"The Boss"

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Kenny Powers

Bulletproof Tiger
Bobby Lashley made his PPV in ring debut last night at No Surrender against Rhino. Lashley won the match in a few minutes with a knockout punch to Rhino. I was skeptical but open minded at first, but after the Dixie Carter ******... I mean interview and that mediocre match last night I see nothing special about Lashley. I never thought he was anything to brag about when he was in WWE.

He's enormous in size but that's about it. There isn't any real ring ability or charisma. You can tell that Lashley is only in TNA temporarily until he gets his phone call from UFC, which will never happen. I saw huge potential in Lashley but last night he didn't show anything special to me or the fans. His debut was lackluster and the fans could tell. TNA can try to push him to the moon but ultimately the audience doesn't care. That match was like watching Lesnar and Goldberg at WM 20.

At least Rhino showed some intensity in the ring and with his promos. I don't see why TNA has to promote MMA so much with Frank Trigg and now Lashley and even Tara? There may be wrestling fans who are fans of MMA, but the majority of fans in MMA could care less about wrestling.

I just think TNA should sit back and think if Lashley is even worth the hassle they are putting into him. What do you think? Is Lashley going to be another failed attempt or can TNA do something with him? That is if Lashley even cares about wrestling in the first place.
I like his name though, ''The Boss''. It's something special, it's like TNA staff have been making wrestlers on Smackdown vs. Raw 2009.

Lashley would've been a great signing if he was going to dedicate himself to TNA. But like you said, he's only in TNA until UFC give him a call. I think it's actually pretty pointless having him on the roster. He doesn't have much name value and he's a main event waiting to not turn up, like often happens in TNA.
I think "The Boss" is an incredibly stupid nickname. Maybe he is called that because Dixie Carter always wanted to be a pro wrestler, but wasn't good enough, so she is trying to live out her dreams through Lashley much like a parent does with their child. It wouldn't surprise me.

As for Lashley, didn't actually watch the PPV, but I'm sure I didn't miss much. There is literally nothing at all that is special about him, not one thing. Except for his incredibly small head, I guess. The whole MMA thing is just dumb. Not sure why TNA is so in love with the fact that he's an MMA wrestler, even going as far as to make his finisher a punch. He isn't a very popular or good MMA fighther, so TNA isn't really gaining much by featuring him in like every commercial and promoting at his fights, which I think Dixie said they were going to do.

Furthermore, if he does make it big into the UFC, which I doubt is going to happen, there is no way Lashley would be allowed to stay with TNA, so there is really no point. I hope he gets knocked out in his next fight and subsequently released by TNA, that would make my day.
Never liked Lashly, probably wont anyway. That said I did happen to catch the overall lackluster PPV and saw that pitiful match. I wasn't into the match before it even started since Rhynos promo before the match they referred Lashly to being "possibly one of the greatest MMA fighters" so from there I was hoping he got dropped and left TNA. Lashly will just get lost in the card every Impact, he doesn't fit in anywhere. He can't cut a promo his in ring sucks, so whats the point? Keep him around because he's a big dude with mediocre MMA ability (like I said cannot wait to see him get rocked)?

He doesn't give a shit about TNA, if he gets that phone call he'll be gone asap.

Drop him I say
It seems to me that all they are trying to do is 2 things with Lashley:
1) Something about using former WWE talent and thinking they will bring them to the next level. Problem is with that (and WCW proved this with bret hart and many others) is its not the talent you have its how you use it.
2) They are trying to make him the next Brock Lesnar in alot of ways. Problem with that is he doesn't have what lesnar has, he's not as big as Lesnar, he doesn't have the personality of Lesnar, and frankly he has the charisma of drywall. He has no personality where Lesnar is oozing of it especially since he went to the UFC.
Unfortunately for Lashley he should get ready for a mediocre career in TNA and to be honest I have this funny feeling he will be beating AJ for the title very soon (God I Hope I'm wrong on that) and Lashley isn't the guy who should be champ. TNA has a serious problem of pushing guys no one cares about. Most of all, Lashley want to be in the MMA world and wrestling will take a back seat to that, he doesn't care enough about making an impact for TNA (no pun intended) he's there for the paycheck, MMA is his real love not wrestling (if that wasn't true he would still be in WWE today).
Bobbly Lashley has the size for sure but his mic skills werent too good when he left the WWE and still doesn't hasn't shown much progress. If he did indeed dedicate himself to TNA, I'd see him be pushed to the moon and not this crap.
Don't understand how anyone can say his in ring sucks. His style was always eerily similar to Brock Lesnar. Size, amazing strength, athleticism, big impact moves, speed, agility.....no clue how he sucks but I guess everyone has their own opinion on ring skills.

If you want to judge a performer solely on mic skills, that's your perogative, but again, definitely does not have bad ring skills, especially when judged for soemone his size.
Back when he was on Smackdown I was indifferent to him then they acted like he was the greatest thing ever when he moved to ECW and all he seemed to prove is that he was basically a Lesner rip-off but, in my opinion, he is worse that Brock. I was happy when him and WWE parted ways, now he is in TNA and they are acting like Lashley is awesome when, I would say, he is only above average in ring, sucks on the mic and has next to no charisma. I hope that he is gone soon.
Well, I suppose "The Boss" is a mild step up from "The Thunder God", but I still can't say that I am particularly impressed with it. It sounds so incredibly generic in this day and age.

Why does the guy even NEED a nickname, TNA? Just call him Bobby Lashley.
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When Bobby first debuted I was impressed with his musculature and I had heard some pretty good things about this "Blaster" Lashley kid in OVW and I wanted to get excited about him, tried to get excited about him, but just couldn't. A lot of that has to do with his lack of charisma (and a little bit to do with the fact that he has the body of a monster, but the face of a 9 year old).

CKDaimen said:
Don't understand how anyone can say his in ring sucks. His style was always eerily similar to Brock Lesnar. Size, amazing strength, athleticism, big impact moves, speed, agility.....no clue how he sucks but I guess everyone has their own opinion on ring skills.

Yeah, I agree with this one. He's not some technical master, but he's solid and utilizes his skill set effectively. It's just the fact that he can't seem to really project a strong personality and for a guy to truly excel in this business he needs to be able to do that. Bulging biceps and hulking pectorals look great, but they're not enough to make people care about you. That's why I hate the nickname "The Boss." One of the biggest knocks against Lashley is that he's a bit of a bore, so TNA decides the best course of action is to give him a boring nickname. Whatever.

As far as TNA turning him into something special, I just don't see it happening. You can count me as one of those people who thinks Lashley's heart lies closer to the MMA world at this point. However, I suppose I should hold my criticisms off until he works some actual programs and not this match with Rhino that everyone knew Rhino would lose. Who knows, maybe Lashley will surprise us and really improve his stick work and really dedicate himself to making his time in TNA special. I'm not holding my breath though.
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