My idea for Madden '11

Mr. TM

Throwing a tantrum
I have never bought a Madden game in my life. Why would I? I don't watch NFL. I do watch many leagues, especially in North America (MLB, NHL, NBA) and one that I am very interested in. The Canadian Football League. The CFL does not have its own video game, I guess it is not a full market for one game. The NHL game sells outside of Canada, but a CFL game would probably not. So this got me thinking.

Why doesn't Madden release 2011 with a great new feature. CFL Mode. Canadian rules (there are many differences (110 yards, 3 downs, wider field, 12 players per side, and even the size of the ball is different). You can include the 8 CFL teams (9 when Ottawa receives their new team), and play a CFL season.

This will improve buyrates in Canada for the game if they market is similarly to the way the WWE markets ECW on their game (In the Keyfabe sense). Americans I bet would also show some interest, increasing the replay value of the game. In the NHL games now, they include the Elite Leagues and the AHL, so why can't Madden include the CFL?
That would be a great idea if Madden tried to tap into the Canadian fanbase. I don't know about recent Madden games but the ones I've played always had NFL Europe teams. The CFL rules aren't that drastically different from NFL rules so I think it would be good to have a CFL mode. If they can't do that, then at least have CFL teams or stadiums.
It all depends on how much work it is. I highly doubt that it would increase the sales at all from NFL fans, but it wouldn't decrease them either. However, it likely would really help in the Canadian market. That market isn't nearly as big as the US one, but if there wasn't that much work involved in putting the CFL into the game, I'm sure they'd do it.

Of course, I'm sure the CFL and NFL would have to come to some kind of agreement or something, which likely wouldn't be a problem. It's not like they are in competition with each other, and the CFL feature would certainly garner some interest in the northern league. I think it's worth a shot, it'd be something different at least.

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