My wrestlemania idea


Pre-Show Stalwart
In my opinion the shane vs undertaker match should go on last as this match story-line wise is the most important in history. If shane wins he gets control of wwe or raw whatever there saying it is and if Undertaker loses he can never wrestle at wrestlemania again. So in my opinion id have Roman vs triple h go on before this match Roman wins big against triple H overcomes all the odds. During the main event taker's in control and reigns comes down outta no were and turns heel with shane and cost the undertaker. Reigns needs to turn heel as the fans arent willing to cheer for him so the sensible thing would be him and Shane turn heel as aswell what else can Shane do as a face after he wins the match nothing so they should both turn heel screw Taker this can lead to vince bring back taker later down the line since shane cheated.

It's not an overly bad idea, given the history that Roman Reigns has with the Authority. Would he team with Shane McMahon to really stick it to Vince and get rid of the Authority once and for all? Yeah, I could see that happening.

But I really don't think there is any way that Taker loses on Sunday night. That said, if you wanted to turn Reigns heel, then screwing The Undertaker out of his career is certainly one massive way to accomplish that. Hell, the heat that would come from that arena would be enough to power a small village for years.

Still, I don't think it'll happen. Reigns versus Hunter will go on last for a start. And I still think that the WWE has some faith in Reigns to be the poster not once Cena hangs up the Jean shorts. No way is he going heel any time soon.
Honestly, with the reactions Reigns gets, I could see something like this happening. Particularly with Shane/Taker being the main event of WM.

Turning Reigns heel makes sense. Only thing I'll say about this is right now, there's no heel in the Shane/Taker match. Taker essentially was, until Vince put his WM Career on the line. Now it's face vs face because everyone wants to see Shane dethrone the Authority and nobody wants to see Taker be banned from Wrestlemania.

If they are going to make it a way where Shane turns heel, it needs to make sense. It needs to be Vince being behind the whole thing to "end" his greatest creation, The Undertaker. It needs to be a story that goes through to next year where Vince/Shane control WWE and Triple H/Stephanie become the faces that balance out the power.

If they are going to have Reigns run in during the Shane/Taker match, it needs to be clear he's there to end Taker. Set up a match for the near future (Summerslam?) between Reigns and Taker. Have Reigns brutally beat down Taker, Shane goes for a pin, and Taker kicks out. Then Reigns hits another Superman Punch, Spear and Shane hits his Coast To Coast while Reigns holds a chair and finishes the match.

Have Vince celebrate with Reigns and Shane to end Wrestlemania, and have RAW the following night be the fallout with Triple H and Steph getting involved.
I am not entirely on board with the pitch. I do agree with the idea on Reigns turning heel but it should come in a double turn during his match with Triple H. The majority want to cheer H while they boo Reigns so it should be an easy goal to accomplish.

As for Reigns getting involved in the Taker/Shane match I'm not necessarily sure it validates him as a heel. The Hell in a Cell match itself warrants extreme measures. I would especially expect an underdog like Shane to pull out all the stops. If the end game is overthrowing The Authority then I say go about it by any means. Reings involvement in that may put him in a favorable light with many fans. Even if they successfully turn both Shane and Reigns we are right back to square one with an overbearing evil authority.

A question for the OP. How would Triple H play into this? Reigns would've taken is title earlier and now threatens his position of power. Seems like H would get heavily involved somehow.
And that's The Undertaker's last match at Wrestlemania ever? You want one of the most decorated Wrestlemania performer and lasting gimmick of The Deadman to end his legacy that way? You think he'd be O.K with that after all this time? I don't. Taker needs to end his career vs John Cena at Wrestlemania. Next year's WM meaning Taker wins, shenanigans or not. If Undertaker loses it really, really stains his legacy losing to a non-wrestler Shane-O-Mac.
And that's The Undertaker's last match at Wrestlemania ever? You want one of the most decorated Wrestlemania performer and lasting gimmick of The Deadman to end his legacy that way? You think he'd be O.K with that after all this time? I don't. Taker needs to end his career vs John Cena at Wrestlemania. Next year's WM meaning Taker wins, shenanigans or not. If Undertaker loses it really, really stains his legacy losing to a non-wrestler Shane-O-Mac.

He doesn't need to retire. "He" can spend time haunting Reigns for what he did. Only leading Reigns and Shane to calling him out and agreeing to a match at some point to get him off their backs. It's pro wrestling, retirements don't stick too often.

To the topic. It all works and makes sense as long as long as Shane is sticking around. It's unclear if he is really back in the WWE fold or just doing his dad a favor since everyone else is hurt.
And that's The Undertaker's last match at Wrestlemania ever? You want one of the most decorated Wrestlemania performer and lasting gimmick of The Deadman to end his legacy that way? You think he'd be O.K with that after all this time? I don't. Taker needs to end his career vs John Cena at Wrestlemania. Next year's WM meaning Taker wins, shenanigans or not. If Undertaker loses it really, really stains his legacy losing to a non-wrestler Shane-O-Mac.

Or you know, Shane can just rehire Undertaker. It's not the first time something like that has happened. And so what if he did? It's wrestling, there is nobody who's unbeatable.

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