and most importantly were very entertaining. The WM 17 one may not be the best non-main event match in WM history but it is in the top 5. My personal order is
5. TLC WM 17- already stated
4. HBK vs. Ric Flair- Flair got the perfect send off, I don't care what he has done or will do in a wrestling ring, as far as I'm concerned that was Flair's last, and best, match
3. Mick Foley vs Edge- Foley finally got his WM moment, Edge got to prove himself against the Hardcore legend, and it was brutal from start to finish from Barbed wire counter to flaming table spear
2. Undertaker vs HBK WM 25- Great Match near perfect
1. Undertaker vs HHH WM 28 HIAC- My all time favorite, every thing in this match worked the sledgehammer, the DX Chop, the finishers, HBK's moral dilemma, the Cell itself, and especially HHH, HBK, and the Undertaker.
Macho Man vs Ric Flair at Wrestlemania 8. Should have been the main event but I'm pretty sure Hogan vs Sid got was given the main event, even though Macho vs Flair was the title match.

Ya'll seem to have covered the rest.
As great as a lot of these matches were ... there is only one answer for this.

The Rock vs. Hogan at WrestleMania 18.

NOOOOO match stole the show at ANY Wrestlemania like this one did. Shawn vs. Undertaker at WM XXV came close, but not quite.

This match not being the main event was one of the biggest mistakes in the history of booking and it showed. Savage vs. Steamboat and Jericho vs. Michaels are great wrestling clinics as well, but as for Main Event feel that was in the wrong spot on the card ... this one is not even close.

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