Staff - Another List of Changes (Part 1)


Excellence of Execution
Okay, here are a few more things that will be changing here at WZ. Many of these are based around the suggestions made in the thread which you give your suggestions. Please note, this is just Part 1, as there are still many Staff members who haven't given any suggestions yet. There's no guarantee there will be a Part 2, but I'm leaving the door open on it. Anyways, here are new changes.

1. Flaming is going to be redefined. - It will stay the same in our rules, but here is how I expect all moderators to treat flaming.

Little comments like "moron, dumbass, etc." are no longer grounds for Discipline. Words like ******, queer, etc. fall under Prejudiced Remarks. Calling someone a lying dumbass stupid mother fucker is allowed. Flaming through Reputation and Flaming through PM is now allowed. If someone has a problem with it, they need to put that person who is doing the flaming on Ignore.

As far as what DOES violate our Flaming rules? Very little, really. Use your best judgment. If a post is nothing but a flame attack, then it's subject to Discipline. If it's just one line amongst 200 sentences, it's not. Basically, Flaming will now be punished more along the lines of how MUCH flaming has occurred, not the simple fact it occurred at all. If you are unsure, or if you don't like people flaming in your section, you have my permission to simply delete the offending comments.

2. WZCW will be getting its own section, like Wrestling Non-Spam and Non-Wrestling Non-Spam has. - I agree with Phoenix and Ty in the forum recommendations thread; there's no reason for WZCW to be at the very bottom of the forum. So, starting as soon as I get an opportunity, WZCW will have its own section, in a place I haven't quite decided yet.

3. The Bar Room, in its current form, will cease to exist. - The Bar Room will now become a "General Discussion" forum, in which spam is allowed, but all the other forum rules will apply. No more confusion and "it's the Bar Room" talk...all confusion is now settled. I am looking for a good name for this forum. Also, and this one's for you Lee, there will be no wrestling discussion.

4. The Bar Room, however, will make it's return. It will be a no-holds barred forum. There will be NO rules, including comments of a Prejudiced nature. Anything goes, anything can be said. However, it's not quite true there will be no rules, as there will be two: 1) No Pornography (it's a legal issue, sorry pervs), and 2) Anything that happens in the Bar Room, stays in the Bar Room. There will be no carrying feuds into the open forums.

I will password protect this forum, and list the password in the forum description. This way, anyone who does not want to see what's going on, won't have to. Anyone who reads what happens in the new Bar Room, does so of their own accord. This has been something I've wanted to do for a while, and so I am.

5. VBookies are taking a sabbatical. - Right now, there's no point to them, and interest just doesn't seem to be there. Perhaps in the future it may be brought back, but for now, it will be gone. I haven't decided if I'm going to delete the forum, or just hide it, but it won't be available for posting. I would like opinions on whether it should be deleted or just hidden.

6. Infraction for Posting Threads in Wrong Forum will be added. - This is mostly for the Wrestling moderators, although we could name it the Derf Rule. Anyways, if a thread is in the wrong section of the forum and it has to be moved, you can now give Discipline for that. HOWEVER, PLEASE USE THIS SPARINGLY, AND ONLY WHEN A THREAD IS ENTIRELY IN THE WRONG FORUM! ALWAYS GIVE THE POSTER THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT!

Hopefully, the shouting is understood. Basically, don't go looking for threads in the wrong forum, but if you see a thread about Harley Race in the NXT forum, then hit them up with some discipline. PLEASE GIVE AT LEAST ONE WARNING FIRST!

I understand these are some pretty big changes, but I think they are all for the better, and will give the majority of our posters a better posting experience. Feel free to post your support or criticisms in this thread.

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