Halo 5 SUCKS!

Jeff Deliverer of Mail

Money for nothin, chicks for free
I just picked this game up for Xbox One. I've enjoyed the odd Halo here and there in the past and hoped this game might actually be different.

I'm not even trying the campaign. Screw this game. I have a solid 3 hours TRYING to give this game a chance to grow on me. It's polished, the sound is nice...but nothing has changed. They made some new maps. Clap, clap, clap, clap. Only a diehard Halo fan would like this crap. I'm shocked at how much it resembles Halo 4 in just about every single way.

I've never been so bored playing Halo. Period. That includes dogshit Halo 3. This game has really turned me away (finally) from the franchise that had two amazing first games...1 and 2.

Halo has turned into first sight, first kill. You have zero chance if a player has a one second jump on you. Bang, bang..dead. Fun. I even had a great round where I got 15 kills, but I was so bored by the end of the round it wasn't even funny. They even screwed up CTF. Nothing but camping spots for 0-0 matches for an hour. Hated that mode. Warzone started out fun, but soon became boring.

Halo has basically repackaged Halo 4 with new maps and slightly modified weapons here and there. I've owned this game one day and I'm looking to take it back.

Halo 5 sucks.
I'm expecting it to be a games with gold title... I wasn't impressed with 4 either...

You know it would have been nice had the let thy franchise die with 3 or reach.

At least they were decent. I wasn't a big fan of odst tho
At a point my brother and a few friends were really into the game. After Halo 2 had come out I think the trust in the series was pretty solid. I enjoyed 3, and so did *nearly* everyone else who liked the ones prior I knew. A lot of that I'm pretty sure was love for the two prior. It was for sure the weakest.

A few of my friends liked Halo Wars, but were moved past since 3 almost. Had no interest in a game like that really. Only one of my friends who was the most hardcore fan of the series went ahead and got Reach. I think he switched over to other games with about 1/4 as much playtime as the first 3. I have a few friends who still like it, but it seems more nostalgia or off and on than anything.

It could of just ended there as a more than great trilogy, but it raked in a ton of money. It's sad a lot of series like that were kind of turned into just another future title on the release list.
I may have jumped the gun with my hate rant on this game. I've had a blast playing it today. Had a dramatic CTF match and have been playing Warzone for the last hour. Warzone is now my go to Halo mode for consoles. (First encountered Halo on the PC, nothing compares to a mouse/keyboard accuracy in FPS)

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