If Randy Orton is champion at Wrestlemania...


Dark Match Jobber
If Randy Orton is going to be champion at WrestleMania should Chris Jericho win the Royal Rumble.It only would make sense since Jericho's return is now official.Why not find out who the 'Real' Undisputed Champion is.If is should we have 3 options...

Option 1 Heel vs Heel- In this match it would be all about ego.

Option 2Jericho heel;Randy is face-Why I say Randy could be face is it looks as if he breaking from The Authority.This could even lead to a face turn.Mainly since if he does win he would face Brock Lesnar next.Jericho can turn heel on Orton.

Option 3- Jericho face;Orton stay's heel-I honestly don't see Orton turning face for at least until after Extreme Rules so this will most likely be the scenario.

If it is to happen they could feud about who is the real Best.Who is the real Undisputed Champion.And about Randy punting Jericho costing him 2 years of his career.And Jericho attacking Orton 'The dropped story.'

Other Main Events would be if this happens.

Cena vs Taker
Lesnar vs Batista
Punk vs HHH
and Wyatt vs Bryan
I'd be excited about a Orton/Jericho match. Both are fantastic workers and Jericho has never won the Rumble. If he were to return then this would be a great option. Something I would prefer than Orton/Batista.

The only way this feud should happen is Jericho as face and Orton heel. Orton is doing some of his best work right now and they should tamper with that. Jericho is an immensely popular guy so it makes sense having him as a face.
Best thing to come from this is Jericho finally winning the rumble so I can truly say his career is done; there would be nothing for him to accomplish. Make that extra money Chris.
I would like it to have Y2J win the rumble it would be a nice add to his already great list of achievements. Depending on how long he plans to stay if this were to happen he could win the title and drop it mid summer maybe after a heel turn to say Bryan or Punk.

Most likely i would say it would be a face Jericho vs Heel Orton as i think that would serve the story best. While Y2J can play both roles great i would say orton is a better heel then face as champion
If Randy Orton is champion at WrestleMania, I see these as his opponents:

1. John Cena and someone else (Batista, Daniel Bryan, Sheamus, etc.)

The only reason they would follow up a TLC with a "normal match" is so it can end in a DQ. Why a DQ? So Cena can force his rematch at Mania and join the Rumble winner.

2. Batista

They're going to build him up big and he's sticking around for 3 more Manias. It makes sense.

3. Roman Reigns

If they really want to make him a star, I say go the Batista route, have him win, and then turn on Shield and Orton going for the title. You can do the Shield triple threat at Elimination Chamber instead.

4. CM Punk

A WM rematch. Punk defeats the Authority by taking the title off Orton.

5. The Undertaker

If this is Taker's curtain call, they might want to put the title on him one last time.

6. Triple H

Triple H turns face to save the WWE from Randy Orton... I wouldn't put it past Triple H to do some bullshit like this.

7. Sheamus

WWE loves to push him as a top face even though he's bland and boring as one. He could return, win the Rumble, "shock" everyone, and go on to face Randy at Mania.

8. Daniel Bryan

It will be like his 10th match with D-Bry, and his 5th on PPV, but if they want to book D-Bry as a top guy, they need to have him finally defeat Orton. I doubt it happens though.

9. Brock Lesnar

Maybe Randy turns face or maybe Brock turns. Either way, Orton/Brock could be a seller if they did it. Heyman hinted it on Twitter, but I doubt that goes anywhere.

10. The Rock

Okay this is a stupid longshot, but imagine how huge would it be if The Rock returned at #30 and eliminated Roman for the win and the chance to face Orton at Mania?? I'm one of the biggest critics of his very limited schedule, but I would mark out big time if that happened.

Under that list, I'd have Ryback, Alberto Del Rio and Antonio Cesaro who have all been rumored to get face turns and pushes soon. Probably not pushed higher than Roman Reigns though.

You could even argue for Big Show, Kane, or Cody if you pair everyone of the top guys in other matches (Bryan/Taker, Cena/Wyatt, Batista/Lesnar, Triple H/Punk, Shield triple threat, etc.)

As for Jericho, sure he's a possibility, but I don't think he's even returning. Even if he does, they had him jobbing to midcarders last year. I don't expect a big push anytime soon.
Best thing to come from this is Jericho finally winning the rumble so I can truly say his career is done; there would be nothing for him to accomplish. Make that extra money Chris.

He hasn't won Money in the Bank even though his character is the one who came up with the concept.
I love the idea of Orton vs Jericho to determine the real undisputed champion. I know a lot of people, myself included, aren't fans of the part-timers being put in the championship match at WrestleMania. However, if anyone deserves it, it's Jericho. Especially with all the younger talent he's helped put over in recent years.
He hasn't won Money in the Bank even though his character is the one who came up with the concept.

Actually, Jericho legitimately came up with the Money in the Bank idea along with Brian Gerwitz. It wasn't just his character...

That said, I'd be completely against the idea of a Jericho/Orton WWE Title match at 'Mania. It would be completely lackluster, in my eyes. And while it could provide a solid match, I just don't see the crowd connecting with it - and as a result, it could kill the crowd and drain the energy from the building.

I know that's a harsh assessment, but be honest with yourself. As technically sound as Orton is, when's the last time a crowd truly connected with one of his matches? When's the last time the crowd was on the edge of their seat for an Orton match? Now ask yourself the same questions about Chris Jericho. As great as Jericho was - and still can be - he's no longer 'over' enough to be in the WWE Title Match at WrestleMania. He's come and gone so much over the past couple years that his shine is mostly gone. If the WWE still had two World Titles, then I could see this as more of a possibility - but with just one title, I'd much rather see a WWE Title match that featured a white-hot crowd.

Now, whether you like Daniel Bryan or not, he's probably the only wrestler that could provide that type of atmosphere at WrestleMania 30. By putting Bryan in the WWE Title match at 'Mania, you guarantee yourself that the crowd will be on the edge of their seats - you guarantee that the fans will be screaming in support of Daniel Bryan - you guarantee that the 90,000 people will be chanting YES YES YES.

Personally, I'd rather see a Daniel Bryan vs Batista main WWE Title Match. Getting there would be simple. Bryan wins the Rumble. Batista/Orton gets booked for Elimination Chamber. The Authority turns on Orton and gives the belt to Batista. In that scenario, you'd have a white-hot Daniel Bryan facing a monster that has the support of Bryan's former tormentors, The Authority.

Additionally, doing this would free up Randy Orton to team with Roddy Piper in a tag-team match against Cena and Hogan. As much as I don't want to see Orton/Cena in a match, I'd be perfectly happy with the tag team scenario since it would be a perfect homage to WrestleMania 1. Hell, you could throw Bob Orton in the corner and it works even better!
Actually, Jericho legitimately came up with the Money in the Bank idea along with Brian Gerwitz. It wasn't just his character...
I just don't see the crowd connecting with it - and as a result, it could kill the crowd and drain the energy from the building. I know that's a harsh assessment, but be honest with yourself. As technically sound as Orton is, when's the last time a crowd truly connected with one of his matches? When's the last time the crowd was on the edge of their seat for an Orton match? Now ask yourself the same questions about Chris Jericho. As great as Jericho was - and still can be - he's no longer 'over' enough to be in the WWE Title Match at WrestleMania.

Randy Orton has NEVER been a draw on his own. He saw success as part of Evolution, but his face turn failed, and he was immediately pushed down to the midcard. He beat Rey for his title shot and main evented with him at Mania, but that match was basically the start of the World title becoming midcard filler. No one cared, and Orton was a big part of that. He got heat by feuding with bigger stars like Undertaker, Hogan and DX, but he never really got over on his own.

He started his main event run after the DX feud. His series with Cena was fine, but ratings were consistently down during his run. Cena was gone and he was a heel so it wasn't unexpected. After his main event matches with Cena and Trips, he got injured. He came back in a managerial role, formed Legacy, started wrestling, got pushed again, won the Rumble, and had one of the most horrible main events in WWE history because the crowd couldn't give two shits.

He won the title afterwards, and had some terribly bland re-run feuds with Batista, Triple H and Cena back-to-back. He then feuded with Kofi, and then had a heel vs. heel feud with Sheamus at Mania, which obviously turned him face as he was the veteran going up against the obnoxious rookie champion.

People always like to say that Orton was turned face by the crowd. WWE wanted him to turn. The crowd played to their booking. He was up against a heel champion for crying out loud. He got over with the RKO, but never succeeded in carrying Raw like he was supposed to. He played second-fiddle to John Cena the whole year, even when he won the WWE title. He was basically in the "CM Punk spot" before it was cool.

Orton then moved to Smackdown to carry his own show and it FAILED. They had Christian turn on Randy, and all you heard was "Christian! Christian!" in the background. They had to edit out the chants and force Christian to use cheap heat every week to get fans to actually root for Randy. Once Randy won the feud, live events were down, ratings were down, it was just abysmal. They had him drop the title and move to the midcard where he was stuck for 2 years before getting his main event run again.

Now, he's back to his 2008-9 persona that was never really that big a draw in the first place.

You know who WAS a draw in 2008-9? CHRIS JERICHO. His "suit-and-tie" persona oozed charisma and was probably the best gimmick of his career. Fans wanted to hear him talk as much as they wanted to see him get his ass kicked. It didn't hurt that he had some excellent storylines with Shawn Michaels, and The Big Show. He was on top of the world. Jericho never really "worked" as a face. I think it's because he has such a huge ego. He's the first to admit it.

If Jericho came back as his 2008 persona, I can see him being a top guy again. But Randy? Nah. He's an EXCELLENT wrestler that is underrated in the ring. But he isn't a top guy and although WWE keeps giving him chances, he fails to live up to the hype. He's Jake Roberts, not Steve Austin.
if Randy Orton is still WWE Champion at Mnaia 30, I wont be watching it.
Randy Orton would be dropping the title to whomever he was against, and another 3 months of Orton on top would be unbearable. He isnt remotely over as champion, HHH has taken all of his heat. Bryan/Punk/Wyatt are all in front of him, as is The Sheild. Orton will drop the belt at RR, and will lead to him reverting to his Legend Killer gimmick, taking offense to them returning dfor Mnaia. I see him taking out HOF inductees on a weekly basis, taking out the returning Jericho or RVD or Hogan or Flair or Batista leading to Brock Lesnar vs Randy Orton at Wrestlemania 30, with Orton being that far gone from relaity he feels he can take Brock Lesnar
No. I don't think the match up is Wrestlemania worthy since it wouldn't get the attention it deserves since whoever HHH, Cena, Brock, Taker and Batista face would get more attention. I'd rather see it on a PPV like Extreme Rules.
First, WWE won't do a heel vs heel match with Lesnar VS Orton. Brock Lesnar is the heel, and he's going to be a heel for the duration of his second run in WWE, especially with Heyman at his side. And you can't turn Orton face out of nowhere now, because we're getting closer to Mania, and WWE put too much effort into Orton's heel turn. Everything would feel like waste of time, if they turned him now (or at Elimination Chamber), and truth be told, Orton is kind of dull as a face. He's more entertaining, when he's playing the tweener role, or when he's playing a full blown heel.

They can't do Orton VS Cena 3 at Wrestlemania, and Bryan isn't a viable option, because we saw too much of Bryan VS Orton in 2013. And if we're REALLY reaching for another face opponent, you can't use Big Show, because Orton VS Big Show main evented Survivor Series last year. On top of that, we all know Big Show will lose to Lesnar at the Rumble, so he won't have any momentum going into Mania as a legit threat to win the gold.

Maybe, MAYBE if the plans for Punk VS Triple H at Wrestlemania fall through, WWE could do Punk VS Orton for the title, if Punk wins the Rumble. And of course, a returning Batista is a top candidate. The angry hulking animal/meathead VS the cowardly chicken shit heel is a cliched match-up, but Orton's options for Mania are limited, when you look at the big picture. With the way things are now, Batista is the only realistic opponent, who can create some real buzz for a match with a WWE World Heavyweight Champion Orton, and Punk is a secondary/backup choice as a long shot.
I would like to see randy orton vs brock lesnar,
Have the authority change guys at EC PPV, and cheat for lesnar to win the championship.

Then have randy orton turn face and feud with Brock Lesnar for the championship at wrestlemania 30
I hope Orton is still champ at WM. The longer this boring, personality-less, generic, cowardly heel has the title, the more people will want it off of him. He is a great performer in the ring, but I've never, ever liked any of WWE's generic faces of the company. I like characters. Plus, I hate when WWE's only world title is being hot potatoed around or vacant. This will allow for the title and its holder to build a little legitimacy before WM.

Orton will inevitably lose the title at WM. Hopefully, WWE does it right, and puts the company's only world title in the main event every single year from here on out. The winner should be whoever is hottest in WWE, and someone who actually deserves it. The only two choices here are Punk or Bryan. They are full timers who bust their ass all year long, every year, even though they play second fiddle to Cena. They are the two most over faces in the company right now. Either way, one of them must win against Orton at the main event at WM, because WWE has been kind of building to it, and they deserve it.

Also, WWE has many other options this year for great matches that aren't for the title. Last year, the only match I cared about on the whole PPV was Undertaker vs Punk. The rest were part timers, rookies, and quickly thrown together matches. This year, besides the title match, you can have Lesnar vs Batista, Undertaker vs Sting, either Punk or Bryan vs Triple H w/Shawn Micheals, Wyatts vs Shield, Big E defending IC title against a main eventer like Mark Henry, Jericho, Big Show or RVD, a TLC match for the tag titles, Cena teaming with/facing Hogan, and Cody vs Goldust.

Unlike last year, this WM will be amazing, if Vince and Triple H can set their egos aside for once, and do what's really best for business. If they take a chance on the fan favorites, Punk or Bryan, and let them main event WM, they can be passed the torch and become the new faces of the company, new legends. Hell, I would even be happy if Bryan won the Royal Rumble and then Punk won the WWE title in the Elimination Chamber, and they had an Iron Man match to close out the show. Pure gold. Also, it's smart because it builds for the future, which was absent at last year's WM.

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