Something I'd like to happen


Pre-Show Stalwart
I was just thinking since Morrison is out of the title picture and he needs a good fued to keep his push alive why not have him fued with a returning y2j!!
now if you're just gonna say that we dont even know if y2j is coming back don't bother replying because i get that, i know it isn't set in stone.

but alot of people think he should be in a singles match at wrestlemania to help keep him over so why not vs the best in the world at what he does?
they can put on a great match, y2j has no problem putting him over (although i wouldn't care who won) and they even had good chemistry in that backstage promo after jomo beat him to cost him his spot in the six pack challenge.

basically i wanna know if you guys would like to see Y2j vs jomo at mania if chris actually returns and if jomo has nothing else to do

please discuss
y2j is going to TNA iMPACT broski. I'll put monies on it. he's just waiting around for a good excuse. plus no one cares what you would like to see. a better feud would be jomo n evan bourne man. imagine those matches.
look i enjoy tna but why would jericho go to tna when he would be welcome back with open arms in the wwe?

anyway just like in another thread about jericho facing miz, jericho is 1 of the greatest wrestlers around. any feud involving him would be good. he would be perfect to finally put over morrison or miz or any young gun in the wwe really.

anything involving jericho = gold
I would LOVE to see it I've been wanting to see them fued since their match on Raw

and to guy who said Chris was going to TNA:lol: Thats stupid Chris is WWE why would he want to go back to a place Hogan, Biscoff, and Russo are when they are the main reason he wasnt Big in WCW like he should of
y2j is going to TNA iMPACT broski. I'll put monies on it. he's just waiting around for a good excuse. plus no one cares what you would like to see. a better feud would be jomo n evan bourne man. imagine those matches.

You're just trolling, right? Please just tell me that you're just trying to piss people off and you don't actually believe that. I can tell by your avatar that you're a TNA mark, but dude, you seriously can't believe that story. Y2J would probably wrestle for ROH or in Japan again before he goes to TNA. Not only is he an accomplished enough wrestler that WWE would pay him probably three times as much as TNA ever could or even would want to, but the man isn't at a stage in his career where he needs to step down to a company like TNA. Not to mention, the man kind of hates everything about his time in WCW, and that's pretty much who's running TNA, now. Vince Russo, Eric Bischoff, Hulk Hogan...he's pretty much outspoken about thinking these guys are assholes. Also, tell me why Y2J would need an, "excuse," to go to TNA and why would it even need to be a good one? You're pretty much admitting that TNA would be a huge step down for him by saying that he'd need a reason to go other than, "I just want to," in order for people not to call him a colossal moron. Also, why would he tarnish his, "WWE legacy," by just randomly, for absolutely no reason, leave for a lesser company that is a joke in the business to everyone other than TNA fans and the fucking Hardy Boys.
Again, what you have said is stupid beyond all reasoning. Do you even follow wrestling? I mean Jesus...that's one of the worst ideas I've heard anyone admit to believing in a while, at least when it comes to wrestling. I'll tell you what, I'll put a bet down with you. If Y2J ever leaves for TNA before making another WWE appearance, I'll change my name on the forums to whatever you want them to be and I'll declare TNA's current product better than the Attitude Era.
It doesn't matter what the stakes are, because it's not going to fucking happen.

As for the actual topic being discussed here, I agree that a feud with Y2J would be pretty cool for Jo Mo. I mean, they could probably put on some more good matches, and I think Jericho could teach Jo Mo a lot about being a smug asshole...and I mean a likable one. lol.
y2j is going to TNA iMPACT broski. I'll put monies on it. he's just waiting around for a good excuse. plus no one cares what you would like to see. a better feud would be jomo n evan bourne man. imagine those matches.

It's just like a tna mark to actually think y2j will go to impact; and that a feud with nothing but high spots (morrison vs bourne) would be amazing (one match would be enough, neither of them have the mic skills to carry on a feud, especially with each other).

Back to topic. Not a bad idea. But if Jericho returned he would be in a higher feud than with Morrison. Imagine Jericho taking on the man who's basically took over his latest gimmick, The Miz. That's more realistic. But a JoMo/Jericho feud wouldn't be a bad thing. Just not Mania worthy quite yet.
If/when Jericho comes back I would assume he'd want to get revenge on the person who put him out of action... Randy Orton. That's what would make most sense storyline wise.
If/when Jericho comes back I would assume he'd want to get revenge on the person who put him out of action... Randy Orton. That's what would make most sense storyline wise.

Agreed. Would love to see Y2J come back and cost Orton his match against The Miz at the Rumble, that would get the feud kickstarted.

However, whether or not this is possible with his schedule, i think something along the lines of Y2J costing Orton a match will be how Jericho returns.
Jomo v Y2j would be great mania match he help jomo get over post mania.... I really want jomo to win the strap this year sumtime i defs think he deserves reminds me of a 2k11 HBK.....
not a bad idea jericho and jomo could have some classic matches and he will put him over in every match, wouldn't mind them going at it in wrestlemania i think they could steal the show
Y2J vs JoMo would be a great match at WM. Then again, Y2J would have a great match with pretty much anyone. I could see him facing Orton at WM (Cena vs Punk, but I have no idea who'd face Miz then?), but having him put JoMo over would really work too. Can't go wrong.
Well... it's a good idea. Both JoMo and Jericho are great in-ring performers and the matches would be great. They have great chemistry as we saw in earlier matches and promos. Speaking of promos, JoMo could improve his mic skills being around the talkitive Jericho. But there are 2 problems:

1) We don't know if Jericho is returning. I know you have banned saying this but there's no word or even a rumour that y2j is returning. So...

2) Even if y2j returns, why will he face a John Morrison (who did nothing but beat him twice) at WrestleMania?? Doesn't make sense. If Jericho returns at all, he'll go after Orton for kicking him in the head.
yeah everyone here is pretty much right lol
Jericho would work magic with anyone but i'm just saying jomo could use it the most
and lol to the dude who said he would teach him how to be a smug asshole, y2j is such a great asshole haha
but yeah i think we all cn agree if y2j comes back, his mania match will be a classic

but seriously dude? y2j is bigger than tna why would he go there?

i know he should go after orton but if the orton vs punk and cena vs miz are set in stone like ive heard on here then that wouldn't that be the next best thing?

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