Potential to create new TOP Diva


Pre-Show Stalwart
With rumors of AJ leaving WWE will be in need of creating a major player in the Divas Division. I think they have a great opportunity to go in 2 directions.

1st would be having Paige become the sole survivor from her team at Survivor series and the authority picking her up.

2nd would be Nikki Bella winning the Divas Title and she reunites with Stephanie McMahon and becomes the face of the Divas division. I personally like this option better as they can go off the storyline from the last episode of total divas that ended with a possible breakup between Nikki and Cena. Aside from creating the top heel of the Divas division, Nikki being champ will bring contenders that can be built up to be the top Face of the Divas division. I personally think Nattie or Brie would be best options or bring up Charolette from NXT.

What do you guys think?
The Diva's division is a shitfest right now, and I blame that show Total Diva's. I've never watched it but I've heard they carry stories into the ring of feuds that happen on the show.

Which is totally re tarted because only a small section of fans will openly admit that they watch Total Diva's.

If AJ does leave, as JH said on his thread, she hasn't been booked past TLC, then the WWE has a problem. You have Paige the Anti-Diva and Nikki Bella a heel. Yes Brie is still around, I don't see her doing much of anything unless it's to embarrass her sister in some sort of feud, which the WWE seems to think we enjoy.

So the two top Diva's, Paige and Nikki are on the same page (no pun intended). I can't see either on of them turning face, so we need another face Diva and none comes to mind. Charlotte Flair I believe is a heel in NXT, and if they bring her up, hopefully they will leave her in that role. The only other one I can think of is Nattie. But she's all involved with her husband and his move to the main roster. Which is nothing wrong with that.

Oh God this post has made my head hurt thinking about all these Diva's. Usually I go for a smoke when their matches come on, and my son fills me in.
I created the thread discussing the possibility of AJ leaving after I read the story at wrestlinginc.com. If not me, then someone else would've made it later in the day or probably the next. At any rate, even when reading the story, I had my doubts about it being true. There's been some slight speculation in regards to AJ's future in WWE since Punk walked out way back in January, but her career doesn't seem to be in any sort of jeopardy. Whatever sort of frustrations management has had in dealing with Punk obviously hasn't been taken out on AJ as she's still been booked as the top female wrestler on the roster.

In my own opinion, I think she could leave in the next 3 years or so, maybe within the next 2, IF she & Punk decide to have children. By then, AJ will have probably long since done anything worth doing in WWE as a Diva, she'll have probably made a good deal of money, saved it, so there won't really be a whole helluva lot holding her back if she decides she wants a family.

IF she is leaving sometime in the near future, I have a feeling that the next top Diva will ultimately wind up being Charlotte. Even though she's only had a few years' experience, she's come a long way, she's the daughter of arguably the most revered legend in pro wrestling and she's of an age where she MIGHT be viewed as the woman further the evolution of the Divas on the main roster as AJ has. I'm not saying that the Divas have reached a pinnacle of greatness, but the division as a whole has been INFINITELY better over the course of the past 18 months or so than it ever has been, at least in my eyes. The biggest bump in the road has been the Total Divas reality show in that Vince has started having the WWE creative team fashion feuds & storylines on Raw & SD! from the TV show. It's just not really working because the show is filmed months in advance. However, I think there's a chance it could wind up being cancelled because the episodes from this last season haven't been drawing all that well. Prior to this past season, Total Divas generally drew in the 1.3 million range, but the show's been struggling to reach a million viewers. There's still a lot of room for the Divas to grow, though I don't think we'll see the Divas really have the opportunity reach their full potential as viable members of the roster until Vince steps down as CEO.
I'm watching videos on the network from back in 2000 when everything was gold! And seeing that most all divas had a role so when they weren't competing for the title they had roles to keep themselves somewhat relevant. Wwe needs to start partnering the divas with men. Put tamina with the Usos when she returns, Nattie is with Tyson, Nikki with the authority, Alicia fox with new day, Brie with Daniel Bryan. Etc. it would bring so much more interest in them and help them build characters aside from competing for the title.
i hardly beleive nikki wins the title and became top diva and heel diva. Brie as top face and chase the title. if aj leaves then bring bailey to main roster.i agree with divas partnering with wrestlers. So every divas involved in tv shows some reason.
2nd would be Nikki Bella winning the Divas Title and she reunites with Stephanie McMahon and becomes the face of the Divas division.

Regardless of what AJ does, if Nikki doesn't win the diva title tonight, what was the purpose of the sisterly feud? One way or the other, the 30-day "personal assistant" clause ends any day now. What then? Do they simply leave the sisters at odds, with no real program to follow? If that's so, it makes no sense at all.

I would think Nikki wins the belt and the company tries to stimulate the diva division by having her function as the new top diva, with Brie providing constant opposition .....and both gathering other divas to support their positions. The Bella twins were separated from the company for quite some time, and were lured back, obviously with the promise of having their own reality show. To support all that, they might have been promised some featured programs..... including this one I'm proposing. Whether Stephanie McMahon is involved or not will depend on how the Authority fares tonight. If they lose, having Steph on their side might not mean much to the divas.

The divas have functioned as individuals or tag teams. I wonder if Creative could bring the division some drama by forming girl gangs.

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