

Most Surreptitious Poster
I was thinking of starting a thread on the subject of tattoos. Just a simple one where posters can bullshit about their ink, what they wanna get, look for a designer, and post pics of their current ones. Also, there could be discussion on society's views of tattoos and such.

I just don't see an appropriate section to place it in. There should be a forum section on art altogether, which could encompass tattoos, painting, drawing, etc. There, posters could discuss art and all that stuff. It could be like the "Digital Arts" section, only with a different medium (canvas, paper, etc.)

Just a personal query on why there is no general Art section, and where I could post my Tattoos thread. Any help would be awesome, and my meager offering of rep will be included...
Dude, there's at least 50 threads dedicated to ink in the Bar Room. I mean, at least one new one every week. Are these not good enough?
They do tend to fade away, after NorCal comes in and makes us all feel like little bitches for not having as many as he.:lmao:
Hmm, I try to frequent the Bar, maybe not as much as I should....but I have never seen a thread about them. Not since I have been a member. Perhaps I am not looking hard enough, but I'm not going to dig through 51 pages of threads to find them.

I just think a centralized section would be easier for posters to find, and discuss art. I have a lot of interests, and most of them are covered here in the forums: metal, movies, sports, etc. But not art. Hopefully I'm not alone...but if I'm incorrect then then point me in the right direction please.
Thanks Matt...sorry Armbar...

Let's be realistic long do threads last in the Bar Room though? Not long from what I have seen. That's why we need a section. Please tell me I'm not alone in this.
Who would have an interest in a section or subforum with a Creative Art theme to it including such topics as Drawing, Painting, Sculpting, Ink, Literature, Drama, etc.?

Let us know. Always anxious for feedback and suggestions on things you guys may want to see.

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