Should Roman Reigns be the next Paul Heyman Guy

I say No, because Reigns seems to be good enough on the mic by himself. Unless Heyman is going to align himself with the Shield as a whole to reform a stable then let's see if Reigns can run on his own.
Being a "Paul Heyman Guy" did nothing for Ryback or Curtis Axel. I assume it would do even less for Roman Reigns, who has showed the ability to talk already.
No. That would be a mistake. Putting anybody with Paul Heyman doesn't instantly make them a big star. Ryback and Curtis Axel are proof of that.
From what I have seen so far from his promos, Reigns has decent mic-skills.
(One of his promos :

WWE should give Roman Reigns the Batista push. Split him from the Shield, let him win the Rumble next year then beat a top guy like Cena or Orton etc for the title at Wrestlemania to solidify him as the next top guy.
Completely agree,He just hadn't had much time to talk on the mic.If he is going to be "The Guy" he will need to work on his own.Did The Rock or Hogan or Austin or Cena need someone to hold their hands.No,Reigns got a great move-set,from what I seen in that video all he needs is time on the mic.
People need to stop forcing every wrestler they think should be pushed to be an automatic "Paul Heyman guy." Of all the things I loved about Punk, this saying is the one thing I truly hate about that pipe bomb because now everyone uses it for every wrestler who isn't getting a fan reaction.

Reigns doesn't need a mouth. He has one, but he hasn't been able to use it much. When given the chance to talk, he's good. No he's not great, but he hasn't had the time to really hone this part of his character.

You think Rock was a natural on the mic? His Maivia promos were terrible.

The more you allow a wrestler to talk, the better they get and the more comfortable they get. Reigns will be fine once he breaks off from the Shield.
The more you allow a wrestler to talk, the better they get and the more comfortable they get.

Re-phrase that to anyone in the world who has to speak at any point. Heck, I am a very quiet person, but due to being in a group where it is required I speak more, the more practise I get the more comfortable I get.

I think in time, Roman Reigns will also develop a style that works given that he has been getting more and more regular mic time since his push began. Before, he was a silent Muscle type of the group.
Yeah, do it. What can go wrong?

Reigns needs a mouthpiece & technically, Ambrose has been that since The Shield started. Reigns is pretty fucking impressive in the middle of the ring, but his talking isn't so great. Putting him with Heyman makes the words said while he's in the ring as vicious as his actions. I think that after CM Punk/Lesnar, Reigns is the way to go now.
It'll be nice to get Heyman back on TV & I think he could make Reigns the WWEWHC with his backup. This would be a perfect idea.
Yeah, do it. What can go wrong?

Reigns needs a mouthpiece & technically, Ambrose has been that since The Shield started. Reigns is pretty fucking impressive in the middle of the ring, but his talking isn't so great. Putting him with Heyman makes the words said while he's in the ring as vicious as his actions. I think that after CM Punk/Lesnar, Reigns is the way to go now.
It'll be nice to get Heyman back on TV & I think he could make Reigns the WWEWHC with his backup. This would be a perfect idea.

He doesn't need a mouthpiece.

As mentioned before, the guy wasn't brought in to be an eclectic talker. He was brought in as the muscle, because he has the look. Go back to when Kane made his debut. He wasn't brought in to be a talker, he was brought in to be the big red machine. Doesn't mean Glenn Jacobs had no mic skills. On the contrary, he's pretty damn good.

I'm not comparing Reigns and his mic skills to anyone in particular. I'm just saying I think he's being a little underestimated. He'll get better with experience. But at the same time, he's not bad, at all. Put in a position where he needs to talk more, I believe he'll be fine. With The Shield, he wasn't really in that position. It's stereotypical for the muscle of any group to not be a big talker. It worked for The Shield, but now he's talking more you can see how much he's improved. Also mentioned before, he cut some pretty good promos in NXT already.

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