Round 3, Mexico - The British Bulldogs vs. The Dudley Boys


  • Bulldogs

  • Dudleys

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Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke

To decide who goes on to face LAX and The Impact Players in the regional final.


Mexico Region
The British Bulldogs - Davey Boy Smith & The Dynamite Kid
The Dudley Boys - Bubba Ray Dudley & D-Von Dudley
I'm going to give this one to the Bulldogs. Why? Because I'm a mark for Dynamite Kid. Nevermind how great Davey Boy Smith was, especially during his younger days. Yeah, the Dudleys have won 9000 different tag titles. I don't really care. The Dudleys were once fan-fucking-tastic, but I haven't found them entertaining in nearly eight years now. Not that the Bulldogs were a picture of longevity and stability, but again, I don't really care. Why? Because I'm going to vote for who I'd like to see win, and which tag teams I prefer. And I'm afraid I'd take Dynamite Kid alone over both of the Dudleys any day of the week. His work with Tiger Mask is better than anything the Dudleys have done in their career. Throw in another legend of the business in Bulldog, and they've got my vote here.
I'm going with the Bulldogs. Not so sure this is as much a vote for the BB as it is against the Dudleys, but whatever.

The BB are faster, more "technical", just as strong as, cooler looking, and much less annoying than the Dudleys. Dynamite Kid and the British Bulldog were great as a tag team and as singles competitors, showing how talented they are as wrestlers.

The Dudleys are rather slow and fat, and are more concerned with yelling about tables than anything. I get the whole "great in ECW, 22 titles stuff", but I don't like them at all and can't see them winning here.

Brits FTW.
I'll say it first then...I'm voting for the Dudleys, and their ludicrous amount of gold and longevity. X says he hasn't found them entertaining in a long time, but he's watching the wrong matches. They've still done well in Japan, when given the chance, and are still among the best in TNA, even if they are facing weaker opponents. They absolutely dominated ECW, and were the guys that put the Hardyz and E&C over in WWE.

I'm not going to argue against the Bulldogs, but I will argue for the Dudleys.
I will make the tide even and vote for the Dudleys here. These guys have been wrestling matches together since forever and have been continously involved with tag teams, especially with each other. They have been around the block and have faced just about every single type of tag team pairing there is to go against to still take them down a peg. They have fought just about everywhere and anywhere who can adapt to any environment.

They have the knowledge, the psychology and the experience that will outperform the best of tag teams, especially a good pairing in the BB. Dudley Boys should pick up the win, but not without a fight.
Supporting the ECW boys whenever I can- my vote goes to the Dudleys. I loved the Bulldogs and the Dynamite Kid is as good as it gets in the ring, but the Dudleys have stood the test of time. They have won more titles than anyone can possibly keep track of in every major wrestling company. If that's not the definition of success, then I don't know what is.
I also had to be an ECW homer and vote for the Dudley Boys, for a couple of reasons, one being because they wrestled in ECW and the Bulldogs didn't. :icon_razz:

Now, I'm not going to lie to you and say that the Dudleys were technically a better tag team than the Bulldogs, because they honestly weren't, but still... the Dudleys have been together so long and have done so much in the business that it's hard to vote against them, especially since they have yet to win this tournament, and the Bulldogs already have.

Kayfabe wise, in a normal match with no stipulations, I can admit that the Bulldogs would most likely rape the Dudleys, but who cares? I don't. The Dudleys just deserve to take this, as far as I'm concerned. There's no explanation anyone could give me to think otherwise.
Actually, The Bulldogs are yet to win the tournament. They have, however, reached the finals twice. I think your point still kinda stands.

I'm going to throw my vote to The Dudleys, too. Actually, wait, am I? Hmm, I am British and I do like to follow the crowd...

We'll see.
At the risk of having drinks thrown at me, and being booed heavily, allow me to ask a logical question here....

What the fuck exactly did the bulldogs ever accomplish? Really though? WWE, I mean? One tag title run? Before the great explosion of amazing tag team depth? Well. Whoopty fuck on that one. British Bulldog, a legend? How so? For having excellent matches with Brett Fucking Hart, who carried him like Forest Gump carrying Bubba out of vietnam? Seriously? No, British Bulldog was shit, if we are being honest with ourselves. Dynamite was a beast, but if your looking for main stream success at the highest level possible, you had better bring a fucking forensics kit, becuase its gonna be a tough search.

On the other hand, The Dudleys are like, one thousand time tag champs. Changed the buisness forever in two seperate federations. Had awesome theme music. Swank team finisher. All ive ever seen the Bulldogs be are entertaining losers, and that what they will be here. Dudleys, for me.
Boy oh boy. I'm not a big fan of the Dudleyz and the Bulldogs have a great reputation here on the forum, making it to 2 finals appearances in this tourney. But something tells me inside that the Dudleyz would win this match. They are a little messed up in the head and they have loads of gold to back them up. And whilst I think they are overrated, I think they are ever so slightly better than the Bulldogs. Yes the Bulldogs could wrestle circles around them, but the Dudleyz can stand toe to toe with any tag team you stick in front of them. So Bubba Ray and D'von get my vote here.
I have to go with ECWs very own the Dudleys! they have held every tag title ever created and are one of the best tag teams in the world. I'm a big fan so I have to go with them on this one. they made there mark on wrestling way more then the bulldogs do not get me wrong i love the british bulldogs but the dudleys get my vote here.
The Bulldogs are my favorite tag team of all time. They don't need tables, thick glasses, a WAZZAP Drop, or 19,000 championships to be known as one of the greatest tag teams to ever enter a ring. The Bulldogs' teamwork was second to none and their matches were like poetry. The Dudleys are brutal, heartless, and dominant, but they've never faced a team that is on the technical and teamwork level as the Bulldogs.

I just can't vote against the Brits here... Bulldogs FTW.
Let's say the Dudleys have won 20 tag titles. I know it's close to that at least. That's very impressive. What it tells me is that they've also lost 20 big title matches. They're very up and down throughout their history and that's hard to debate. They were indeed one of the most entertaining tag teams ever, but they got over based on three things: 3D, tables, and 3Ds through tables. That's not enough to put over a tremendous combination of speed and power.
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