Lee presents: A look at gaming - November


Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's Supermod!
I may do a monthly preview every month on certain games, I may not. Depends how lazy I'm feeling!

So I'll look at five particular categories:

1) Hardware
2) Big seller
3) The flop
4) The one you'll not realise is

5) A special shout out.


Kinect is out (depending where you live) 4th, 10th, 18th or 20th. This is Microsofts jump into the casual market, for months I've decided it's a stupid idea. However today I saw it in action, it worked fair enough, looked good but there was one major flaw: They had a good 5 foot from screen to the kid and no one was allowed in the taped area when he was playing. How will this work in a lounge? I don't think it will.

Also look out for: the Wiimote with Wii motion plus built in.

The Big Seller
Stick a COD sticker on a turnip and it will sell. Whether you like the game or not, you know it will sell bucket loads. It takes place during the cold war, which could be pretty fun though (damn those commies!).

The flop

The original was voted the greatest game ever by WZers in 2009. The remake doesn't seem to be much different. That being said it will sell a few, but I think most people will think "Why spend £40/$60 on a game I already have for my N64? I'll wait til it comes down in price!" Good thinking.

The unknown


Well on WZ this is well known due to me bigging it up, outside it's not. I hope it does well as it seems a fantastic game. Just watch the gameplay here:


Shout out

58 on the 16th. What a legend!
I've actually been looking forward to Epic Micky since it was announced. Seeing the gameplay at E3 blew me away. This and the New Donkey Kong Country game is what got me to finally get a Wii.

I believe that the flop in terms of sales out of the series will be Assassin's Creed Brotherhood. The last game just came out what a little over a year ago. They obviously couldn't have worked that much extra into the game. I think it's just some multiplayer content that they originally wanted to make DLC but it didn't work out.
I really wouldn't call the new Goldeneye game a flop. It generates huge nostalgia. I'm anxious to get it these days regardless of having it on N64. I think the general idea was simply to put the once legendary game out on a newer market. It's a different company yet the only change is exchanging Pierce Brosnan for Daniel Craig. The game seems to ride solely on nostalgia. Strangely, I'm OK with it and can't wait to get it. As well as Epic Mickey.
I couldn't agree with your choice for "The Big Seller" any more, COD: Black Ops will be the highest selling game of all time, in my opinion. Hell, I have it reserved and cannot wait to play it. The game is just very well done, always a solid choice. I haven't been this excited for a game in years.

Goldeneye will be a flop, I looked at some of the trailers, disappointing. It will not sell solely based on nostalgia, just play the old version. Spot on analysis, Lee.
All these games like like absolute shit. However, I anxiously await your thread for January; Dead Space 2's coming out then, and I plan on getting a few new pairs of pants so I can jizz myself out of pure ecstasy whilst playing it.
It is hard to go against COD as the big seller, seeing how the call of duty and Grand Theft Auto series could put out a game that was only half finished and every one would love it. Golden Eye will be a flop. The mistake was putting it on the wii, a console played mostly by children. If it was on the 360 or PS3 then it would give Black Ops some trouble. The kinect and the move both look ridiculous to me I dont want either of them as I think it is just an attempt to get younger children to ask their parents for these systems.
No love for Assasins Creed:Brotherhood?

Kinect and Move look stupid.I thought about it but decided against it cause people regulary walk past when im playing my 360.

As for COD definately big seller.Hopefully it doesnt flop like World At War.
Epic Mickey is easily the one out of the list that I'm looking forward to the most. It looks to be of the highest quality, to be the most original, and the most interesting out of all of the games. I won't be getting it until December, but I'll be anxiously waiting until the day I can get it, just as I've been anxiously waiting since I read about it in GameInformer. It's a shame they had to remove the appearance-changing gimmick, but it's a small loss for a game that really does look Epic. I love darker reimaginings for some reason, and I love the steampunk affectations in the darker world of the game, and I love Mickey Mouse. So, win all around.
I would have thought Goldeneye would be out on the 360 seeing as Microsoft own Rare (the developer of Goldeneye) I believe.

Glodeneye and Epic Mickey are the interesting ones for me, I never played the original Goldeneye (didn't have an N64) so I'm looking forward to it. Epic Mickey looks interesting if for it only being Mickey Mouse and the possibility of him being evil.

Don't really have an interest in Kinect or Move at all, seems like cash ins on the Wii motion control and Call Of Duty is more of the same as last time.
I would have thought Goldeneye would be out on the 360 seeing as Microsoft own Rare (the developer of Goldeneye) I believe.

This is correct about Microsoft owning Rare, but as both Rare and Nintendo owned the rights to Goldeneye, neither would budge on the option to download it via their respect Arcade Channels. Activision, who own the current rights to the James Bond games were able to make a re-make of Goldeneye on the basis that it is a remake and the likeliness of guys like Brosnan and Bean are not used. The original writer of Goldeneye (forgotten the name) re-wrote the story to be more modernised so Activision had a new game with Daniel Craig in the role, they then struck a deal with Nintendo to have it come out exclusively (for now) on the Wii. That's how it all came about, Activision and Nintendo found a way of 're-releasing' Goldeneye without going to Microsoft about it.

I have a feeling Goldeneye will be considered a flop, but first impressions from clips and mulitplayer might be the FPS game that the Wii truly lacks. While there are games like The Conduit and poor imports of CoD available, I think Goldeneye Wii might be something to keep watch on. No doubt it's all about nostalgia, but I think it could pay off. Not saying it will, but there's a possiblity.
And according to IGN, Goldeneye 007 is anything but a cash-in. They gave it a 9.0/10 stating that the updates made sense and that Activision really took great care when making this game. It's said while it looks similiar but is completely different for the majority as they took aspects of things like Halo in so it feels fresh and not outdated. At best they have called the Wii's Best First Person Shooter which is certainly a positive.
And according to IGN, Goldeneye 007 is anything but a cash-in. They gave it a 9.0/10 stating that the updates made sense and that Activision really took great care when making this game. It's said while it looks similiar but is completely different for the majority as they took aspects of things like Halo in so it feels fresh and not outdated. At best they have called the Wii's Best First Person Shooter which is certainly a positive.

Yeah but have you seen it advertised? In a month when the biggest FPS franchise releases a game they release two 007games (the same company). I'm not saying it won't be a good game, I'm saying it will be a massive flop. I can't see it selling well at all, certainly not for full price.

And Crock Black Ops will never be the biggest selling game of all time, MW2 sold 20million, you know what game sold more than that? Nintendogs!
Yeah but have you seen it advertised? In a month when the biggest FPS franchise releases a game they release two 007games (the same company). I'm not saying it won't be a good game, I'm saying it will be a massive flop. I can't see it selling well at all, certainly not for full price

But with the two Bond games there's a difference. Blond Stone is for Xbox and PS3 so they have something in the place of Goldeneye. Now Blood Stone will be the flop of the two. I probably expect Goldeneye to do some shifting but then I will take into account things like CoD, SVR and Fable all coming out which is going to affect sales on any given area. I probably think Goldeneye will end up selling more next month than this month. I honestly don't think it will be a flop as this is something Hardcore Wii owners will like if they have given up on ye olde Nintendo 64.
The flop

The original was voted the greatest game ever by WZers in 2009. The remake doesn't seem to be much different. That being said it will sell a few, but I think most people will think "Why spend £40/$60 on a game I already have for my N64? I'll wait til it comes down in price!" Good thinking.

We will just have to see how it does. It might not flop due to the fact that there are lots of people love when classics get polished with a remake. Will it be compatible with the classic controls, or will it be Wiimote only? If a Goldeneye remake ends up with Red Steel's annoying gameplay, then I want nothing to do with it. However, if it is a polished up remake of the original that plays similar, then I'm definitely going to get it. As far as Epic Mickey is concerned.... I'll keep quiet until it comes out, although I don't think it will be all that great. I will try it out and see if Nintendo can change my mind because a game about Mickey doesn't really interest me.
I'm not to sure what Nintendo was trying to accomplish by letting Goldeneye go head to head with Black Ops. Not to sure what the intention was there. I believe Nintendo's big seller this month will be Donkey Kong Returns. Many people have been waiting a long time for a new Donkey Kong game, and this one doesn't look like it will disappoint at all.

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