The Austrian law system.


Master of the Aussie kiss
Everybody knows about the court case going on over there where the father held his kid hostage and rapped her for years.

The Question I'm asking is do you think its right to only sentance you for the biggest crime you commited?

This guy, if found guilty of all charges, is only looking at a life sentance. because murder is the biggest felony out of the lot and lasts for what 2 - 30 years? so for doing all that he did, Rape, hostage, incest, murder and what ever it was, he is really only getting punished for murder. is that right? should that be the case or should it be just like every where else in the world that for a crime that big, he would be locked away and have the key go missing.

Personally i think its crap. if you do serious things, you should be punished for them all. not just think that its enough to get punished for one. if your stupid enough to break multiple Laws then you should be punished for them all. they might not think its fair, but life isnt fair.

If Australia, was like that there would be thousands of people that should still be in jail walking around today.

like Martin Byrant, he killed over 25 people and got 30 years for each person he killed. but over there, he would of only been charged for one. wich means he would be allowed out in 15 years. Fuck I'm glad I don't live in Austria.
I'm with you, that is bullshit. For example, here in the States, if you're on trial for more than one crime, and are convicted your sentence is usually served consecutively. Take someone who murders, rapes, burgles, and defiles a corpse. In the States, they would (ideally) serve 2 life sentences, and then roughly another 20 years, back to back. Apparently in Austria the bastard would serve maybe, 15 years? That's just bizzarre if you ask me. Oh, and yes, they should just lock the guy up in Austria, and forget where they put the key.
Yeah, they have that thing were the sentences run alongside each other. He's been charged wih 3000 counts of rape against his daughter - yet with sentences running together it'll be like he's only done it once.

It's bullshit - the guy should be locked away forever. Yet he could be out in 6 and a half years if found guilty of raping someone 3000 times. If you rape someone once, it doesn't really matter how many times you do it after that as you'll only be punished for one - not much of a deterrant.

The guy will be safer behind bars - he won't last a week if he's let out. I, personally, will laugh, but it'll be sad that people have to take things into their own hands to get justice.
The only thing about this I find stupid, is how anyone could possibly want him punished worse. Don't get me wrong, He deserves some type of the worst possible punishment.. but he can only end up having "one" overall. It's not like you can sentence him to like 3 consecutive death sentences, like some people get here in the States. How the fuck does that even work?! You can't possibly kill someone, bring them back and kill them again. So what's the overall point of having that ruling??

And in the end, Murder is technically a more serious violation of the law than say, rape, incest, or holding someone hostage. Why? Because murder is fatal. You can't recover in at least some form or fashion from it.

Sure, being raped or violated by a Family member is going to fuck you up for life, and you'll likely never lead a normal life from that point on.. but you'll still be alive, for better or worse. So murder is clearly the most serious violation of the law in this situation. No way around that.
It's not like you can sentence him to like 3 consecutive death sentences, like some people get here in the States. How the fuck does that even work?! You can't possibly kill someone, bring them back and kill them again. So what's the overall point of having that ruling??

The Lethal Injection is one of those things that sort of allows for that to occur because despite not actually dying within the first two times the drugs used to prevent the death are even worse than the injection itself.

As for this, I'm of the opinion we can get some use of World of Warcraft for the betterment of society, use it for the death sentence, minimal food, plus the addictive nature of WoW means that they will kill themselves and it requires less resources than any other form of death sentence. As for the only serving one prison term that is wrong and will probably get changed as soon as this trial is over.
The thing people have to remember in cases like these is that the legal system is fa more complicated than the law, media and general public make it seem. Joseph Fritzl will never get out ofprison, and will probably hang himself as soon as he's taken off suicide watch.

Judges have in their power to do pretty much whatever they want, and Fritzl will never get out of prision. Take someone like Peter "The Yorkshire Ripper" Sutcliffe. He went to jail for mass rape and murder, and he will never get out. If judges want it to happen, life means life. Again, look at the Kray twins. They were only charged with a single murder, but because everyone knew how bad they were, they never got out of jail.

If you have a consecutive sentence thing, you can run into some serious trouble with the proportionality of crimes. The typical served sentence for murder is about 15 years. In a normal fraud case, the person will have usually comitted 20-30 different counts of fraud if they have conned a company out of say, £500,000. If each carries the typical sentence of about 3 years, then you will end up with people who have conned an insurance company spending four times as long behind bars as someone who has murdered in cold blood.

Admittedly, the technical details of the case are going to seem unsatisfactory, but rest assured, no judge or politician will ever let themselves be seen as the man who let Fritzl out of jail early. He is a 72 year old man, and there is no way that he would survive a 30 year sentence anyway, but even if he could, they'd find another way to keep him behind bars.
I've only briefly looked into the Fritzl case; all I am aware of is that he has, today, decided to plead guilty to all charges brought against him. Dragonslayer, when he comes on next, should be able to give us more insight into this case, as he is studying to be a lawyer in Austria.

Anyway, I wouldn't worry about Fritzl ever being released. I am positive that he will be locked up in some psychiatric ward for the rest of his life.
It's not the same in Portugal. For example, if you commit murder and rape, you will be charged by both, but there is a limit of 25 years in prison, but, it's the same to the law if you killed 10 or killed one person, it doesn't make sense, altough I'm against death penalty, I believed they shouldn't have a 25 years limit, it should be like 50 or 75 years, it would be a lot more, if someone does a crime and go 25 years to prison if he is 20, he will be out at 45 years old, and it's probably able to do it again...

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