Is CM Punk's path similar to Edge?

Joker ' Ferreira

Next Cristiano Ronaldo (w/ brains)
We all know how Edge was in WWE for 15 years before winning the major titles, so it appears that they don't have anything in common.

Well, I was thinking this up and it makes sense, Edge didn't won any world title before the brand split and that we all know that when Edge was being pushed he had to work against names like Triple H, The Rock, Stone Cold, Jericho, Kane and Undertaker. Well, CM Punk benefited from that, and was the ECW Champion soon in his career, well, Edge was a 12 time tag team champion and that helped him a lot establish himself.

But that wasn't enough, he was King of the Ring, it wasn't enough, CM Punk was Money in The Bank winner, winning the big one but just like Edge winning the big one didn't mean anything to him as a push as King of the Ring was something that didn't help Edge a lot as a single wrestler.

What did help Edge? His heel turn! He beat the hell out of a tweener John Cena (thanks to the fans reaction), so at this moment we all know that CM Punk needs to establish himself in his second Heavyweight Champion reign in the WWE, who he needs to beat ? A major face like Jeff Hardy.

Well, you can argue saying that Punk's career isn't anything compared with Edge, Edge is a 9 time World Champion, a great performer, and CM Punk didn't do anything yet, but just like Edge, WWE gave him all the opportunities he needed to establish himself, Edge ran with it and was quite successful, lets see if Punk can also do it.

Just some similarities:

- King of the Ring (Edge was a winner; CM Punk as a runner-up)
- Neither is big enough as a face as they could/are as a heel
- Tag Team Reigns for Edge worked as ECW Championship Reign for Punk
- First Major Title reign wasn't anything great
- Money in The Bank winners (2x CM Punk, 2x Edge [he didn't won two matches but he he had the briefcase twice])
No, I don't quite think that Punk is following Edge's footsteps.

Firstly, Edge worked his ass off for 8 or so years before winning the title. His first reign was a little... short. But because he cashed in on Cena, he went from the midcard straight into the main event and has been there ever since. Edge's reigns have never been long term reigns because Edge is the guy the fans wanna see get the crap kicked out of him by faces. And he's a natural born heel.

Punk. Was only in the WWE 3 years before being given his first world title. Yes, it was by coincidence that he got it, but it's still in the record books. Punk's first reign, while not booked very well, was still a 3 month reign where he didn't lose it on his first defense. Punk went into the main event, but went back down to the midcard as he needed some time. Now he's kinda breaking his way into the mian event at his own pace rather than being shoved right in there like Edge was. And I think Punk will have medium to long term reigns in the future. Because he stays healthy and is straightedge, I can see him having reigns like Bret Hart in terms of length. Also, Punk works well as both a heel and face. And as we're seeing, very well as a tweener.
Edge won King of the Ring, but if I remember correctly he got injured and was on the sheft after that win, but I agree that him turning heel was what really got him over. And if it wasnt for Edge, Cena wouldnt be as big of a star as he is now. If it wasnt for that feud, neither of them would be to at the level they currently at.

CM Punk needs that type of feud, he needs someone who can make him shine in the ring, and make his promos golden. They tried it with JBL, but seriously its JBL and the only good feud he ever had was with....well nevermind that. Hopefully CM Punk and Hardy get a nice good feud that builds over the next few months, and they still have Edge, Jericho and (although I hate to admit it, because hes I cant stand him) Mysterio on Smackdown. Why is this better for CM Punk? their all around the same size, as compaired to CM Punk vs Triple H, Cena, JBL, or Big Show. Smackdowns upper card has the smaller guys, size wise, not talent or draw wise. I think CM Punk as a heel would probably be more enjoyable to watch, but theres no way possible he could outshine Jericho and Edge in the ring, or on the mic. But a quality feud with Hardy, Edge, Jericho, Mysterio, and to rehash his feud with Morrison sometime down the line.

So in comparison at this point their not on the same path, Edge is a much better worker than Punk.

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