Money In The Bank: WWE Championship MITB Ladder Match


As of last night, 5 of the 7 participants in this year's WWE World Heavyweight Championship MITB ladder match have been named and the list consists of Sami Zayn, Cesaro, Chris Jericho, Dean Ambrose and Kevin Owens. In what may have been one of the bigger surprises, AJ Styles isn't in the MITB ladder match but cleanly lost the qualifying match last night against Kevin Owens.

Looking at the list so far, I think Kevin Owens is probably the favorite to walk out with the briefcase. Sami Zayn is a possibility, a strong one at that, but I just don't see it happening. It'd be cool for Cesaro to win, but I think we're ultimately getting the consolation prize of seeing him eventually take the Intercontinental Championship from Miz given that he defeated Miz in a qualifying match last night. Jericho's a part timer who won't be anywhere near the title and Ambrose is a strong babyface contender, but I just have a feeling that he'll come up short here.

Of course, there are still two other guys to be named so whoever they are, there's always the possibility of them completely upsetting things. Still, I think Owens is the overall favorite, at least for now.
7 seems like a random number, I wonder why WWE just doesn't stick with 6. That said I think AJ Styles will be in this in some sort of "Last Chance" MITB Qualifying match the same way Bobby Lashley qualified 10 years ago.

From the line up now I see either Owens, Ambrose, or Jericho winning it.

Owens because he's the obvious choice and winning this could solidify himself as a top heel.

Ambrose if WWE wants to set up a Triple Threat Match with the Shield members down the line.

Jericho if WWE waants to use Jericho to help get Reigns over as a babyface. Jericho is always good at getting heat from the crowd regardless who he's working with and where he is.
Right now Owens would be my pick to win, but I'll wait and see who else fills up the others spots. Hoping there would be some sort of wildcard position and Styles would make it in or possibly Sheamus.

Don't think Wyatt will be back in time or even ready to compete, that's a shame. So until all the spots are filled and I see what's going on in the run up shows, will decide then.
During last night’s episode of Raw, I pulled for all of the SuperStars who won their matches, except for Chris Jericho. Apollo Crews should have been given the spot. I was hoping all of the participants were not former World Champions in either WWE, or in AJ Styles case, TNA / NJPW. I hope the last two qualifying participants are also not former World Champions.

Now, with that being said, I hope Chris Jericho wins the gold Money In The Bank briefcase and then takes time off until the Royal Rumble or Fastlane. He could cash in and then walk into WrestleMania as the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. I would break out $100 for a set of Jericho sideplates.
Orton seems like a likely competitor if he is healthy enough. Cena is less likely as it becomes more likely we are going to get a rehash of US and Rusev stuff. Maybe Ziggler, Kallisto or Kofi gets in for the flops. Del Rio is another possible name just to fill in a spot.

Owens feels like the obvious winner. I'd rather Jericho won as he really could pop up out of nowhere. I just continue to tire of the same old shit Mr. Money in the Bank reign and especially the meaningless title win. It makes for a cheap initial title victory.

At least the weather is getting better and WWE can become less of a thing to care about.
Anyone but Ambrose. I'm hoping for a Kevin Owens victory here. The only value I see with Ambrose is The Shield triple threat match that's been on the backburner since the split up. Kevin Owens should win it and cash in at Survivor Series.
Is there confirmation that Wyatt won't be ready, or is there still a chance? My guess is that since there's still 2 spots, WWE might be praying Bray can go. He'd be my pick for the briefcase if he is ready.

Even if he isn't, they could always have him start a feud with the briefcase winner upon his return and have briefcase on the line. It's happened before.
I'd want Randy Orton to be in there and win it this time.

Then he could cash in (and fail) on Rollins and resume his feud with him. The Bullet club could help Rollins win this.
Then the feud would be Orton, AJ, etc. vs the Bullet Club headed by Balor and Rollins.
An interesting idea would be to give a special spot this year to a special NXT superstar. Not bring him up on the roster. Just have him there. Like a "seize the moment" scenario and "giving opportunities", like the Authority says.
I think it comes down to Ambrose & KO as it currently stands. I could see Styles qualifying and getting screwed by Gallows & Anderson a la Heyman/CM Punk in 2013. Sami Zayn will suffer the Dolph Ziggler fate; come close, but no cigar. Cesaro is a darkhorse. He's been on fire since his return, but once again I think it's Ambrose's time. I think we see The Shield triple threat match at SummerSlam a la Ambrose Cash-in.
I think it comes down to Ambrose & KO as it currently stands. I could see Styles qualifying and getting screwed by Gallows & Anderson a la Heyman/CM Punk in 2013. Sami Zayn will suffer the Dolph Ziggler fate; come close, but no cigar. Cesaro is a darkhorse. He's been on fire since his return, but once again I think it's Ambrose's time. I think we see The Shield triple threat match at SummerSlam a la Ambrose Cash-in.

AJ lost his qualifying match. I don't think I've heard of anyone getting a second chance to get in the MITB Briefcase match after losing their first qualifying match.

I think KO will win and go on the annual MITB Briefcase winner losing streak, meaning Zayn goes over in their feud.

I think Ambrose and Rollins will be co-winners of the RR match and end up facing off at Fast Lane, and still can't decide a winner, leading to a triple match at WM.
I say Ambrose will get the win. Reigns holds til Mania, Rollins wins the Rumble and Ambrose uses MITB to make it a Triple Threat.

That's the likely situation. For those saying Owens is the obvious winner, I can't see that happening unless Owens is going to fail to successfully cash-in the Briefcase. The Shield Triple Threat has long been rumoured for Mania, I can't see Reigns losing that title til Mania. Owens just isn't in the picture.
7 seems like a random number, I wonder why WWE just doesn't stick with 6. That said I think AJ Styles will be in this in some sort of "Last Chance" MITB Qualifying match the same way Bobby Lashley qualified 10 years ago.

From the line up now I see either Owens, Ambrose, or Jericho winning it.

Owens because he's the obvious choice and winning this could solidify himself as a top heel.

Ambrose if WWE wants to set up a Triple Threat Match with the Shield members down the line.

Jericho if WWE waants to use Jericho to help get Reigns over as a babyface. Jericho is always good at getting heat from the crowd regardless who he's working with and where he is.

Jericho came out the night after Wrestlemania to confront Reigns. He was cheered. He called the crowd idiots. How did they respond? They chanted "We are idiots".

Jericho can get a lot of guys over as faces, or heels, but I don't think he can even get Reigns over as a face. The crowd loves Jericho's little lines. Unfortunately, they need to realize that Reigns is better served as a heel for right now with the way the crowd is with him.
Till now, we have 6 participants for this match.

Dean Ambrose, Sami Zayn and Cesaro are the babyfaces. While Kevin Owens, Alberto Del Rio and Jericho are the heels.

I would want the 7th participant to be Bray Wyatt who is supposed to return from injury next week.

He was in midst of his face turn when he got injured. And now he is the best option who can play tweener role in this match. 3 faces, 3 heels and 1 tweener could be a good combination for this match.

Guys who shouldn't win this match in any condition: Alberto Del Rio, Sami Zayn and Jericho. Del Rio and Jericho don't need the MITB briefcase and the inevitable ultimate title too. Sami Zayn is too new to win it.

I would be happy if anyone out of Cesaro, Ambrose, Owens and Wyatt won.
I say Ambrose will get the win. Reigns holds til Mania, Rollins wins the Rumble and Ambrose uses MITB to make it a Triple Threat.

This is what I'm hoping for. It would be pretty cool to have each member of The Shield win the title in three back to back Wrestlemania's.
This is what I'm hoping for. It would be pretty cool to have each member of The Shield win the title in three back to back Wrestlemania's.

Yeah, that's what they showed in that WM 33 teaser video. Although it would be cool to see Rollins and Ambrose become co-winners of the RR match next year and they fight it out at FL and still can't declare a winner and match becomes a triple threat.
I kinda feel like vince will think that it's to obvious that kevin owens will win the briefcase so he will book this match so that somebody that we don't expect will win th match

so I got me thinking, why not have sami zayn win it and then have him feud with owens over the briefcase.
you can have a match between them at battleground which zayn would win and then have owens challenge zayn for the briefcase at summerslam with owens winning the briefcase.
Whilst none of us are sure who is going to win, I think we are all mostly in agreement that it will be either Ambrose or Kevin Owens. And I'm fine with either of those. The fact of the matter is that those two are the only ones who are deserving of it over the last few months, or have the momentum and capability to take the Championship from Reigns or Rollins in the near future. Whilst none of the men in the match have been particularly inspiring as of late, I still feel as though Ambrose and Owens are the stand out characters.

There has been a few scenarios outlined in this thread that are interesting to me. A SHIELD main event at WrestleMania is a decent shout. Ambrose could very well hold onto the briefcase to set up the main event. But why would he do that? The whole point of the case is that you get the element of surprise. What's more likely is that Ambrose cashes the briefcase in after the Fast Lane main event and then Roman gets his rematch. Rollins wins the Rumble and you have your main event, complete with hostility between Reigns and Ambrose.

I also like the idea of Zayn winning the match and then feuding for it with Kevin Owens. Zayn could use the high profile win if they're ever going to make a star out of him. Doing this would start the ball rolling at least. And whilst Owens deserves the case more than Zayn, there is no harm in giving it to him in a roundabout way and giving Zayn the run in the process.
Ambrose should get the case. He's the highest level talent in the match at the moment. KO is the internet guy and could honestly use the big push but I don't see him as being deserving..not as deserving as Dean anyway.

I wouldn't put Wyatt in this match, he doesn't need to be in it. You can have Bray challenge Roman straight up. Dean could do that too but i like the idea of Roman's friend having the case and the tease of whether Ambrose will Ambrose finally show that cutthroat edge people have wanted to see any time he and Roman are in the title picture together.

Its happened 3 times (Survivor Series, Rumble, Fastlane) and each time Ambrose played fair but lost. Using the MIB to turn him heel going into SUMMERSLAM could be huge.
Ambrose should get the case. He's the highest level talent in the match at the moment. KO is the internet guy and could honestly use the big push but I don't see him as being deserving..not as deserving as Dean anyway.

I wouldn't put Wyatt in this match, he doesn't need to be in it. You can have Bray challenge Roman straight up. Dean could do that too but i like the idea of Roman's friend having the case and the tease of whether Ambrose will Ambrose finally show that cutthroat edge people have wanted to see any time he and Roman are in the title picture together.

Its happened 3 times (Survivor Series, Rumble, Fastlane) and each time Ambrose played fair but lost. Using the MIB to turn him heel going into SUMMERSLAM could be huge.

Reigns will turn heel before Ambrose.

KO will win this and tease cashing in for a few months. I see him cashing in if/when Rollins wins the title, or at Wrestlemania after the title match and stealing the thunder for Wrestlemania.
Rumor has it there is a slight possibility of Wyatt being added to this match. If that happens I wouldn't at all be surprised to see him win it. Its either gonna be KO or Wyatt. I don't think WWE sees Ambrose as World Title Material. I'd say either Wyatt wins clean or a returning Randy Orton cost him the match and Owens wins.
It's going to sound a bit crazy, and will likely never happen, EVER, but what if WWE brass decided to let the MITB Championship Ladder Match end in a tie.

Let both Dean Ambrose and Kevin Owens simultaneously grab the briefcase off the hook and then fall off the ladder together. There would be no clear winner, and we could have months of back-and-forth between the two guys.

Both would claim to be the #1 contender. Both could constantly try to 'cash in' and be stopped by the other. And given both of their skills on the mic -- one a face, one a heel -- the sarcastic spit would be gold. Let it play out for several months until you pull the string on an eventual challenger. Even after the 'cash in', with whomever is chosen, the rivalry could continue for a little longer, regardless if either has the belt.

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