RESPECT: Roddy Piper

RESPECT: "Rowdy" Roddy Piper

  • Piper was DISRESPECTED by not getting a World Title!

  • Piper was given so much respect, he didn't need a World Title!

  • Piper DOESN'T deserve respect!

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Pre-Show Stalwart
"Rowdy" Roddy Piper. The Legend! Accomplishments: 7 time NWA Americas Tag-Team Champion, 5 time NWA Americas Heavyweight Champion, NWA (SF) United States Heavyweight Champion, 4 time NWA Pacific-Northwest Tag-Team Champion, 2 time NWA Pacific-Northwest Heavyweight Champion, 2 time Mid-Atlantic Television Champion, 2 time Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Champion, 3 time WCW/NWA United States Heavyweight Champion, WWF Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion, and most recently WWE RAW World Tag-Team Champion. 1982 Most Inspirational Wrestler, 1984/1985 Most Hated Wrestler, 1985 Match of the Year (Piper & Paul Orndorff vs. Hulk Hogan & Mr. T), and 1986 Most Popular Wrestler. Piper was also in the Main Event of the first ever WrestleMania. In 2005, he was put into the WWE H.O.F.

The Question: Was "Rowdy" ever shown the proper respect, for a wrestler of his caliber, by NOT getting a World Title in a Major Company?

My Thoughts: NO! Piper was THE MAN in the NWA. Held almost every title you could hold in the NWA. Some may argue that the NWA was a big company, but i say it was not, it was more of a stepping stone (Use the NWA name) for WWE or WCW to start, then to go off on there own and make it big under there own names.

Then he goes to WWE (WWF back then), becomes a HUGE Fan fav, Turns MAJOR HEEL, and fueds with Hulk. He is only one of four men who can ever say, "I was in the Main Event at the First ever WRESTLEMANIA!" Doing all of this, the only title he ever won in the WWE (in his prime) was an IC title, and it took him 8 years to get that title. He was pushed for the Title when he was in a fued with Hulk, but never won the big one! After that small push, he wasn't really given a push again.
Then when he goes over to WCW, again, only wins the US Title, and only holds it for 13 days.

I believe he was truly never pushed right, given the proper respect by him winning a title, or make a story so he can win the title.

This is a lot harder question then on the last thread i posted because of the fact Piper IS in the H.O.F., and put on all the games as a Legend. That aside, I want to know if you think he was disrespect by the Big Companys by not getting the World Title? (Which would have probably made him considered one of the top 3 wrestlers ever)

Stay tuned for more RESPECT threads to come!
Regardless if he won the big one or not, one could argue that Piper could still be considered one of the top 3 wrestlers of all time without a doubt. HOWEVER, I personally would have to consider NWA a major promotion since they have been around for a LONG TIME and has been reborn many times over with WCW & TNA being the two of more recent years and a dismal start of ECW. The NWA title is one of the most prestegious titles of all time with serveral legends being able to lay claim to holding it at one point in time.

One could also say it one of the most recognized titles of all time as well. A title that has not changed as far back as I could ever recall. My Thoughts are NO, he is not underrated as no matter who you ask, old or young, they know of Pipers accomplishments and his contributions to the wrestling world as a whole. He was arguably one of the best mic workers and his in ring abilities complimented it as well.
I don't think Piper was especially under-rated. I love me some Roddy Piper. As we speak, I have a Piper deck sitting in a Smackdown deckbox atop my desk.. but Piper to me was always awesome for just being Piper. Hogan wasn't satisfied unless he was champion, but Piper was just so damned good at just being Piper that the title was this intangible thing that he never really needed to get over. Its pretty amazing that a non-World title holder like the Hot Rod made Hall of Fame, in only semi retirement, and alive. Piper speaks for himself. Just ask him! He'll tell you. In detail. :)
The old NWA wasn't a big name??? That's a whole other issue but you couldn't be more wrong with that statement.

Anyways, Piper. Piper is probably under rated by the company of the WWE, and that's it. The fans love the guy, and his peers, hell look at everything anyone has ever said about the guy.

Piper was the force that made Hulkamania work. Some will say it was Hogan, some will say it was Vince, but it was Piper. A hero is as only good as the villain, and obviously we all know how good Hogan became. Without piper to be the man to light the spark of Hulkamania, Hogan would have been just another very over wrestler.

Piper was one of those guys that didn't need a world title, and probably he didn't want one. I think Hogan said it best, if Piper was in love with the business like Hogan was, then Piper would have been even bigger then what he is, and that's saying a lot coming from Hogan.
My comment on NWA not being a "BIG" compaany is probably being taken wrong.

In MY opinion, I personally can only remember the NWA when it was part of a BIG company (when NWA was partnered with WWF, WCW, TNA) when it was by itself, I can only name a few title holders, Because it doesn't get the light that it gets being part of a "BIG" company. From the time ECW dropped the NWA name, until TNA picked it up (1994-2002) I only know that Sabu held the title in 2000, only because i love Sabu.
But, some great legends did hold the NWA title, Ric Flair, Sting, Harley Race, and many others. But most of the title reigns was when it was part of WWF/WCW. The legend that stands out the most in my eyes to hold the NWA title when it was just part of the NWA, is Lou Thesz.

But my question was not if he was over or under rated ( that is left to my friend IrishCanadian25 and his Overrated-Underrated Threads.) or if I am a dumb a$$ [which i probably am =) ] for stating I don't believe the NWA COMPANY ( not the NWA belt) was a "BIG" company, My question was do you feel, the two MAJOR companines he wrestled for (WWE and WCW) disrespected him, by not giving him a decent push for the title, or making a story for him to get the title? That way he could have held the NWA and WWE or WCW title to his name.
In my opinon Roddy Pipier was given the respect he deserved back in th day even though he wasn't given a world title. Back when Wrestlemania began it was only faces who had the world titles. That's why Piper never got his title when he feuded Hogan for it. Also, after his feud with Hogan he started doing Piper's Pit and so didn't have as much in-ring time to properly develop other feuds. If he was in his prime nowadays he most certainly wouldv'e become a world champ. That's why WWE was using him in a part-time role and gave him a tag title run with Flair, only stopped because he had an injury.

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