Our Savior: A Theo Masterpiece

Theo Mays

Part Time Poster
You wouldn't believe it but this is the first piece that I will actually share with you guys and explain how I created this fine piece of work. Below you will see my newest creation:


Obviously this a sig of our Straightedge Savior, CM Punk. I was bored and I was looking at the PSD at PSD dreams and I came across this Punk on and I thought it would be a nifty picture for a sig, so I went ahead and rolled with it. I first started with a black canvas as my background. Then I took a mixture of brushes (mostly with red and green that I sampled from the flag) and scattered them across. Then I added a outer glow at 100 opacity set at vivid light and the color I glowed was white. Then I added an inner glow with a white color set at 72 opacity with the blending option of hard mix. Instead of keeping it set at the linear glow, I changed it to a descending rolling slope. I then duplicated it (which brought out the outer glow) and set it at Luminosity. Nothing major, just to brighten up the background a bit. Next I blurred Punk a bit, so he fit more with the background. Then I added the text "Our Savior" in the left hand corner. The font I used was Street Blues Trial. I added a shadow and a stroke of white (set at 2px) with the blending option at Soft Light. To finish it off I added a Gradient Overlay (consisting of the green and red from the flag) set as a screen. This made the black from the font into the color it is now and blended the picture of Punk a little bit better. Then I topped it off with a black border and there ya have it. A brand new CM Punk siggy. I'd love to hear some thoughts from you guys and see what you like/dislike about it.
I'll tell ya Theo, there's not much I dislike about it. This is an incredibly terrific signature, one of your best I think. A sig should flow so to speak. Meaning, the text/font, background, and main subject/s should blend well with each other, and I think you did that here. It's obvious that you used a lot of technical PS prowess in this.

Alas, there's not much I can critique. You did a very good job on this sig Theo, and all I can do is praise you as you'll find no criticisms here.

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