I am proving an important point.

Dagger Dias

One Winged Admin
Staff member
I have not and will not, for that matter, be responding to JGlass' thread. To do so would be like running out into a gunfight with a huge target painted onto oneself. The whole point of that thread was to make me angry enough to throw out Verbal RKO's at a multitude of people. I chose to stay out of that "discussion" (and I use that term loosely there) for a reason. They are stirring drama. I am in this to become a mod. This is the same way I will address any hate threads that might get made by people I infract. I will completely ignore the hate threads and deal with personal matters within private messages. When someone makes uncalled for accusations like Tastycles did, I will stand up for myself and tell the honest truth. I am honest, ethical, and want to keep this a clean fight.

My focus is on Coco and Crock. I am not going to give them what they want by giving in to the insults. I prefer to deal with issues in private. I need to focus on the debate. This is to make sure someone who actually wants to improve the forum wins this. I am above crap like that thread. I have never made threads about why someone "sucks" and I couldn't care less. I care about posting and discussing.

Why should the ABC Party unite under my leadership through the end? Because I am a nice guy who can bring something new to the staff. We need more people geared towards helping posters while being friendly and approachable. Someone who puts their section as priority above all else (except real life priorities like family or work) you will get that with me.
Yep. Dagger, I want to thank you for not reacting to the trolls. I think it takes a much bigger set of brass balls to deliberately not react when being goaded than it does to lash back at them. I still am not 100% with the idea of yet another WWE Mod...but you have proven that you are heads above a better choice than Coco. I am not going to bash either Coco or Crock, not going to use childish insults to describe them, as they have done to you, but I think you have shown your character, just as they have shown theirs.
So instead of doing this where all potential voters can see it, you do it here? Not only that, but you're flat out calling a would-be partner a liar? It's Tastycles. He and JMT are easily the most no-nonsense members on the board. I'm sorry, but this just isn't clicking with me.

It's not a hate thread. It's a thread of criticism. And it's gotten people thinking about you. Hard. You're pitching it aside because you feel your above it, but the problem is those are your potential voters and you're ignoring them. You're an idiot if you think there's isn't any legitimate arguments against you there. I made a poll about you and in the 12 hours it's been around, you've only gotten 5 votes of full support despite the high number of members here. Well there's an even bigger number of potential voters out there and you're ignoring them because "you're above it". Your job is to maintain order, but you look at the chaos and do nothing.

Come on, Dagger. You're not being the bigger man. You're just afraid of messing up because you are teetering. I know the feeling.
So instead of doing this where all potential voters can see it, you do it here? Not only that, but you're flat out calling a would-be partner a liar? It's Tastycles. He and JMT are easily the most no-nonsense members on the board. I'm sorry, but this just isn't clicking with me.

It's not a hate thread. It's a thread of criticism. And it's gotten people thinking about you. Hard. You're pitching it aside because you feel your above it, but the problem is those are your potential voters and you're ignoring them. You're an idiot if you think there's isn't any legitimate arguments against you there. I made a poll about you and in the 12 hours it's been around, you've only gotten 5 votes of full support despite the high number of members here. Well there's an even bigger number of potential voters out there and you're ignoring them because "you're above it". Your job is to maintain order, but you look at the chaos and do nothing.

Come on, Dagger. You're not being the bigger man. You're just afraid of messing up because you are teetering. I know the feeling.

Frankly, it is hard to assess the whole Tastycles/Dagger drama. Tastycles has always been a class act on these forums, so I certainly cannot imagine him flat out lying about his perception of things. Likewise, though, Dagger has never struck me as the type to bold face lie in this manner either. In all likelihood, the actual truth lies somewhere in the middle of the two accounts, whereby neither guy is lying, but both are speaking from their own perspectives.

These threads in question are well beyond criticism threads. In my mind they are hate threads which have gone well overboard in what should happen in a stupid contest on an Internet wrestling forum. I don't blame Dagger whatsoever for staying out of them. As I said elsewhere, it's like putting a drop of Dagger's blood in a shark tank, then calling him a pussy for not electing to go for a swim. Simply put, there's a recipe for disaster in him entering these threads, with no potential upside as he isn't going to change the minds of any of his harsher critics in there anyway.

I do agree with taking the high road here, but if I were Dagger I think I would make that point more visibly, somewhere where people outside our party would see it.
I do agree with taking the high road here, but if I were Dagger I think I would make that point more visibly, somewhere where people outside our party would see it.

The reason I didn't is because they will inevitably hijack that thread and turn it into more hater crap. I'll still go ahead and make a public counterpart of that post if you guys think it's necessary.
Frankly, it is hard to assess the whole Tastycles/Dagger drama. Tastycles has always been a class act on these forums, so I certainly cannot imagine him flat out lying about his perception of things. Likewise, though, Dagger has never struck me as the type to bold face lie in this manner either. In all likelihood, the actual truth lies somewhere in the middle of the two accounts, whereby neither guy is lying, but both are speaking from their own perspectives.

These threads in question are well beyond criticism threads. In my mind they are hate threads which have gone well overboard in what should happen in a stupid contest on an Internet wrestling forum. I don't blame Dagger whatsoever for staying out of them. As I said elsewhere, it's like putting a drop of Dagger's blood in a shark tank, then calling him a pussy for not electing to go for a swim. Simply put, there's a recipe for disaster in him entering these threads, with no potential upside as he isn't going to change the minds of any of his harsher critics in there anyway.

I do agree with taking the high road here, but if I were Dagger I think I would make that point more visibly, somewhere where people outside our party would see it.
So you see my point as to why Dagger needs to go out and try to set the record straight? Tasty's already in the board, he has nothing to lose. Dagger wants to get in. So he needs to prove he did no wrong.
The reason I didn't is because they will inevitably hijack that thread and turn it into more hater crap. I'll still go ahead and make a public counterpart of that post if you guys think it's necessary.
Yes. Forget about whether it get's hijacked or not. The point is you showing up to prove you deserve it no matter what flaw they can find.
So you see my point as to why Dagger needs to go out and try to set the record straight? Tasty's already in the board, he has nothing to lose. Dagger wants to get in. So he needs to prove he did no wrong.

Except he'll never be able to prove it in those threads. And he doesn't need to prove it to get elected. Sure, maybe he needs to set the record straight to some degree. But entering the circus threads and opening himself up to a no win situation is not the way to go. It certainly would not be my approach ifi were walking in his shoes.

Yes. Forget about whether it get's hijacked or not. The point is you showing up to prove you deserve it no matter what flaw they can find.

You won't be able to prove it, though. It will get hijacked, and more harm than good will be the result. Jesus, these guys are nitpicking posts in threads that were made months ago. Don't you think they would nitpick every syllable Dagger would utter in these hate threads, causing his comments to blow up in his face, regardless of what he says?
Frankly, it is hard to assess the whole Tastycles/Dagger drama. Tastycles has always been a class act on these forums, so I certainly cannot imagine him flat out lying about his perception of things. Likewise, though, Dagger has never struck me as the type to bold face lie in this manner either. In all likelihood, the actual truth lies somewhere in the middle of the two accounts, whereby neither guy is lying, but both are speaking from their own perspectives.
There seems to be a lot of confusion regarding what Dagger said about Tasty.

I've seen the PM. In fact, I'm looking at it right now. Dagger very clearly says in the PM (from a while back, more than 6 months ago) Tasty isn't around and isn't moderating his section. He then asks if Tasty is about to step down.

Again, I'm looking at the PM right now as I type this (hooray for dual monitors). The reason I'm posting this in here is because I don't really see how it means one rat's ass to the election, but I do want to make it known what the real truth is, without hurting Dagger's election chances.
There seems to be a lot of confusion regarding what Dagger said about Tasty.

I've seen the PM. In fact, I'm looking at it right now. Dagger very clearly says in the PM (from a while back, more than 6 months ago) Tasty isn't around and isn't moderating his section. He then asks if Tasty is about to step down.

Again, I'm looking at the PM right now as I type this (hooray for dual monitors). The reason I'm posting this in here is because I don't really see how it means one rat's ass to the election, but I do want to make it known what the real truth is, without hurting Dagger's election chances.

Fair enough and great to know. Thanks Sly.

But I said respond to the criticism, Dagger. Not copy and paste (literally) what you already said. Come on. Look what you got going here.
Tasty posted the full PM in one of the threads. Like Sly I don't get the importance of this regardless but the idea that it was a backstabbing power grab seems exaggerated at best. Asking someone to put in a good word for you if someone is stepping down is significantly different than the way this is being explained elsewhere.
On one hand, I admire the fact that you are willing to let "the hate" go in order to focus on what is truly important in the campaign. On the other hand...I pretty much echo all of Killjoy's sentiments. The anti-Daggar threads on the Election page aren't just giant troll-fests. There are some legitimate points backed up with seemingly solid facts. Not all of them, mind you, but enough that you are buried under a landslide of crap. I think you can hide in the ABC party's "secret club house" for as long as you want, but there's only a handful of people left in here really listening. Compare that to the several hundred things being said against you on the outside...

Here's what shocked me: you can ignore every slanderous statement said in those threads, and you're still left with half a dozen moderators that refuse to vote for you. They've even said there is a consensus in the Board Room that you should not be given the mod spot. That's not Coco being a troll, that's not anybody else with issues against you being a dick, that's the mods being HONEST. You don't have to deal with the "hate" already put out there. But tell me, how are you going to deal with the mods whose decision it is whether you win or lose?
Any mod who may have issues with me such as JGlass or Tasty can be dealt with in private messages. If I win and get modded the other staff members can either work with me or resign. All of them are smart enough to realize those options. I have no major dislike towards anyone on the current staff and do not plan to let any issues spill out into the public. I see it as this.... the vast majority of them would see my true determination by not quitting despite all the hate going on.
[Heel] Green Ranger;3631264 said:
But tell me, how are you going to deal with the mods whose decision it is whether you win or lose?

But its not our decision Mike, which pretty much renders this point moot. Each of us has but one vote, and this is something the people of the forums are deciding on.

Further, while we're asked for input from time to time as to who good candidates to be Mods are, it's Sly and KB who make the decisions. In my case, Sly invited me to join the staff, then told the rest of the staff after. It was simply he and KB who made the choice.

If I win and get modded the other staff members can either work with me or resign.

This truly depends. If you winning causes devisiveness in the Board Room that you can't settle with others quickly, I'm not sure what will happen. Just focus on what you would do to try and get along with your detractors if you make it there, not that they can either work with you or resign. It's truly a two-way street, and things may get more difficult after being elected then it is now. It's important to understand you may not be welcomed with open arms, and decide how you'll respond, not how others should. Every person who starts on needs to show they deserve to be there. I certainly had to, it will be no different if you win the election.

That's as "insider" as I'm willing to get, but it's perspective from someone who's there and knows how things work.
I think you need to be very careful Dagger. I mean, I do admire you for taking the high road and not taking the bait that your detractors have set out (and I mean that, I really do) but look at it like this; if I was your average joe not affilliated with a particular party, and I happen to venture into one of these hate threads, I'm going to see posts about you that are making some substantial claims about your character, with you saying nothing in response. You're going to need every vote you can get, and whilst I believe that taking the adult response is the right thing to do, I don't think it'll do anything in the way of pulling you votes.

Just my thoughts on the matter, a little food for thought. My thoughts are firmly of the opinion that you'll make a good mod. As many have said, how good a poster you are (though my opinion is that you're a damn good one. Fuck the term 'Daggerizing') doesn't mean you'll translate into a good mod. But you've shown a keenness to help out, you've stated ideas you have for the WWE and the VG section, and I get the impression that being a mod is something that not only would you take seriously, but it is something you wouldn't abuse either.

I personally think, with no disrespect to the other two (also very deserving) candidates, you're the best choice. But I would say you do need to back yourself up a little bit. Just my opinion.
This truly depends. If you winning causes devisiveness in the Board Room that you can't settle with others quickly, I'm not sure what will happen.
Nothing will happen. It would hardly be the first time a Staff member didn't like another.
Nothing will happen. It would hardly be the first time a Staff member didn't like another.

I know. My point is the "Either work with me or resign" is my issue. I don't believe that verbage will go over well, that's all. I didn't mean in it a "You'll be removed from your post" way, just that I think that could and should be worded differently.
Any mod who may have issues with me such as JGlass or Tasty can be dealt with in private messages. If I win and get modded the other staff members can either work with me or resign. All of them are smart enough to realize those options. I have no major dislike towards anyone on the current staff and do not plan to let any issues spill out into the public. I see it as this.... the vast majority of them would see my true determination by not quitting despite all the hate going on.


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